Democracy, Nuclear Proliferation
and US Foreign Policy


A small sample of the speakers' writings

The India-Pakistan Conflict - Towards The Failure Of Nuclear Deterrence
Pervez Hoodbhoy and Zia Mian

Walk Softly in Nuclear South Asia
Zia Mian

Muslims And The West After September 11
Pervez Hoodbhoy




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A discussion with
Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy and
Dr. Zia Mian

August 20, 6pm-8pm
Nautilus Institute, Berkeley

Over the past two years, the Bush administration has repeatedly stated its twin foreign policy goals: greater global security and greater freedom and opportunity for others - particularly for the people of the Middle East. This presentation and discussion with Dr. Hoodbhoy and Dr. Mian - Pakistan's preeminent pro-democracy and anti-nuclear advocates - will examine the success and failure of US foreign policy in achieving its avowed goals. The event will focus on, first, the prospects of democracy in the Muslim world and, second, the future of nuclear proliferation.


Dr. Pervez Hoodbhoy teaches Physics at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad. Apart from his scientific publications, Hoodbhoy has authored many essays on the dangers posed by nuclear weapons. He has written extensively on education - including Muslims and Science: Religious Orthodoxy and the Struggle for Rationality (Zed Press) and Education and the State: Fifty Years of Pakistan (Oxford University Press, 1998) - and on issues related to peace and democracy in South Asia. Hoodbhoy is also the producer of the video documentary South Asia: Under the Nuclear Shadow.

Dr. Zia Mian is a physicist with the Program on Science and Global Security at Princeton University. He is the author of numerous essays and books including Out of the Nuclear Shadow (with Smitu Kothari). Recently he co-authored the South Asia chapter of the SIPRI year book. He has taught at Princeton, Yale and Quaid-e-Azam University.


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