IMAI Ryukichi is currently Counselor for the Atomic Energy Commission and Senior Advisor for the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum.  He is a distinguished scholar and a Board Member of the Institute for International Policy Studies.

He is a Visiting Professor at Kyorin University and a Research Advisor at the Japan Institute for Energy Economics.  He received his BA from Principia College and his MS in Mathematics and his Doctorate in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Tokyo.  He also received a MA from Harvard Graduate School and Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy.

He has been involved in many organizations, including:  Science Reporter for Asahi Shinbun, General Manager for Engineering at Japan Atomic Power Co., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Ambassador of Japan to Kuwait, Permanent Representative of Japan to the Conference on Disarmament (Geneva), Ambassador of Japan to Mexico, Visiting Professor at Sophia University, Member of the Governing Board at Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, and Member of the Canberra Commission on the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons.

Some of his publications include: Science and Nation (1978), Science and Diplomacy (1994) (Chuoukoron), Nuclear Safeguards (IISS: Adelphi paper), Nuclear Power and International Politics Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Proliferation (Westview), Disarmament II (OG&H), Nuclear Disarmament and Post-Cold War Management of Nuclear Weapons, The United Nations at the Crossroads, IAEA Safeguards and Nuclear Proliferation, Japans’s Nuclear Policy, Environment and Diplomacy Maintaining Energy Security in a Global Context (Report to the Trilateral Commission co-author), and Global Governance.