May 1995 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Nautilus Home Publications Globalization Papers Globalization Program Table of Contents I. Introduction II.Trade Liberalization, Economic Integration and the Environment III.Environmental Costs of Rapid Growth IV. The Trade-Environment Interface V.Towards an Environmental Agenda for APEC Notes |
APEC, Citizen Groups and the Environment
Lyuba Zarsky
I. Introduction
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum (APEC) has emerged as the overarching institution in the Asia-Pacific region. APEC's eighteen members span East Asia, Australasia and the Western Hemisphere and include the world's fastest growing economies.1 The heart of APEC's diplomatic agenda is the creation of a region-wide, liberal trade and investment regime. Although not all APEC members are equally enthusiastic, heads of state agreed in Bogor, Indonesia in November, 1994 to reduce trade and investment barriers by 2010 for the developed and 2020 for the developing countries. In November, 1995, APEC foreign ministers will meet in Osaka to discuss an "action agenda:" ways to implement the sweeping vision of the Bogor Agreement. Many environmentalists and citizen groups throughout Asia- Pacific worry that APEC's "sweeping vision" portends something more akin to a clearcut, smoking forest than an efficient economic paradise. Despite some first steps to "green" APEC, free trade diplomacy has to date taken little consideration of the environment. Yet, economic openness generates new and specific pressures on environmental policymaking. With economic interdependence, the policies and norms of one country become deeply entangled with those of its trading partners. The scope for unilateral action is reduced, even as trade-induced economic growth increase pressures on resources and eco-systems. The central argument of this paper is that regional economic integration necessitates the creation of regional frameworks for environmental governance--and that APEC is the place to build them. Mutual commitments to open borders to trade could be vehicles which also carry commitments to promote ecologically sustainable development. Beyond working to expand market access, APEC countries must cooperate in putting in place conditions and safeguards which provide incentives for sustainable resource and ecosystem use. In this way, trade and environmental policies can be mutually reinforce, rather than undermine, each other. APEC is a young and flexible institution. Over the next five years, an opportunity exists to build environmental concerns into APEC's very foundation. In one way or another, it is likely that environmental issues will be on the agenda. The crucial and unfolding issue is how deep and broad will be the integration of trade and environmental concerns. This paper suggests some guiding principles and innovative strategies. The role of scientists, policy analysts, citizen groups and other non-governmental organizations will be pivotal in articulating and pressing for the deep and broad integration of trade and environment at APEC. To be effective, citizen groups will need to work across borders to define common interests which transcend narrow national interests.
II.Trade Liberalization, Economic Integration and the Environment
The relationship between trade liberalization, economic
growth and the environment in Asia-Pacific has not yet been
charted.2 Conceptual frameworks and evidence from other regions
suggest first, that trade openness has both positive and negative impacts on the environment; and second, that economic integration
constrains national environmental policymaking. When regions are
highly integrated economically, they must develop common
frameworks to govern the trade-environment interface.
Economic Integration in Asia-Pacific
APEC encompasses one of the most highly integrated economic
regions in the world. Nearly 70 percent of total APEC trade is
intra-regional, much of it between East Asia and North America
and between Southeast Asia and Japan. The sub-region of East
Asia, which excludes APEC's North and South American and
Australasian members, is also highly integrated. About 45 percent of total East Asian trade is with other East Asian countries.
Total trade statistics mask the importance of economic size
and do not measure a "bias factor," viz, the tendency for
countries to favor particular trade partners. Another measure of
trade interdependence, the gravity model, adjusts for size by
dividing the share of two-way trade by the partner's share in world trade. Under a gravity model, the intensity of regional trade in East Asia outstrips the intensity of Pacific region
trade by some twenty five percent. Indeed, the intensity of East Asian trade is the highest in the world.3
Economic integration within East Asia, as well as, on a
trans-Pacific basis, is also evident in rising foreign direct
investment. Between 1988-1992, the stock of FDI in East Asia grew
by nearly 22 percent. Investors from North America and Japan, as
well as Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea, have targeted
Southeast Asia and China as growth poles.
Spurred by market opening in China, Russia and potentially
North Korea, economic integration within the sub-region of
Northeast Asia is likely to grow rapidly in the coming decade.
Rent by ideological and military divides for fifty years,
Northeast Asian trade has been skewed away from the high level of
integration that has emerged in other regions where borders are
friendly. With the end of the Cold War and increasing economic
openness, trade and investment flows within the region are
predicted to boom. According to one estimate, the value of trade
flows within the Northeast Asian region will more than double by
2000 and triple by 2010.4
III.Environmental Costs of Rapid Growth
Rapid growth, fuelled largely by foreign investment and
trade openness, has made East Asia the economic success story of
the world. Economic success, however, has come at the expense of
severe and rising ecological degradation, including the pollution
of water and air systems, rapid depletion of resources such as
forests, wetlands and fisheries, and loss of flora and fauna.5
Ecological degradation will impose large financial costs in Asia-
Pacific and globally. Moreover, some losses in eco-system goods
and services may be irreversible.
The costs of environmentally unconstrained, export-oriented
economic growth are not limited to the rapidly industrializing
and developing countries of APEC. In Canada, unsustainable
management, including inappropriate pricing, undermines forest
sustainability. In California, water subsidies promote water-
intensive crops such as rice in arid areas, with negative impacts
on water salinity, soil microorganisms, and flora and fauna. In
Australia, farming and grazing practices in some states generate
soil erosion and decline of water tables.
High rates of environmental degradation are also evident
throughout Southeast and Northeast Asia, as well as Mexico and
Chile. Environmental groups in Indonesia, for example, predict
that, at current rates of logging, Indonesian forests will be
exhausted within ten years. In Thailand, the huge inflow of
unregulated flows of foreign investment have made a nightmare of
Bangkok and severely widened the gaps between urban and rural
Some analysts consider environmental degradation to be the
"cost of development" and suggest that "grow now, pay later" is
the only way to overcome poverty and achieve industrialization.
Attention to environmental concerns, they worry, will come at the
cost of GNP growth, which will itself generate the resources for
future clean up and restoration. However, the financial, let
alone social and ecological, costs of environmental carelessness
are likely to be large in terms of damage to human health, loss
of resource productivity, and degradation of ecosystem
The lack of environmental care is already imposing costs on
development. The Tumen River, for example, the site of a major
Northeast Asian development project, is so polluted that cleanup
and restoration must proceed site preparation. Not even treated
water is useable for human consumption and agricultural lands
irrigated by the Tumen have declined in productivity due to toxic
contamination. Even industrial polluters along the Tumen have
suffered declining productivity because their water input is
below required standards.7
The way to calculate potential trade-offs between
environment and development is not the absolute, additional cost
of environmental investment but the net cost, that is, the
additional cost minus the benefit. Additional costs are often
easy to calculate. A recent study, for example, calculated that
reducing acid rain-causing sulfur emissions in Asia by half over
the next 25 years requires an annual investment of $432 per ton
of sulfur dioxide emitted per year. For China, for example, this
would mean an annual extra cost of $4-6 billion per year.8
So much for additional cost. But what is the benefit? In
financial terms, the benefit amounts to the cost of not making
the investment, that is, the cost of the environmental and health
damage. According to a recent study, the annual damage of
uncontrolled emissions of a single 600-MW coal-fired power plant
in Northern China totaled over $39 billion per year.9
IV. The Trade-Environment Interface
Is trade openness itself responsible for environmental
degradation? Or should the blame--and the solution--be put
squarely with national governments? Put simply, is environmental
degradation the result of market or government failures?
Openness to trade and foreign investment has both positive
and negative impacts on the environment.10 Positive impacts
ú the transfer of more efficient, cleaner production
technologies and consumer goods via foreign direct investment and
ú the learning and norm-building that occurs through
crossborder exchange of goods, services, capital and ideas;
ú the transmission of higher environmental standards via
import requirements by "large market" countries;
ú a more efficient allocation of production activity, with
potential reductions in energy and materials use per unit of
If the goal of good environmental management is not simply
ecosystem and resource conservation but sustainable human
development, than the benefits of growth-inducing trade openness
would also include rises in per capita income and consumption.11
On the negative side, trade openness subjects national
economies to rising market demand and the pressures of
international market prices, which rarely include any, let alone
full, calculation of environmental damage. With environmental
degradation simply outside the market equation, market signals do
not give information about the true costs of production. As a
result, global production and consumption patterns could be
grossly inefficient, in both narrowly economic and ecological
Moreover, trade openness subjects national policymaking to
competitive pressures. A country which attempts to internalize
its own environmental costs will be priced out of markets. In
this way, trade openness can be a transmission belt not for high
and rising but for low and immoveable environmental standards.
For example, the U.S. will not enact a tax on the carbon content
of energy until the EC does--and vice versa. Indeed, the failure
of studies to find any significant impact on competitiveness of
environmental standards is most likely due to the fact that
market pressures sit heavily on domestic standards.
Economic integration means that firms compete across
jurisdictional boundaries. Property rights and regulatory
regimes in different countries specify different rights and
obligations of resource users, including firms. Regulatory
regimes, in turn, affect competitiveness. But firms compete in
common markets. Through competitive markets, producers with the
lowest private costs of production win the sale. Higher private
cost producers go out of business. Yet the difference between
high and low cost producers may reflect, at least in part,
differences in the property rights regimes under which they
operate. Low-cost producers, for example, may create social costs
including pollution, resource depletion, and irreversible
ecological losses.
International market competition, in other words, is not
just between firms but also between systems of rules. The rules
that generate the lowest private costs will dominate. Rules
systems in other countries limit a government's control over its
own national resources. Through economic integration,
ecological resources within national boundaries acquire the
characteristics of a crossborder, common property resource like
the ocean or the ozone layer. Actions by one country to incur
costs in order to sustainbly utilize a resource exposed to
international trade will be irrational unless everyone else does
so as well. On the other hand, each country's attempt to maximize
its own advantage undermines the collective good by depleting the
resource. This is the essence of the "prisoner's dilemma"
problem in economics.
An example may illuminate the argument. The export-oriented
shrimp aquaculture industry has grown rapidly in many Asian
developing countries. Property rights to coastal resources are
often inadequately specified and/or enforced. Traditional, local
users are often expropriated in favor of companies or individuals
with political clout. Their tenure, in tern, is insecure both
politically and judicially, and their use of coastal resources is
As a result, competitive pressures have promoted highly-
polluting, intensive aquaculture methods, generating widespread
destruction of coastal mangroves and boom-bust industry cycles.12
Sustainable use of coastal mangrove swamps requires semi-
intensive and traditional harvesting methods. Companies, however,
have no incentive to limit use; and a purely national regulatory
structure would price national producers out of global markets.
Competitive market forces, in short, mean that national coastal
mangroves acquire common property characteristics. Long-term
sustainable use of national mangrove resources requires the
creation of a Common Property Regime, viz, cooperation among
major producer and consumer governments to create and enforce a
common property rights and regulatory framework.13
Finally, "growth" may be a poor measure of improvements in
human welfare. Recent studies have established the relationship
between growth-induced resource depletion and rural poverty
throughout Asia.14 In many cases, women have been the most
impoverished by market-oriented depletion of forests, watersheds,
fisheries, etc, since they are traditionally the most directly
dependent on natural resources for livelihood. In other words,
the very same development process which is depleting resources to
generate economic growth is also generating poverty by
undermining livelihood resources.
What, then, is the path to sustainable trade and
development? Clearly, neither old-fashioned protectionism and
export-maximizing growth, nor environmentally unconstrained,
"bulldozer" trade openness offers the route. A "third way" aims
to channel markets toward eco-efficient and resource-conserving
production and consumption. When countries are highly integrated
in economic terms, they must build the channels together.
Liberalize Now, Pay Later
While conceding short-term ecological degradation, some
analysts argue that no formal governance of the trade-environment
interface is needed because trade openness is good for the
environment in the long term. This is because trade openness
speeds growth and national income, which first, provides
financial resources for environmental clean-up, restoration and
management; and second, helps to replace inefficient, obsolete
producer and consumer goods with newer, cleaner goods.
The seminal study shows an inverted-U relationship between
economic growth and some air pollutants in Mexico City, with the
"turn" pegged to a per capita income of about US$5000.15 The
paper concludes that environmental quality first decreases as
income rises until income hits around $5000, after which
environmental quality rises with income.
The study suffers from three flaws. First, it derives
general conclusions from very narrow indicators, viz, urban air
pollutants. There is little doubt that higher incomes promote
consumption of cleaner goods and services. In the case of Mexico
City, where car exhaust is a major source of air pollution,
higher incomes propelled new car purchases, primarily North
American imports. However, the study did not assess the
relationship between ecological "capital" as a whole and economic
growth. The experience of the wealthy, industrialized countries
suggests that economic growth is strongly and positively related
to ecological degradation in the form of biodiversity loss
through conversion of forests, wetlands, and other habitats, as
well as to increasing emissions of greenhouse gas emissions.
Secondly, even if the hypothesized U-curve relationship is
correct, an evaluation of the net welfare result will depend on
what is irreversibly lost during the rapid growth process. No
matter how resilient, eco-systems have thresholds beyond which
they cannot recover. To argue that we must destroy today so that
we can save tomorrow is both a logical conundrum--something like
the U.S. position in the Vietnam War:"we had to destroy the
village in order to save it"--and potentially a bio-physical
Thirdly, experience and empirical data increasingly show
that the costs of environment-blind economic growth are likely
to be higher than development paths that build in environmental
protection. The experience of the Philippines and South Korea,
for example, shows that "grow now, pay later" imposes high
financial, social and ecological costs.16 Development strategies
that promote income growth while preventing or minimizing
pollution and ecosystem degradation could generate an entirely
different relationship between economic growth and environmental
quality. It could be less negative or even positive if strong
environment protection policies promote product and process
innovation and enhance investment in environmental
The point is that without explicit environmental disciplines
and constraints, trade and investment liberalization will not
unambiguously promote sustainable use of resources and
ecosystems. A host of rules and disciplines has been erected to
frame the architecture of the world's trading system. To protect
the environment, countries must likewise develop norms and rules
setting limits and guidelines--not through at-the-border trade
restrictions--but through the creation of common, transnational,
environment management frameworks.
Economic Integration and the Harmonization of Environmental
Economic integration subjects states to two kind of
external pressures on domestic policymaking: 1) competitive
market pressures that create "prisoner's dilemma" problems for
national resource and ecosystem management; and 2) regulatory
pressures to adopt the environmental standards and policies of
large-market countries.17 In the absence of supra-national
governance, environmental standards governing trade-exposed
sectors will gravitate either towards those of the most
competitive producer or the largest market country.
Market pressures for harmonization in environmental
standards are transmitted in a number of ways. The traditional
way is via competition for export markets. As argued above,
states are typically reluctant to (knowlingly) impose regulatory
costs on domestic producers which dull their competitive edge.
Competition for foreign investment is another gravitational pull
toward similar practices and standards. Multinational
corporations (MNCs) are themelves often a vehicle for
For large MNCs, which operate in dozens of countries,
learning about and complying with standards which differ from
country to country can be a high-cost strategy. Moreover,
liability laws may make them vulnerable to being sued in their
home countries even when the damage occurs overseas. For these
reasons, many MNCs set company-wide standards which apply
wherever they operate. Moreover, MNCs often support international
standards and norms such as the International Standards
Organization's 14,000 series on environmental management.
Beyond competitive market forces, harmonization among trade
and investment partners is driven by national regulatory
policies. Large-market countries set product requirements for
imports, including environmental, health and safety requirements.
Large-market states, which tend to be politically powerful, have
also taken initiatives to institutionalize convergence in
environmental policy in the context of negotiations over trade
liberalization, including in the European Union and North
America. Convergence lowers transactions costs of trade that
stem from a patchwork of differing national environmental
requirements. It also reduces the likelihood that environment
policies will be used as a protectionist device.
Harmonization can be driven politically as well as through
markets by large-market countries either through unilateral
action, especially threats of trade sanctions, or via bilateral,
regional and global trade agreements. The best-known instance of
unilateral action was the threat of the United States to restrict
imports from Mexico of tuna caught with killrates which exceeded
those of U.S. standards. The EC also threatened to ban imports of
tropical timber from Southeast Asia. Indeed, free trade
proponents consider the use of the threat to use unilateral trade
sanctions in support of environmental objectives as the primary
issue in the trade-environment interface.
Some analysts have concluded that market-driven economic
integration is beneficial for the environment because large-
market countries tend to have high standards. Markets acts as
transmission belts, disseminating domestic standards and driving
up the standards of trading partners.18 However, the studies are
based primarily on Europe, where Germany is the large-market
country. German environmental standards in manufacturing tend to
be high. Moreover, a host of environmental institutions have been
created in the process of European economic integration.
The "large-market" convergence process in APEC will be
complicated by the fact that there are two large-market
countries, the United States and Japan. With their very different
industrial structures and resource endowments, the U.S. and Japan
tend to have different environmental concerns and standards.
Moreover, the ASEAN countries, combined with East Asian NIEs
(South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong) represent a significant
economic force. Finally, China is already an important site for
foreign investment and will emerge as a large- market country
over the next decade. China is growing at the rate of about 12
per cent per year. By 2010, its GNP is expected to triple that of
second-place Japan. Without environmental constraints, increasing
integration with China would likely pull environment standards
down as foreign companies compete for market share.
Some APEC governments and citizen groups have condemned the
use of unilateral environment-related trade restrictions as "eco-
imperialism". They charge that the environmental issue is a mask
for old-fashioned protectionism by the rich countries and a means
of retarding industrialization. By the same logic, some countries
have condemned any environment-related trade disciplines and
argue that "national sovereignty" alone should prevail over
environment and resource policy.
Such an argument misses the point. Economic integration sets
in train both market and political pressures to move toward the
same environmental standards and management practices--at least
within industry sectors. There is little doubt that rich and
powerful countries promote their own interests in international
trade fora; and that, in some cases at least, trade sanctions
have seemed to protect domestic producers at least as much as the
environment. Nonetheless, the heart of the issue is that market-
driven economic integration itself erodes "national sovereignty."
By the same token, economic interdependence erodes the
effectiveness of unilateral sanctions by rich and powerful
From an ecological standpoint, the problem with
harmonization is two-fold. First, nowhere in the world are
environmental standards "good enough." Market-driven and
government-driven harmonization could lock countries into a
relatively low ceiling on environmental commitment. Second,
whether driven by markets or diplomacy, whether standards rise or
fall, the same standards cannot be ecologically appropriate
Ecosystems (and social priorities) differ enormously by
specific locale--even within, let alone across, borders.
Standards imported from elsewhere may be too low, too high, or
simply irrelevant to the sustainable functioning of a local
ecosystem or the sustainable harvesting of local resources.
Moreover, the use of scarce local resources to meet standards
developed elsewhere may mean that more pressing local priorities
are neglected. Even within countries, like the United States,
there is increasing dissatisfaction with rigid, national
standards and search for more flexible, locale-specific
regulatory approaches.19
The central problematique in the trade-environment interface
in APEC is the need to create common regional frameworks to
govern resource and eco-system use--while at the same time
promoting locale-diversity and rising environmental commitments.
This will require navigating between the tendency by poweRful,
developed countries to simply impose their own standards and
concerns; and the tendency of newly industrializing countries to
resist environmental constraints on fast-track growth.
It also suggests an approach which aims toward convergence
in principles and policy guidelines, rather than harmonization of
standards. Most important, it suggests that the need for formal
and informal institutions and processes which maximize
opportunities for learning, incorporating new information,
resolving disputes, and generating solutions.
V.Towards an Environmental Agenda for APEC
Most APEC countries have taken steps in the last decade to
improve environmental management and reduce the ecological costs
of rapid growth.20 At a regional level, however, joint
environmental discussion and action is in its infancy.
In November, 1993, Prime Minister Chretien of Canada made a
promise to "green" APEC and called for a meeting of Environment
Ministers. The meeting took place in Vancouver, Canada in March
1994. The Ministers issued a set of "Principles for Sustainable
Development." Calling for the "integration of economy and
environment in all sectors and all levels," the Ministerial
statement developed nine principles, including a commitment to
sustainable development, the embrace of cost internalization, the
fostering of science and research, and the encouragement of
capacity-building through technology transfer. They also exhorted
APEC members to "support multilateral efforts to make trade and
environment policies mutually supportive."21
In August, 1994, environmental experts meeting in Chinese
Taipei drafted recommendations for APEC's Work Program. The
recommendations focused largely on the use of market instruments
in environmental management. Both the Principles and
recommendations were endorsed by APEC's Ministerial Meeting in
Bogor, Indonesia in November, 1994.22 In February, 1995, the
Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) accepted the recommendation that
all of APEC's Committees and Working Groups include environmental
issues as part of their reporting requirements. Some Working
Groups, such as Marine Resource Conservation, had already
extended their purview to environmental concerns.
The initiatives taken to date are far from comprehensive or
even adequate. Nonetheless, they represent a solid and important
opening for discussion and debate. Over the next two years, the
Philippines followed by Canada will be the chairs of APEC. There
is considerable interest within both governments to make the
environment a "key theme." The United States has also identified
environment as one of fifteen "broad" issues to be included in
the action agenda.
The role of analysts and activists could be pivotal in the
next five years. The environmental agenda is very much in the
development stage and the political will to discuss environmental
issues at APEC is just emerging. Without external pressure,
governments are likely to focus on narrow environmental concerns,
such as the harmonization of product standards, which are heavily
influenced by their national economic interests. It is up to
citizen groups, scientists, analysts and other non-governmental
stakeholders to articulate regional common interests and to press
for a broader environmental agenda.23
Trade-Environment Principles
1. Integration of Trade and Environment: The very first
principle is the recognition that trade and environment impacts
and policies are interlinked, both at the national and regional
levels. Trade and investment policies should maintain the
environmental integrity of eco-systems.
2. Cooperation: Common rules, guidelines and frameworks for
environmental management should be developed through processes of
regional discussion and consensus-building. The more powerful
countries should eschew the use of unilateral trade sanctions to
impose environmental conditionalities, except in the context of
international or regional agreements. Ample opportunities must be
created for environmental concerns to be articulated by all
members of APEC.
3. Mutual Responsibility: No APEC country can claim the
moral high ground as the guardian of ecologically sound
development. The embrace of regional mechanisms which promote
environmentally sound trade patterns will require all APEC
countries to make changes in their existing domestic policies and
to enact new policies.
4. Efficiency, Eco-Efficiency, and Cost Internalization:
One of the central aims of regional trade-environment cooperation
is to generate market prices which take ecological costs into
account24 The reverse is also important: environment policies
should promote economic efficiency and aim to ensure that scarce
financial resources are well-spent.
5. Scientist and Stakeholder Participation: The creation of
sound approaches to regional environmental management requires
APEC to open its doors to scientists, especially ecological
scientists, citizen groups and other stakeholders. Scientists and
stakeholders should receive ongoing opportunities to participate
in the design and implementation of regional trade, investment
and environment policies. Stakeholders include community,
consumer, environment and development groups, labor unions,
farmers, businesses and others.
6. Diversity and Commonality: The general approach of APEC
should be to promote common guidelines and frameworks while
leaving micro-management to national and sub-national
governments. Rather than the same standards, for example, APEC
could aim to standardize information gathering and testing
procedures, as well as standard-setting methodologies such as
environmental and health impact and risk assessment.
Harmonization of standards should be pursued where appropriate.
A Six-Point Program?
1) Integration of Environment in the Trade Liberalization
Without doubt, the centerpiece of APEC diplomacy in Osaka
and over the next few years will be how to implement the Bogor
"free trade" Agreement. The most likely approach will be for
each nation to develop its own implementation plans.
On the environment side, the key issue will be whether
environmental issues should be incorporated within the process of
trade liberalization or treated in parallel. Trade proponents
tend to argue for the parallel-track approach, since building and
sustaining momentum for trade liberalization is politically
difficult. The inclusion of environmental issues could muddy the
waters, they fear, especially if championed by countries whose
commitments to liberalization are lukewarm. The "Western"
countries, including the U.S., Canada, and Australia, are keen to
press ahead with trade liberalization. Southeast Asian countries,
especially Malaysia, are more reticent, and Japan tries to stay
in the middle.
From an environmental point of view, the ecological impacts
of trade liberalization should be considered before trade
barriers are lowered and environmental policies put in place in
tandem with liberalization. This means that environmental issues
should be integrated into national targets and timelines for
liberalization. Integration could mean that mitigation policies
at either the national or regional level be in place concurrently
with the liberalization; or, if environmental costs are severe,
that goals and timelines of liberalization be changed. On the
other hand, in cases where liberalization brings environmental
benefits, timelines could be speeded up.
Integration of trade and environment diplomacy could also
mean that all APEC nations make a common commitment to
internalize environmental costs and maintain ecosystem health.
Operationalizing such commitments could be undertaken regionally
or, more likely, in the spirit of diversity, left to national
governments. At minimum, each APEC nation should be required to
submit environment management plans concurrently with its
national free trade implementation plans.
Integration of the trade and environmental agendas does not
exhaust the range of beneficial regional cooperation. Parallel
track initiatives are important in building human and
technological capacities, generating and incorporating new
information, and developing common norms for regional
environmental management. The crucial point is that the new
patterns of trade which will be created as a result of trade
liberalization be shaped by an ecological, as well as a narrowly
economic, rationality.
2) Resource Management: A Sectoral Approach
A sector-specific approach could aim to develop common
guidelines for sectoral management policies, including resource
use, allowable subsidies, the use of economic instruments, EIA
requirements, labelling and other policy tools. In the
manufacturing sector, environmental guidelines could be
considered in light of work being undertaken by the
International Standards Organization to develop Environment
Management Standards (ISO 14,000). One advantage is that trade
discussions are often structured around sectors.
The sectoral approach might be especially effective for
resource- intensive sectors. Tourism, for example, is the
fastest-growing industry in the region. Without a common floor
for environmental management, regional competition could
undermine the longterm value of tourism assets. A set of common
guidelines could set a broad framework for environmental
responsibilities, including environmental impact assessment,
biodiversity and waste management plans, and environment loading.
Micro-management would be left to national and/or local
Other resource-intensive sectors in which regional
guidelines would be helpful include forest and forest products,
shrimp aquaculture, and mining. A model for APEC mining sector
guidelines could be the "Principles for the Environmental
Management of Australian Mining Companies," generated the
Australian Conservation Foundation. Aimed at Australian companies
operating in Papua New Guinea, the Principles embrace a wide
range of management issues, including environmental impact
Assessment, the community's Right to Know, waste minimisation,
and mine rehabilitation.25
3) Sustainable Agriculture:
APEC should establish an Agriculture Working Group to study
the interrelationship between agricultural, resource management,
trade and environmental policies and impacts. The Group should
consider broad, trade-related environmental disciplines such as
for input and resource subsidies which aim to promote sustainable
4)Environmental Provisions with the Investment Code:
Eschewing "pollution havens" is a good start, although it
falls short of providing a framework which proactively promotes
environmentally sound foreign investment. Currently, there is no
regional or international investment code that would
necessarily promote environmentally beneficial technology
transfer through foreign direct investment. In China, for
example, anecdotal evidence suggests that, to reduce costs,
local partners or purchasers ask foreign investors and exporters
to strip away safety and environment protection components of
their investments. Environmental provisions within a regional
Investment Code should specify responsibilities of investors,
home and host countries and include methods of accountability.
5)Regional Environmental Implications of WTO's IPR Regime:
6) "Green Financing" Mechanisms:
7) APEC Environment Commission?
All these groups have a role in promoting sustainable
development in APEC. The central question, however, is whether
environmental issues can be adequately pursued without a separate
institutional home. On the one hand, an environmental
institution would provide oversight and guidance to APEC's
environmental work. On the other hand, an institutional home far
from the central economic action, such as an Environment Working
Group, would only marginalize environmental issues. A Commission
on Environment and Sustainable Development, however, might be
effective in interfacing with other APEC groups and with a
broader public. The input of scientists and citizen groups is
especially important in developing what will of necessity be an
unfolding agenda in coming years.
1. The members of APEC are: Japan, South Korea, China, Hong
Kong, Taipei, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei,
Philippines, Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Canada,
the United States, Mexico and Chile.
2. One of the first attempts to chart the interrelationship is
Nautilus Institute, Trade and Environment in Asia-Pacific:
Prospects for Regional Cooperation, papers to a Workshop held at
the East West Center, September, 1994.
3. The gravity coefficient for East Asia in 1992 is 2.13; for
the Region it is 1.69. See Peter A. Petri, "The Interdependence
of Trade and Investment in the Pacific," in Edward K.Y. Chen and
Peter Drysdale, Corporate Links and Foreign Direct Investment in
Asia and the Pacific, Australia: Harper Educational (PAFTAD),
1995, Table 3.1. Interestingly, the intensity of trade in East
Asia has declined significantly since the end of World War II,
when the gravity coefficient was 4.48. It declined steadily until
the mid-1980s, when it began to rise slightly.
4. K-Y. Jeong, S. Kubayashi, and H. Takahasi, "International
Trade in NEA: Past, Present and Future," Working Paper Number 1,
Project on Economic Cooperation in Northeast Asia, Sasakawa Peace
Foundation, February, 1995.
5. See C. Brandon and R. Ramankutty, Toward an Environmental
Strategy for Asia, World Bank Discussion Papers No. 224,
Washington: World Bank, 1993.
6. See Emmy Hafild, "Environmental Impact of Rapid Development
Strategies in Southeast Asia: An Indonesian Case Study;" and
"Urban Planning and Environment: A Look at Bangkok," papers to
Northeast Asia/Southeast Asia Consultation on Environment and
Development, FOCUS on the Global South, Chulalongkorn University,
Bangkok, October 20-22, 1995.
7. Chinese Research Academy for Environmental Sciences, Tumen
River Area Development Project, Environmental Study, report to
UNDP, Draft, Beijing, May, 1994.
8. RAINS-ASIA: An Assessment Model for Acid Rain in Asia, The
World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, March 1995. Chapters
are authored individually.
9. D.C. Esty and R. Mendelsohn (1995), "The Environmental
Implications of China's Economic Development," Draft, Yale
University, July, 1995, Table 4-3.
10. See L. Zarsky, Trade-Environment Linkages and Sustainable
Development, Report to Department of Environment, Canberra:
Government of Australia, 1991.
11. A better measure of welfare would be more inclusive than
simply income and incorporate environmental as well as social
factors such as leisure time, health, crime, education, etc. See
Herman Daly and John Cobb, For the Common Good, Boston: Beacon
Press, 1989, Appendix 1.
12. J.H. Primavera, "Shrimp Farming in the Asia-Pacific Region:
Environment and Trade Issues and Regional Cooperation," and
Mangrove Action Project, "The Environmental and Social Costs of
Developing Coastal Shrimp Aquaculture in Asia," papers to
Workshop on Trade and Environment in Asia-Pacific: Prospects for
Regional Cooperation, Nautilus Institute, September, 1994.
13. Another example is NAFTA's impact on agricultural lands in
Mexico. NAFTA mandates the opening of Mexican agricultural
markets to US-produced goods, including lower-cost American corn.
Low US production costs are the result, in part, of the absence
of adequate sustainable resource management policies. Input
subsidies generate agro-chemical pollution and encourage
monocultural cropping. In the absence of a common approaches to
resource management, the US rules system will dominate and crop
biodiversity resources in Mexico will be lost.
14. See Vivienne Wee and Noeleen Heyzer, Gender, Poverty and
Sustainable Development, Centre for Environment, Gender and
Development, Singapore, 1995.
15. G.M. Grossman and A.B. Krueger, "Environmental Impacts of a
North American Free Trade Agreement," Discussion Paper #158,
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs,
Princeton University, 1991.
16. See L. Zarsky, "Lessons of Liberalization in Asia: From
Structural Adjustment to Sustainable Development," in Regional
Financing for the Environment, Manila: Asian Development Bank,
17. See L. Zarsky and J. Drake-Brockman, "Trade, Environment and
APEC: Imperatives and Opportunities for Regional Cooperation,"
Center for Asian Pacific Affairs, Asia Foundation, San Francisco,
December, 1994.
18. See D. Vogel, The Greening of Trade Policy:National
Regulation in a Global Economy, Cambridge: Harvard University
Press, 1995; and D. Wheeler and P. Martin, "Prices, Policies and
the International Diffusion of Clean Technology: The Case of Wood
Pulp Production," in P. Low, ed., International Trade and the
Environment, World Bank Discussion Paper 159, Washington D.C:
World Bank, 1992, pp. 197-224.
19. See Faye Duchin, "Ecological Economics: The Second Stage,"
in R. Costanza, O. Segura, and J. Martinez-Alier, eds., Down to
Earth: Practical Applications of Ecological Economics, Covelo,
California: Island Press, forthcoming 1996.
20. See David O'Connor, Managing the Environment with Rapid
Industrialization: Lessons from the East Asian Experience,
Development Centre, Paris: OECD, 1994.
21. For a copy of the statement, contact Sally Thornton,
Environment Canada, Ottawa.
22. The Ministers also endorsed Japan's proposal to include a
"3Es Project" (Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment) in
APEC's 1995 work plan. The APEC Economic Leaders Meeting in Bogor
endorsed a report which, inter alia, recommended that APEC
consider convergence in regional environmental standards. See
Achieving the APEC Vision: Free and Open Trade in the Asia
Pacific, Second Report of the Eminent Persons Group, August,
23. One of the first NGO attempts to spell out an APEC
environment agenda is National Wildlife Federation, Fixing What's
Broke With APEC: First Steps Toward a Sustainable Development
Action Plan that Can Be Adopted at the November 1995 Osaka
Ministers' Meeting, Trade and Environment Program (Washington)
and East Asia Program (Tokyo), June 23, 1995.
24. Some ecological costs are unknown, inherently uncertain or
infinite. The concept of cost internalization is used loosely
here to suggest that prices carry some information about
ecological scarcity and norms
25. Helen Rosenbaum, Principles for the Environmental Management
of Australian Mining Companies Operating in Papua New Guinea,
Melbourne: Australian Conservation Foundation, 1995.