The Nautilus Institute

Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network
For Monday, January 27, 1997, from Berkeley, California, USA

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In today's Report:

I. United States

II. Republic of Korea III. Russian Federation

I. United States

1. Four-Party Talks Briefing Delay

The Associated Press ("NORTH KOREA SEEKS DELAY IN TALKS," Washington, 1/27/97) reported that the US State Department said Monday that the DPRK has postponed by one week the scheduled briefing by US and ROK officials on the four-party peace talks proposal. US State Department Spokesman Nicholas Burns said the planned meeting, whose venue is now set for New York, was being postponed from January 29 to February 5. Burns said the DPRK sought the postponement in order to conclude negotiations with Western firms on grain imports, and that he considered the DPRK explanation to be "satisfactory." The negotiations apparently involve Cargill Inc., a commodities trading firm, which received Clinton administration approval a month ago to sell up to 500,000 metric tons of wheat or rice to the DPRK. [Ed. note: Please see the related item in the ROK section, below.]

2. DPRK-Taiwan Nuclear Waste Deal

United Press International ("TAIWAN DUMPING SPARKS S.KOREA PROTESTS," Seoul, 1/25/97) reported that after Taiwan's economy ministry said Thursday it will not block the shipment of some 60,000 barrels of low-level radioactive waste to the DPRK despite ROK objections, ROK demonstrators burned an effigy of Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui in angry protest. The Korea Federation for the Environmental Movement (KFEM) protested Saturday outside Taipei's representative office in Seoul as other groups vowed to launch similar campaigns. Spokeswoman Kim Hae-jung said, "Normally, it takes five to ten years to set up a safe storage for nuclear waste. North Korea plans to bury it in abandoned mines within two years." Lee Jae-in, spokesman for the association of Asia-Pacific Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations, said members plan to meet with counterparts from 17 other Asian countries to discuss the Taiwanese plan. The grassroots protests parallel the ROK government's diplomatic campaign to convince Taiwan to block the deal between the state-run Taiwan Power Corp. and a DPRK trading company. On Friday, ROK Deputy Foreign Minister Song Young-shik on Friday requested to Taiwan's representative in Seoul, Lin Tsun-hsien, that the plan be blocked. "We will make diplomatic efforts to induce Taiwan to come to such a conclusion," said Foreign Minister Yoo Chong-ha.

3. ROK-DPRK Relations

The AP-Dow Jones News Service ("S.KOREA RED CROSS TO SEND $305,000 OF FLOUR TO NORTH IN FEB," Seoul, 1/27/97) reported that the ROK Red Cross Society said Monday it will send US$305,000 worth of flour to the DPRK next month, in addition to the US$153,000 worth of food, winter socks and other goods it plans to send next week. International aid officials have predicted that the DPRK will have a shortfall of at least 2 million tons of grain, or 40% of the volume needed to feed the 24 million population. The resumption of aid by the ROK Red Cross Society follows the DPRK statement of regret for the submarine infiltration last September.

4. ROK-Japan Relations

The Associated Press ("JAPANESE OFFICIAL APOLOGIZES," Tokyo, 1/27/97) and Reuters ("JAPAN SPOKESMAN APOLOGIZES FOR REMARKS," Tokyo, 1/27/97) reported that Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Seiroku Kajiyama, the country's top government spokesman, apologized Monday for angering Koreans by saying Japan's use of women as sex slaves during World War II was justified under the mores of the times. Kajiyama was quoted Friday by the Japanese media as saying women sent to front-line brothels were simply trying to make money and were no different from Japanese prostitutes who were operating legally in Japan at the time. The ill-timed comments cast a shadow over the weekend summit talks between Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and ROK President Kim Young-sam. Hashimoto had to start his talks with Kim by apologizing for the remarks. "I deeply apologize that my remarks have caused some unpleasantness at the Japan-South Korean summit, and misunderstanding among the South Korean people," said Kajiyama, who in 1990 was forced to resign as justice minister after comparing blacks in the US to prostitutes who come in and ruin a neighborhood. Kajiyama did not, however, retract his latest comments, and on Monday Hashimoto appeared to roll back his Saturday apology to Kim, telling reporters the spokesman had simply "explained the social background that in Japan in those days there was an authorized prostitution system." Hashimoto's ruling conservative Liberal Democratic Party contains a large nationalist faction which has fought to keep references to the sex slaves and other atrocities by the Japanese military out of school textbooks.

5. ROK Labor Law Resistance

The Associated Press ("THOUSANDS RALLY IN SOUTH KOREA," Seoul, 1/26/97) reported that the ROK's two rival labor groups joined forces for the first time Sunday at rallies calling for the repeal of the labor law that sparked three weeks of nationwide protests. "Our fight has won a new friendly force," said Kwon Young-gil, head of the outlawed Korean Confederation of Trade Unions, which spurred the nationwide protests. "Our goal is one and the same: repeal of the evil law," said Park In-sang, head of the government-sanctioned Confederation of Korean Trade Unions. Organizers said that about 300,000 workers and supporters turned out for the rallies in some fourteen cities throughout the country, including 70,000 in Seoul, to advocate the labor law's repeal.

II. Republic of Korea

1. Four-Party Talks Briefing Delay

The DPRK has postponed the four-way peace talks briefing from January 29 to February 5. A ROK official announced that a DPRK representative to the UN informed the Korea desk at the US State Department that the DPRK wished to postpone the briefing. Although it is not sure of the reason for this abrupt postponement, the ROK government suspects that the DPRK is trying to buy time to realign their position and possibly use it as leverage to demand economic concessions in negotiations (Chosun Ilbo, "DPRK PROPOSES TO POSTPONE THE FOUR-WAY PEACE TALKS BRIEFING BY A WEEK," Seoul, 01/27/97). [Ed. note: Please see the related item in the US section, above.]

2. KEDO Representative Visits ROK

Stephen Bosworth, executive director of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO), was due to arrive in Seoul Monday to discuss pending issues concerning the provision of light-water nuclear reactors to the DPRK. Bosworth will discuss cost-sharing for the project, the dispatch of a site survey team to the DPRK, and the signing of other protocols for the project with director Chang Sun-sup of the ROK Office of Planning for the Light-Water Reactor Project. Bosworth will also meet with ROK Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of National Unification Kwon O-kie and Foreign Minister Yoo Chong-ha. Meanwhile, KEDO is expected to send a seventh site survey team to the DPRK around the end of February. About 15 tons of drilling machinery needed for the month-long survey is expected to leave for Sinpo, DPRK around February 10. A working-level group of KEDO officials will also enter the DPRK at this time. They will negotiate with DPRK officials the specifics for groundbreaking, such as communications, transportation, use of electricity, and other infrastructure (The Korea Herald, "KEDO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DUE FOR TALKS IN SEOUL TODAY," Seoul, 01/27/97).

3. ROK-Japan Summit Meeting

ROK President Kim Young-sam returned to the ROK on Sunday after winding up his two-day summit with Japanese Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto at the resort city of Beppu, where the two leaders discussed several thorny issues. The DPRK weighed heavily in the summit talks on Sunday. Kim and Hashimoto, who had set aside much of their meeting on Saturday to deal with DPRK issues, continued their discussions at a breakfast meeting yesterday that ended Kim's two-day working visit. ROK officials stated that Taiwan's planned shipments of nuclear waste to the DPRK lent a sense of urgency to the leaders' discussions. In his summit talks with Hashimoto on Saturday, Kim sought Japan's cooperation in reversing Taiwan's plan to export nuclear waste to the DPRK. "President Kim expressed concern that it would create a major environmental problem in and around the Korean Peninsula," stated Ban Ki-moon, Kim's top foreign policy advisor. Ban also quoted Kim as stating that "while maintaining close cooperation with the US, Japan and other nations, South Korea will foil the shipment by all means." According to Ban, Hashimoto shared the ROK's concerns, despite noting that Japan has diplomatic ties with neither Taiwan nor the DPRK. Ban added that Hashimoto also pledged that his country would maintain cooperation with the ROK and that he would instruct relevant authorities to look into the problem. The nuclear waste issue was also dealt with in a separate meeting between Korean Foreign Minister Yoo Chong-ha and his Japanese counterpart Yukihiko Ikeda. According to Yoo, the "Japanese people are nervous about the nuclear issue and the Japanese government is concerned about the effects of the planned waste shipment." Yoo also stated that the ROK and Japan agreed to maintain close cooperation in dealing with the issue, including a possible referral of the problem to the International Maritime Organization (IMO). According to Yoo, both the ROK and Japan are worried about the hazards of transporting the nuclear waste by sea as well as Taiwan and the DPRK's ability to manage the waste site. The ROK is exerting an all-out diplomatic effort to block the nuclear waste disposal deal under which Taiwan would dispose of 60,000 barrels of radioactive nuclear waste in the DPRK for a reported payment of US$69 million. The ROK has already lodged a formal protest with the Taiwanese government and Foreign Minister Yoo discussed the issue with the US ambassador to the ROK James Laney on Friday. President Kim was quoted as telling Hashimoto that Seoul had thought of taking the issue to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the UN nuclear watchdog, but that "it is difficult because neither Taiwan nor the DPRK is a member of the IAEA." While the Kim-Hashimoto discussions on the DPRK security issues were partially eclipsed by the nuclear waste issue, security on the Korean Peninsula commanded due attention from the two leaders. They vowed to continue close cooperation in their dealings with the DPRK, including possible government-level food aid to the DPRK, pursuit of the four-way Korean peace talks, improvement of relations between Tokyo and Pyongyang, and the provision of new nuclear reactors to the DPRK. In a joint news conference at the Suginoi Hotel on Saturday, Kim stated that "while exchanging in-depth views on recent developments in North Korea over long hours, (Hashimoto and I) agreed on the need to strengthen cooperation among the Republic of Korea, the US, and Japan." Kim also stated that "regarding the improvement of relations between Japan and North Korea, (Hashimoto and I) agreed to maintain close consultation while watching all developments on the Korean Peninsula such as progress in inter-Korean relations and the four-party [Korean peace] meeting." (The Korea Herald, Chon Shi-yong, "JAPAN ASKED TO CENSURE DPRK-TAIWAN NUCLEAR DEAL," Beppu, 01/27/97).

4. DPRK-Taiwan Nuclear Waste Deal

Anti-Taiwanese sentiment is spreading across the ROK as Taiwan pushes ahead with its controversial plan to export nuclear waste to the DPRK. At a protest rally over the weekend, angry environmental activists burned a Taiwanese national flag and an effigy of Taiwanese President Lee Teng-hui. At the Taiwanese representative's office in downtown Seoul, protesters from local civic groups denounced the Taipei government for its plan. According to the protesters, the plan could place the whole Korean Peninsula in danger of radioactive contamination for years to come because of the DPRK's limited ability to dispose of nuclear waste. The protesters also stated that, unless Taiwan withdraws its plan to dump the nuclear waste, all civic groups would carry out a nationwide campaign against the country. The Korean Federation of Environmental Movements (KFEM), a leading domestic environmental group, stated that some 40 civic organizations would form a united front tomorrow. According to a KFEM spokesman, the civic group members would conduct a full-scale boycott against all Taiwanese goods and tour packages to the island. The spokesman also stated that massive protest rallies against the Taiwanese shipment of nuclear waste to the DPRK would be held across the nation over the week in tandem with the launching of a petition drive. Apart from the domestic campaigns, civic groups are seeking the assistance of the international community, especially the worldwide environmental watchdog Greenpeace. Choi Yul, secretary-general of the KFEM, stated that the coalition of Korean environmental groups would send an official document to Greenpeace today calling for a joint struggle. According to Choi, the official document will propose that the Amsterdam-based environmental watchdog join a series of Korean environmental activists' protest visits to Taiwan. Six members of Green Korea, one of the nation's militant environmental groups, will leave for Taiwan today in order to stage a five-day hunger strike there. Another Green Korea spokesman stated that the hunger strikes would be held in front of the building of the Taiwan Power Company. The state-run nuclear power company allegedly had a contract with the DPRK on the transfer of approximately 60,000 barrels of low-level radioactive nuclear waste over two years. The KFEM also plan to send a 12-strong delegation to Taiwan on Thursday to join the six Green Korea members and to hold a joint protest rally with Taiwanese environmentalists. The KFEM stated that it is considering staging an overseas protest by Korean environmentalists and Greenpeace members to block the Taiwanese shipment of nuclear waste to DPRK (The Korea Herald, "ENVIRONMENTALISTS PROTEST TAIWAN EXPORT OF NUCLEAR WASTE TO DPRK," Seoul, 01/27/97).

5. Developments in DPRK-Russian Relations

Russia and the DPRK signed an agreement on personnel exchanges requiring more travelers between the two countries to attain visas. According to an ITAR-Tass report from Pyongyang on Friday, this agreement was signed between Russian Vice Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin and his DPRK counterpart Ri In-gyu. According to Karasin, this latest pact reflects recent changes in domestic laws of both countries and would come into effect in the near future. However, diplomats, public servants, and the operators of ships, planes, and trains between Russia and the DPRK are still exempt from an entry visa requirement. However, laborers, tourists, and businessmen are now required to obtain a visa. Karasin stated that the two countries expect more effective operation of arrival and departure procedures for travelers with this agreement. However, observers view this incident as an ending of the "brotherly relations" the two countries had been sharing since the Korean War (The Korea Times, "RUSSIA, NK SIGN PACT ON VISA REQUIREMENT," Seoul, 01/27/97 and Chosun Ilbo, Hwang Sung-june, "NORTH KOREANS REQUIRE RUSSIAN VISA ," Moscow, 01/27/97).

6. NGOs Open Office In Pyongyang

The ROK Foreign Ministry stated Sunday that a score of American non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have decided to open a resident office in Pyongyang to assist the DPRK in alleviating its dire food crisis. According to a ministry official, "about 20 NGOs recently met in Atlanta to discuss food aid to the North and have decided to open an office in Pyongyang. They have already picked their official representative." (The Korea Herald, "20 NGOS TO OPEN AID OFFICE IN PYONGYANG," Seoul, 01/27/97).

III. Russian Federation

1. RF Council on Foreign Policy

Segodnya ("MEMBERS OF THE RF FOREIGN POLICY COUNCIL APPOINTED BY PRESIDENT," Moscow, 1, 1/25/97) reported that RF President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree appointing the members of the RF Council of Foreign Policy. The RF Council of Foreign Policy includes the Prime Minister, Presidential Administration Chief, Security Council Secretary, ministers of defense, foreign affairs and foreign economic relations, ministers, heads of security, foreign intelligence, and border guard services, and the Deputy Finance Minister among others.

2. RF Military Reform

Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye - Supplement to Nezavisimaia Gazeta ("DEFENSE COUNCIL STAFF'S DESIGN," Moscow, 1, 1/25-31/97, # 3 (30)) published an article by Pyotr Pavleedee summarizing the RF Defense Council Staff's plans to complete the RF's military reform in two stages. Between 1997-2000, stage one plans to optimize the existing armed forces command structure while reducing its total numbers. Between 2001-2005, stage two plans to change the armed forces to a voluntary service, to create a single military personnel training system, and to reorganize the RF defense industry. By 2000, the RF Armed Forces is expected to be reduced to 1.2 million people. By 2005, the RF Armed Forces, together with other forces, is expected to number 1.7 million with the total number of generals and admirals comprising not more than 0.1 percent of the troops. The author also dwelled on defense technology policy and cooperation with foreign partners including NATO. The article pointed out that the RF nuclear deterrence capability continues to play a crucial role although "there can be no victors in a full-scale nuclear war. It would be a planetary catastrophe!"

3. RF-US Negotiations in Moscow

Segodnya's Vladimir Abarinov ("WASHINGTON READY FOR NEW NUCLEAR WEAPONS REDUCTIONS," Moscow, 1, 1/25/97) and Izvestia's Konstantin Eggert ("WASHINGTON PROPOSES A START-3 TO MOSCOW?," 3, 1/25/97) reported that the US delegation headed by the Deputy State Secretary Strobe Talbott had talks in Moscow with RF officials headed by Foreign Minister Yevgeniy Primakov. The US emphasized its wish to start additional nuclear arms reduction negotiations with the RF in order to relieve the difficulties created by the RF State Duma's unwillingness to ratify the START-2 treaty. START-3 negotiations are expected by be announced at the March RF-US summit. [Ed. note: Please see "US Considers New Arms Control Initiative" in the January 24 Daily Report.]

4. RF-PRC Military Diplomatic Relations

Nezavisimaia Gazeta ("NEW MILITARY ATTACHE OF PRC," Moscow, 2, 1/25/97) reported that Maj. Gen. Feng Yuichang became the new Military Attache with the PRC Embassy in Moscow. PRC Ambassador Li Fenglin held a reception for this occasion. RF Defense Minister Igor Rodionov was also present and proposed a toast to "the health of my Chinese friends."

5. PRC Nuclear Capabilities

Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye - Supplement to Nezavisimaia Gazeta ("PRC NUCLEAR CAPABILITIES," Moscow, 6, 1/25-31/97, # 3 (30)) published Yulia Zheglova's summary of a 1996 book printed by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute on the purposes of nuclear weapons after a full nuclear test ban. The summary concerns the PRC's positions and policies. It argued that after a full test ban is in force the PRC would have to shift from liquid missile fuels to solid ones in order to rely more on submarine-launched missiles. The SIPRI publication argues that the policy of non-proliferation should eventually be replaced by one that advocates the total elimination of nuclear weapons. Special attention is paid to the PRC's no-first-use pledge of October 16, 1964, made after its first nuclear test. After the RF revoked the similar Soviet pledge, the PRC is the only country pursuing such a policy. The PRC urges the other nuclear powers to join with it and establish similar policies but, as such a policy is unverifiable, this is considered to be a propaganda effort.

6. RF Urged to Face East

Izvestia's Stanislav Kondrashov ("FACE THE EAST," Moscow, 3, 1/24/97) reported that Mr.

Takehiro Togo, Japan's Ambassador in the RF, made an hour long presentation at the World Economy and International Relations Institute in Moscow. During his presentation, Togo urged the RF to pay more attention to the Asia Pacific region. He pointed out that Japan could play an "extremely important role" in engaging the RF Far East and Siberia in Asia Pacific economic affairs. He also stated that the economies of Japan and the RF could mutually compliment each other, with Japan possibly assisting a reconstruction of the Trans-Siberian railroad.

7. Japan Anti-Missile Defense Plans

Nezavisimoye Voyennoye Obozreniye, the Supplement to Nezavisimaia Gazeta ("'STAR WARS' IN ASIA," Moscow, 2, 1/25-31/97, # 3 (30)), published an article by Andrey Kabanov on Japan's plans concerning the creation of a national anti-missile defense system. In 1996, a research department on defensive systems against ballistic missiles was established in Japan with a US$5 million annual budget. The author identified the system as "THAAD." Kabanov also pointed out that Japan has been primarily relying on cooperation with the US in this field and defends its policy by citing the recent missile test launches by PRC and the DPRK.

8. RF Oil Tanker Catastrophe Aftermath

Nezavisimaia Gazeta ("'NAKHODKA' COLLIDED WITH A SUBMERGED OBJECT," Moscow, 2, 1/22/97) reported that, according to RF Far Eastern deputy transportation attorney Mr. Viktor Nem, some marks resembling heavy bulldozer caterpillar tracks were discovered on the hull of the RF "Nakhodka" tanker. In his words, the specialists investigating the catastrophe hold an increasingly strong belief that "Nakhodka" collided with a submerged object free-floating at 6-7 meters below sea level. The object has speculatively been identified as the RF "Kargat," which sank in the area on December 31, 1996, or as a training target which had been sunk during naval exercises.

Izvestia's Aleksandr Platkovskiy ("OUR OIL RESISTS JAPANESE FROST," Moscow, 3,

1/25/97) reported that, twenty days after the RF "Nakhodka" tanker catastrophe in the Sea of Japan, the spilled oil did not solidify in the cold, meaning that the environmental consequences are expected to be graver than anticipated. According to Japan's Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto, this was due to the fact that the oil is a special brand designed for Siberian winters. An emergency has been announced at fifteen local nuclear power plants because authorities fear that some oil might mix with the sea water in the cooling systems. Sado Island's rare Ibis bird species on the island have also been reported to be in danger.

9. New RF-DPRK Treaty Under Preparation

Izvestia's Aleksandr Platkovskiy ("BY SPECIAL COURIER. TO PYONGYANG. URGENT,"

Moscow, 1/23/97) reported that RF deputy Foreign Minister Grigoriy Karasin arrived in Pyongyang with RF Foreign Minister Yevgeniy Primakov's special message in order to complete the preparations for the new RF-DPRK treaty. Stopping in Beijing, Karasin stated that he planned to meet with DPRK Foreign Minister Kim Yong-nam. However, Karasin didn't reveal the contents of Primakov's message, saying only that the RF planned to play a more active role on the Korean Peninsula. Although Karasin stated that a meeting with DPRK leader Kim Jong-il is not on the agenda, he declared that "if an invitation comes, I will, of course, accept it with gratitude." But Platkovskily doubts that such an invitation would occur. According to Mr. Karasin, because RF-DPRK differences concerning the draft treaty are insignificant, the treaty could be signed as early as this year. Platkovskily speculated that, should the draft treaty be signed, Mr. Primakov might make an official visit to the DPRK and a "summit" meeting might even be possible. Platkovskily also dwelled on the RF's possible diplomatic entry into the DPRK-ROK settlement, pointing out that such entry might change the existing peace plans. Although Karasin stated that "we've got no secret agenda and no secret goals," Platkovskily is sure that the US State Department will monitor the visit closely.

10. DPRK-Taiwan Nuclear Waste Deal

Segodnya's Ivan Shomov ("NORTH KOREA STARTED 'NUCLEAR' BUSINESS," Moscow, 4, 1/22/97) reported that on Monday, the Taiwan State Nuclear Industry Corporation revealed the details of the secret Taiwan-DPRK deal signed on November 11, 1997, concerning Taiwan's plans to export nuclear waste to the DPRK. The plan envisages the export of 200,000 barrels, with 60,000 barrels to be delivered over the next two years, despite the fact that the DPRK is known to possess no nuclear waste utilization equipment. Although the financial agreements are still secret, some Taiwanese newspapers claim that the DPRK will receive US$1150 per barrel. Shomov gave a brief description of Taiwan's nuclear power industry and Taiwan's plans to export additional waste to the PRC, the RF, and the Marshall Islands. Taiwan and the DPRK do not maintain diplomatic relations but in 1996, four high-ranking DPRK officials, including the DPRK Nuclear Safety Committee head Li Ha-sung, visited Taipei. The DPRK has allegedly also made similar proposals on importing nuclear waste to France and Germany. Shomov quoted a high-ranking Taiwanese official as stating yesterday that "South Korea has no right to protest because this is not her business."

Segodnya ("TAIPEI AND SEOUL QUARRELING OVER 'RADIOACTIVE GLOVES'," Moscow, 4, 1/24/97) reported that ROK Foreign Minister You Chong-ha threatened Taiwan with political and economic sanctions if it didn't call off its plan to export nuclear waste to the DPRK. Signed on January 11, 1997, the Taiwan-DPRK agreement allows Taiwan to export 60,000 barrels of nuclear waste to the DPRK. Taiwan advised the ROK "not to interfere" in its business and has responded to the US State Department that only "radioactive clothes, gloves etc." rather than actual nuclear waste, are to be sent to the DPRK.

11. ROK-Germany Nuclear Waste Issue

Segodnya ("GERMANY DIDN'T EXPORT NUCLEAR WASTE TO DPRK," Moscow, 4, 1/25/97) reported that the German Embassy in the ROK dismissed a report that German nuclear waste was allegedly being exported to the DPRK. The embassy stressed that Germany pursues a strict policy of burying nuclear waste exclusively on German territory.

12. ROK-DPRK Economic Links Resumed

Izvestia ("BACK TO THE CHU'CHE COUNTRY," Moscow, 3, 1/25/97) reported that the ROK

gave official permission to seven ROK companies to resume business relations with the DPRK which were severed after the submarine incident last September. The companies will deal with the textile, pharmaceutical, beer brewing, and mineral water bottling industries of the DPRK.

13. ROK General Strike

Segodnya ("STRIKE IN SOUTH KOREA OVER," Moscow, 4, 1/25/97) reported that the nation-wide strike in the ROK officially ended after President Kim Young-sam and opposition leaders reached a compromise concerning the controversial Labor Relations Law. However, the opposition refused to hold talks on new labor legislation until the government apologized for its "anti-people actions." [Ed. note: Please see the related item in the ROK section, above, and other coverage in previous Daily Reports

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Wade Huntley:
Berkeley, California, United States

Shin Dong-bom:
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Peter Razvin:
Moscow, Russian Federation

Chunsi Wu:
Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Dingli Shen:
Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Hiroyasu Akutsu:
Tokyo, Japan

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