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Bay Factoids: Did You Know?

Decades of dredged sludge dumping off Alcatraz Island in the San Francisco Bay has created a 30 million-cubic-yard mound — the equivalent of 15 million refrigerators — according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Smoking is prohibited on the golf course of Yakushu, which is built on a Tokyo Bay island constructed out of household waste. Small apertures let out methane, produced by decaying waste; golfers would be in danger of blowing themselves up were they to smoke.

Most of the islands in Tokyo Bay are built out of household waste layered with clay, sand or soil.

It costs $32 to cross the Tokyo Wan Aqua Bridge — many prefer to drive the extra 50 miles which the new bridge shortcuts.

The United States and Japan began trading relations in the 1850s, when US naval officer Commodore Perry and Japanese officials met in Tokyo.

Tokyo ("eastern capital") was formerly called Edo ("estuary").

The San Francisco Bay is the largest estuary on the United States Pacific Coast.

Between 1850 and 1970, an average of one new species became established in the San Francisco Bay Estuary every 46 weeks; since 1970, the rate has jumped to one new species every 15 weeks.

About 8 million cubic yards of soils must be dredged, or dug, off the San Francisco Bay floor every year to deep harbors open to vessels.

The chinook, the king salmon of the Pacific Coast, can swim all the way to Vancouver Island. Yet it can’t find a safe route in the San Francisco estuary to and from its spawning grounds.

Most wedding ceremonies in Japan are performed according to the Shinto ritual, while funerals usually follow Buddhist practice.

Japan’s per capita daily consumption of sea products is one of the highest in the world.

97% of Japanese junior high students go on to senior high school and about 46% of high school graduates go on to colleges or universities.

The Japanese school year begins in April and ends in March of the following year. Most schools adopt a three-term school year.

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