Tips for searching NAPSNet Profile Directory

If you know the country in which the person resides, click on that country's name on the Profile Directory index page. All entries within a country are sorted alphabetically by last name. To find a name, you can then search for that name using the Find command in your browser's Edit function (using either "surname" or "surname, given name"). You can also search by organization, email address, etc. Alternatively, you can browse through the page by clicking on "next profile" and "previous profile" above the directory entries.

If you do not know the country in which the person resides, use the Nautilus Institute Search Page. To use this page--which searches the whole site, not just the Profile Directory--enter the name of the person you're looking for and click the search icon. If you get a list of items, select the one titled "NAPSNet Profile Directory." Clicking on this item will take you to the Profile Directory page which contains that name. Search for the name again using the Find command under your browser's Edit function.

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