Pacific Asia Regional Energy Security Project
friday, march 14, 2003
The Pacific Asia Regional Energy Security (PARES) Project is exploring and developing methodologies to analyze decision-making options related to energy security in the Pacific Asia region. Results from application of the methodologies are being used to catalyze widespread acceptance of a well-grounded concept of energy security that can become the basis for safe, secure, and sustainable energy policies in Northeast Asia. The Project brings together key players in the region to explore new and comprehensive definitions of energy security, and to develop an analytical framework that can be used to evaluate the degree to which different energy "paths" - sets of energy- and non-energy-related policies and measures - enhance or detract from energy security.

The PARES Project-Phase 1 involved a working group of experts from both Japan and the United States. An initial analytical framework was developed and applied to Japan. The Japanese case study examined the energy security implications of two different energy paths from 1995 to 2020:

  • a "Business as Usual" path in which recent trends continue;

  • an "Alternative" path in which an aggressive policy effort accelerates implementation of energy efficiency, renewable energy, natural gas, and other technologies.

The PARES Project-Phase 2 will expand participation in the project, and apply the methodology to energy security policy analysis in the rest of the region.

Project Updates

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