Northeast Asia Peace and Security Network DAILY REPORT For Friday, April 3, 1998, from Berkeley, California, USA |
1. DPRK Missile Development
The Associated Press (Barry Schweid, "GROUP: N.KOREA MISSILE NOT
A THREAT," Washington, 03/02/98) reported that the Union of
Concerned Scientists said in a report Thursday that the DPRK
missile program is hampered by technical problems and does not
pose an imminent threat to other countries. The report said that
the DPRK has not tested one missile for five years and has
engineering problems with its second missile program. David
Wright, the report's author and a physicist and researcher at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said that the US should
take the opportunity to negotiate more aggressively with the
DPRK, and consider trading US and Japanese investment to halt the
program before it develops further. He stated, "North Korea
isn't acting like a country committed to developing new
missiles." Israel reportedly tried in 1994 to swap technology
for curbs on the DPRK's missile sales to Middle East countries,
but the Clinton administration blocked the negotiations while it
concluded its own deal with the DPRK. Wright said that while,
over the long term, the DPRK's missile program can pose a threat,
aggressive US negotiating could ban flight testing, providing
"long-term security benefits to the United States, Israel and
North Korea's neighbors." He stated that the DPRK missile
program is based on Scud technology provided by the Soviet Union
or Egypt. He added that the DPRK is developing the Nodong
missile with a range of 600 to 750 miles, and has tested it once,
in May 1993, for a partial range of about 300 miles. Since then,
preparations were detected twice by satellite, in 1994 and 1996,
but no tests were conducted, which Wright argued could be a
signal to the US that the DPRK is prepared to bargain. He added
that US satellites four years ago detected two mockups,
apparently for a two-stage Taepodong missile, but neither has
been tested and the project "makes little sense from an
engineering standpoint." [Ed. note: Wright's article can be
found online at the UCS website.
2. Alleged Plot to Influence ROK Election
Seoul, 04/02/98) reported that Kwon Young-hae, former head of the
ROK Agency for National Security Planning, was arrested Friday
and charged with plotting to defame Kim Dae-jung during last
year's election campaign. Kwon had been hospitalized since March
21 after slashing himself with a knife while being questioned
about the alleged plot. Doctors said that Kwon has fully
recovered from his wounds. Prosecution officials said charges
filed against Kwon included defamation and meddling in politics
in violation of laws governing the agency's activities, which is
punishable by up to five years in prison.
3. ROK National Assembly Election
Seoul, 04/02/98) reported that, according to official results
released Friday, the ROK main opposition Grand National Party won
all four contested National Assembly seats in off-year elections
called to fill vacancies left by the withdrawal or deaths of
opposition legislators. The elections were seen as a test of the
unity of the Grand National Party, which holds a majority in the
1. ROK-Japan Fisheries Talks
A special committee on international fisheries issues of the
Japanese Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) urged the ROK to resume
fisheries talks indiscriminate of the few agreements the two
parties had reached before Japan unilaterally declared an earlier
fisheries accord between the two parties void in January. The
agreements include issues regarding the sovereignty of the Tokto
islets and other issues. Observers view Japan's emphasis of its
stance on fisheries talks as a means to consolidate its posture
in negotiations with the ROK, which Japanese Foreign Minister
Obuchi Geijo had agreed to resume during his visit to Seoul last
ON TABLA RASA," 04/02/98)
2. Asia-Europe Summit Meeting
ROK President Kim Dae-jung, now in London to attend ASEM, is to
meet with PRC Prime Minister Zhu Rongji Wednesday afternoon at
the Hilton Parklane Hotel, and is also scheduled to meet Japanese
Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto and UK Prime Minister Tony
Blair. President Kim is expected to explain the new government's
DPRK policy to the PRC Prime Minister, and ask for its continued
cooperation in smoothing inter-Korean relations. Reinforced
relations between the ROK and Japan, which had been strained over
Japan's unilateral scrapping of a fisheries accord, will be the
topic of discussion at the ROK-Japan summit. (Chosun Ilbo, "KIM
3. PRC Democratization
PRC dissident in exile Wei Jingsheng warned April 1 that without
Western states' support for democratic movements in the PRC, a
civil war may break out. Wei, during a press conference in
Hamburg, Germany, said that activists in the PRC, without
external support, may have no other choice than to rely on
violence as a means to transform the PRC's political system.
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Produced by the Nautilus Institute for Security and
Sustainable Development in partnership with:
Wade L. Huntley: napsnet@nautilus.org
Timothy L. Savage: napsnet@nautilus.org
Shin Dong-bom: dongbom_shin@wisenet.co.kr
Choi Chung-moon: cily@star.elim.co.kr
Hiroyasu Akutsu: akutsu@glocomnet.or.jp
Peter Razvin: icipu@glas.apc.org
Chunsi Wu: dlshen@fudan.ac.cn
Dingli Shen: dlshen@fudan.ac.cn
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Seoul, Republic of Korea
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Shanghai, People's Republic of China