The Impact of the Northeast Asian Peace and Security Network in US-DPRK Conflict Resolution Peter Hayes, Wade Huntley, Tim Savage, GeeGee Wong Nautilus Institute DRAFT - Please do not quote or cite - DRAFT
NAPSNet Analytical Papers |
Year |
Date |
Title |
Author |
Type |
Content |
Geog. Div. |
1993 |
June 3 |
North Korea Crosses the Rubicon |
HAYES, Peter, Nautilus Institute |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1 |
1993 |
Nov. 16 |
Should the US Supply Light Water Reactors to Pyongyang? |
HAYES, Peter, Nautilus Institute |
Staff paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1993 |
Dec. 1 |
A United States-Type Light Water Reactor for North Korea? The Legal Realities |
GILINSKY, Victor and William MANNING |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1993 |
Dec. 2 |
Supply of Light Water Reactor(s) to Pyongyang: Technological Issues and Their Possible Resolution |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1994 |
Jan. 6 |
Involving the DPRK in Northeast Asia Regional, Economic, and Environmental Cooperation |
VALENCIA, Mark, East-West Center (US) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK General |
7 |
1994 |
Feb. 25 |
Defiance vs. Compliance: The DPRK's Calculus Faced with Multi-lateral Sanctions |
HAYES, Peter, Nautilus Institute |
Staff paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1994 |
Feb. 25 |
Hanging in the Balance: North-South Korean Military Capabilities |
HAYES, Peter, Nautilus Institute |
Staff paper |
Korean Peninsula |
1994 |
May |
North Korean Decision-Making Processes Regarding the Nuclear Issue |
MANSOUROV, Alexandre (Russia) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1994 |
May |
Nuclear Forces in Northeast Asia |
SEGAL, Gerald, International Institute for Strategic Studies (UK) |
Commissioned paper |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1994 |
May 6 |
Engaging DPRK in a Verifiable Nuclear-Weapons-Free Zone: Addressing Nuclear Issues of the Korean Peninsula |
SHEN, Dingli, Fudan University (PRC) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1994 |
May 23 |
Military Options in Korea's Endgame |
CUSHMAN, Lt. Gen. John (Ret.) (US) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1994 |
June |
Nuclear Weapons Free Zone in Northeast Asia: A South Korean Perspective |
KOO, Bon-Hak, Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (ROK) |
Commissioned paper |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1994 |
June 22 |
Will Economic Sanctions Work Against North Korea? |
ELLIOTT, Kimberly Ann, Institute for International Economics (US) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1994 |
June 30 |
The Status of US, Russian, and Chinese Nuclear Forces in Northeast Asia |
LOCKWOOD, Dunbar, Arms Control Association (US) |
Commissioned paper |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1994 |
July 27 |
North Korean Defector is South Korean CIA's Time Bomb |
MANSOUROV, Alexandre (Russia) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK General |
9 |
1994 |
July 17-19 |
The Impact of a Limited Nuclear Free Zone on Deployed Nuclear Weapons in Northeast Asia |
ENDICOTT, John E., Center for International Strategy (US) |
Commissioned paper |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1994 |
July 18-19 |
Regional Non-Nuclear Options from South Korea's Perspective |
CHEON, Seongwhun Research Institute for National Reunification (ROK) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1994 |
July 17-20 |
Confidence Building Measures in Northeast Asia: Examining Multilateral and Bilateral Dynamics at Work |
HEPPELL, Janice (Canada) |
Commissioned paper |
Asian Security |
1994 |
Sep. 26-27 |
DPRK After Kim Il Sung: Is a Second Republic Possible? |
MANSOUROV, Alexandre (Russia) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK General |
1994 |
Dec. |
Confrontation or Compromise on the Korean Peninsula? The North Korean Nuclear Issue |
KIHL, Young Whon (ROK) |
Special Report |
DPRK Nuclear |
1995 |
Feb. |
Nuclear Free Zone on the Korean Peninsula: A Russian View |
CHUFRIN, Gennady, Institute of Oriental Studies (Russia) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
8 |
1995 |
Feb. |
South Korea's Policy Making Process on North Korea's Nuclear Issue: A Random Note |
KIL, Jeong Woo, Research Institute for National Reunification (ROK) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK Nuclear |
1995 |
Feb. |
Approaches to the Formulation of a Human Rights Agenda in the US-DPRK Dialogue |
MANSOUROV, Alexandre (Russia) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK General |
1995 |
Mar. 15 |
North Korea, IAEA Special Inspections, and the Future of the Non-Proliferation Regime |
DEMBINSKI, Dr. Matthias (Germany) |
Special Report |
DPRK Nuclear |
1995 |
Mar. 15 |
The Japan-US alliance in the Post-Cold War Era: Still Viable or Obsolete? |
COSSA, Ralph (US) |
Special Report |
US-Japan Military |
1995 |
Mar. 15 |
The Agreement Between the United States and North Korea |
OKAZAKI, Hishahiko (Japan) |
Special Report |
DPRK Nuclear |
1995 |
Apr. 3 |
Strategic Implications of the US-DPRK Framework Agreement |
WILBORN, Thomas L.(US) |
Special Report |
DPRK Nuclear |
1995 |
May 17 |
Thinking Strategically: What Are Japan's Options for the Future? |
ORR, Robert, Jr. (US) |
Special Report |
US-Japan Military |
1995 |
May 17 |
Perceivable Winds of Change in North Korea? |
ZUMWALT, James (US) |
Special Report |
DPRK General |
1995 |
May 22 |
Peace Is Everyone's Job |
CARTER, Jimmy (US) |
Special Report |
Asian Security |
1995 |
Aug. |
International Economic Linkages of North Korea |
FLAKE, L. Gordon (US) |
Commissioned paper |
DPRK General |
2 |
1995 |
Oct. 7 |
Chinese Perception of the US-ROK Alliance |
WANG, Fei-li (PRC) |
Special Report |
US-PRC Relations |
1995 |
Oct. 17 |
The US, ROK, and North Korea: Anatomy of a Muddle |
MANNING, Robert (US) |
Special Report |
DPRK Nuclear |
1995 |
Nov. 3 |
Future Roles of the Major Powers in Northeast Asia |
COSSA, Ralph (US) |
Special Report |
Asian Security |
1996 |
Jan. 17 |
Time to Shift Gears on China Policy |
KENNEDY, Scott and Michael O'HANLON (US) |
Special Report |
US-PRC Relations |
3 |
1996 |
Feb. |
North Korea Low on US Agenda Though Crisis Looms |
MANNING, Robert (US) |
Special Report |
US-DPRK Relations |
1996 |
Mar. 4 |
Shanghai Initiative |
SHEN, Dingli (PRC) |
Special Report |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1996 |
Apr. |
The Cheju Shuffle: Clinton and Korea |
NOERPER, Stephen (US) |
Special Report |
US-DPRK Relations |
1996 |
Apr. 24 |
PACTOM: A Nuclear Cooperation Regime as Asian CSBM |
MANNING, Robert (US) |
Special Report |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1996 |
May-June |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1996 |
July-Aug. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
2 |
1996 |
Sept-Oct |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1996 |
Oct. 31 |
After the Geneva Agreed Framework: Developing a Road Map for Normalizing Relations with North Korea |
SNYDER, Scott (US) |
Special Report |
US-DPRK Relations |
1996 |
Nov.-Dec. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1997 |
Jan. |
Breaking the Logjam: North Korea Regrets and the U.S.-DPRK Agreed Framework |
HAYES, Peter, Nautilus Institute |
PFO #97-01 |
DPRK Nuclear |
4 |
1997 |
Jan. |
Discussion of Hayes |
Ralph Cossa, Donald Gregg, Scott Snyder (US, US, US) |
PFO #97-01B |
DPRK Nuclear |
1997 |
Jan.-Feb. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1997 |
Feb. 8 |
US-DPRK Relations: 1997 and Beyond |
BARRY, Dr. Mark P.(US) |
Special Report |
US-DPRK Relations |
1997 |
Feb. 14 |
Defection Of North Korea's Ideologist A Clear Sign Of Regime Crisis |
COTTON, Prof. James (Australia) |
Special Report |
DPRK General |
1997 |
Mar. |
Discussion of Norton |
Kim Myong Chol (DPRK) |
PFO #97-03B |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
Mar. 3 |
Ending the Korean Armistice Agreement: The Legal Issues |
NORTON, Patrick M.(US) |
PFO #97-03 |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
Mar. 4 |
Much Ado About Little Radiation |
HAYES, Peter |
Special Report |
DPRK Nuclear |
1997 |
Mar. 10 |
Public Concern About The Taiwan-DPRK Radwaste Deal: An Opportunity |
THOMAS, Gordon (US) |
Special Report |
DPRK Nuclear |
1997 |
Mar. 21 |
Debating the DPRK-Taiwan Nuclear Waste Deal |
HAYES, Peter, Nautilus Institute |
PFO #97-05 |
DPRK Nuclear |
1997 |
Mar. 21 |
Response to Hayes |
Gordon Thompson (US) |
PFO #97-05B |
DPRK Nuclear |
1997 |
Mar.-Apr. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1997 |
May 7 |
DPRK Perspectives on Ending the Korean Armistice |
KIM Myong Chol and PAK Chol Gu (DPRK, DPRK) |
PFO #97-09 and #97-10 |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
May-June |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1997 |
June 24 |
Arms Control and Peace on the Korean Peninsula |
MOON Chung-in (ROK) |
PFO #97-14 |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
July 10 |
Assessing the Agreed Framework: Article Summaries &Response |
GILINSKY, Victor, Henry SOKOLSKI and Howard DIAMOND (US, US) |
PFO #97-15 |
DPRK Nuclear |
6 |
1997 |
July 23 |
Challenges to Peace on the Korean Peninsula |
BEDESKI, Robert E. (Canada) |
PFO #97-16 |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
July 28 |
A Russian Perspective on Korean Peace and Security |
BAJANOV, Evgueni, Institute of Contemporary International Problems (Russia) |
PFO#97-17 |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
July-Aug. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1997 |
Aug. 22 |
Prospects and Implications of Korean Unification |
DRENNAN, Col. William M., USAF (US) |
PFO #97-18 |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
Sep. 22 |
Anti-personal Land Mines Ban |
THAKUR, Ramesh (South Asia) |
Special Report |
Asian Security |
1997 |
Sept-Oct |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1997 |
Oct. 3 |
Middle Powers and Korean Normalization |
DUNK, Tim and John MCKAY (Australia) |
PFO #97-20 |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
Oct. 14 |
Four Party Talks |
MANNING, Robert A. (US) |
Special Report |
Korean Peninsula |
1997 |
Oct. 30 |
Monitoring the Agreed Framework |
COSSA, Ralph A., Pacific Forum, CSIS (US) |
PFO #97-21 |
DPRK Nuclear |
1997 |
Nov. 25 |
North Korea's Political Problem |
KIHL, Young Whan, Iowa State University (ROK) |
PFO #97-23 |
DPRK General |
1997 |
Nov.-Dec. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1997 |
Dec. 22 |
ROK Elections |
BETANCOURT, Antonio & Mark BARRY (US) |
Special Report |
Korean Peninsula |
1998 |
Jan. 6 |
Kim Jong-il's Peace Policy |
KIM Myong Chol (DPRK) |
PFO #98-01 |
US-DPRK Relations |
10 |
1998 |
Jan. 12 |
Discussion of Kim |
Whee Gook Kim, John Kim (ROK, ROK) |
PFO #98-01B |
US-DPRK Relations |
1998 |
Jan.-Feb. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1998 |
Feb. 10 |
Nuclear Deterrence |
BUTLER, General Lee (Ret.) (US) |
Special Report |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1998 |
Mar. 3 |
DPRK Energy Sector |
David Von Hippel and Peter Hayes |
DPRK General |
1998 |
Mar. 18 |
Democracy and the Korean Economic Crisis |
MO, Jongryon and Chung-in MOON (ROK) |
PFO #98-03 |
Korean Peninsula |
1998 |
Mar. 24 |
Discussion of Mo and Moon |
Neil Munro, Taehwan Han, Whee Gook Kim (UK, ROK, ROK) |
PFO #98-03 |
Korean Peninsula |
1998 |
Mar.-Apr. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1998 |
Apr. 8 |
Will North Korea Negotiate Away Its Missiles? |
WRIGHT, David C., Union of Concerned Scientists (US) |
PFO #98-04 |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
May 21 |
Implications of South Asian Nuclear Tests: The Proliferation Network |
HUNTLEY, Wade, Nautilus Institute |
PFO #98-05 |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1998 |
May 27 |
Implications of South Asian Nuclear Tests: What Can the World Do? |
THAKUR, Ramesh, United Nations University, Tokyo (South Asia) |
PFO #98-06 |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1998 |
May-June |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1998 |
June 15 |
Political/Economic Transition on the Korean Peninsula |
SNYDER, Scott, U.S. Institute of Peace (US) |
PFO #98-07 |
Korean Peninsula |
1998 |
June 19 |
Discussion of Snyder |
Hugo WheeGook Kim (ROK) |
PFO #98-07B |
Korean Peninsula |
1998 |
July-Aug. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
5 |
1998 |
Aug. 18 |
Potential Crisis in the Agreed Framework |
FLAKE, L. Gordon (US) |
PFO #98-08 |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Aug. 20 |
Discussion of Flake |
Robert G. Rich, Jr., John H. Kim, Esq. (US, ROK) |
PFO#98-08B -- |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Sep. 22 |
Think Again: Nonproliferation |
PERKOVICH, George, W. Alton Jones Foundation (US) |
PFO #98-09 |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1998 |
Sep. 24 |
Discussion of Perkovich |
Stephanie Mills (New Zealand) |
PFO #98-09B |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1998 |
Sept-Oct |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1998 |
Oct. 5 |
North Korea's Underground Construction |
QUINONES, Dr. C. Kenneth (US) |
PFO #98-10 |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Oct. 13 |
Discussion of Quinones |
Roy Kim, Paul Cleveland, Joel Wit (ROK, US, US) |
PFO #98-10B |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Oct. 16 |
Plutonium Recycling in ROK |
ROH, Eun-rae (ROK) |
Special Report |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1998 |
Nov. 11 |
For Sale: North Korea's Missile Program |
SIGAL, Leon (US) |
PFO #98-12 |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Nov. 17 |
Future of the Agreed Framework: The Coming North Korean Crisis |
KANTER, Arnold, Forum for International Policy (US) |
PFO #98-13A |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Nov. 18 |
Dealing with North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program |
WIT, Joel, Henry L. Stimson Center (US) |
PFO #98-13B |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Nov. 24 |
Farewell to the Agreed Framework! |
KIM Myong Chol (DPRK) |
PFO #98-13C |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Nov. 30 |
Discussion of Wit |
Won-Ki Choi, Taewhan Han, Peter Hayes, Mark Hibbs, Kim Myong Chol, Roy Kim (ROK, ROK, US, DPRK, ROK) |
PFO #98-13B |
DPRK Nuclear |
1998 |
Nov.-Dec. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1998 |
Dec. 22 |
Agreed Framework in Danger of Collapse |
BROOKES, Peter (US) |
PFO #98-13D |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
Jan. 7 |
Keep North Korea in the Agreed Framework |
KIM Sung-han (ROK) |
PFO #98-13E |
DPRK Nuclear |
5 |
1999 |
Jan. 11 |
Constitutional Changes in DPRK |
CHOI, Jinwook (ROK) |
Special Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Jan.-Feb. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Feb. 9 |
Famine in North Korea: Causes and Cures |
Marcus Noland, Sherman Robinson, and Tao Wang (US) |
Special Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Feb. 10 |
North Korea's Coming ICBM |
NIKSCH, Larry (US) |
PFO #99-03 |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
Mar. 4 |
Collapse and Recovery of DPRK Economy |
Marcus Noland, Sherman Robinson, and Tao Wang (US) |
Special Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Mar. 11 |
Agreed Framework at the Crossroads |
HUNTLEY, Wade and Timothy L. SAVAGE, Nautilus Institute |
PFO #99-05 |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
Mar. 19 |
South Korea's Package Deal |
COSSA, Ralph A., Pacific Forum, CSIS (US) |
PFO #99-05B |
Korean Peninsula |
1999 |
Mar. 22 |
Korea and South Asia |
THAKUR, Ramesh & Ralph COSSA (US) |
Special Report |
Asian Security |
1999 |
Mar. 25 |
National Missile Defense |
GARWIN, Richard L. (US) |
Special Report |
Missile Defense |
1999 |
Mar. 29 |
US-PRC Relations |
Special Report |
US-PRC Relations |
1999 |
Mar.-Apr. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Apr. 5 |
ROK Economy |
BECK, Peter (US) |
Special Report |
Korean Peninsula |
1999 |
Apr. 22 |
Beyond the Defense Guidelines: Responding to Intruders |
COSSA, Ralph (US) |
Special Report |
US-Japan Military |
1999 |
May-June |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
June 3 |
Current View of the DPRK |
NOERPER, Stephen Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (US) |
Special Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
June 4 |
The Kumchangni Inspection and Perry's Visit to North Korea |
PAIK Haksoon, Sejong Institute (ROK) |
PFO #99-06A |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
June 16 |
Discussion of Paik |
Kim Myong Chol (DPRK) |
PFO 99-06B |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
June 23 |
Why the Protectorate Survives |
BELLO, Walden, and KIMURA, Ehito, Focus on the Global South (Philippines) |
Special Report |
Asian Security |
1999 |
June 28 |
There's Less to the Chinese Threat Than Meets the Eye |
GILL, Bates, Brookings Institution (US) |
Special Report |
US-PRC Relations |
1999 |
July 9 |
The Nuclear Dimensions of the US-Japan Alliance |
HALPERIN, Morton H (US) |
Commissioned paper |
Nuclear Proliferation |
6 |
1999 |
July 15 |
The U.S.-DPRK Agreed Framework: Is it Still Viable? Is it Enough? |
COSSA, Ralph, Pacific Forum CSIS (US) |
Special Report |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
July 21 |
Japan Under the US Nuclear Umbrella |
KRISTENSEN, Hans M., Nautilus Institute |
Staff paper |
Nuclear Proliferation |
1999 |
July-Aug. |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Aug. 4 |
Modeling Korean Unification |
Marcus Noland, Sherman Robinson, and Tao Wang (US) |
Special Report |
Korean Peninsula |
1999 |
Sep. 1 |
The Politics of the North Korean Famine |
Andrew Natsios (US) |
Special Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Sep. 7 |
Jakarta Must Prevent the Escalation of Violence |
Donald K. Emmerson (US) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 7 |
A Dark Scenario |
Gerry van Klinken (Australia) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 7 |
A Tough Transition |
Alan Dupont (Aus.) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 7 |
The East Timor Disaster |
Richard Tanter (US) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 9 |
Security Implications for an Independent East Timor |
John B. Haseman (US) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 9 |
East Timor: An ASEAN-UN Solution |
Walden Bello (Philippines) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 9 |
What To Do On, and In, East Timor? |
Agus Sari (East Timor) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 9 |
The crisis in East Timor: an analysis |
Damien Kingsbury (Aus.) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 14 |
The Indonesian Intelligence State Revisited |
Richard Tanter (US) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 15 |
East Timor and Teaching Lessons |
Michael McDevitt (US) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 15 |
Don't Rush to Write Off Our Indonesian Links |
Harold Crouch (Aus.) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 16 |
A Tale of Timor and New World Disorder |
Susan Tillou (US) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 16 |
APEC Meets: China/WTO and East Timor Dominate the Agenda |
Doug Paal (US) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 17 |
Berlin: What Have We Learned and Where Do We Go From Here? |
CHA, Victor (US) |
PFO #99-07A |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
Sep. 21 |
The Road from Berlin |
EBERSTADT, Nicholas (US) |
PFO #99-07B |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
Sep. 21 |
East Timor and Australia-Twenty-Five Years of the Policy Debate |
James Cotton (Aus.) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 21 |
East Timor and the 'Disintegration' of Indonesia |
Sylvia Tiwon (US) |
Special Report |
East Timor |
1999 |
Sep. 23 |
Seizing Opportunity in North Korea |
WOLFSTAHL, Jon, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (US) |
PFO #99-07C |
US-DPRK Relations |
1999 |
Sep. 27 |
Discussion of Cha's essay |
Josh Parr, Hugo Wheegook Kim, Haksoon Paik (US, ROK, ROK) |
PFO #99-07D |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
Sep. 28 |
Discussion of Eberstadt |
Haksoon Paik, Peter Moody, Won-Ki Choi (ROK, US, ROK) |
PFO #99-07E |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
Sept-Oct |
Russia DPRK Reports |
CNS & CCIP (Russia) |
DPRK Report |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Oct. 19 |
Change in North Korea |
FEFFER, John and Karin LEE, American Friends Service Committee (US) |
PFO #99-07F |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Oct. 21 |
US Policy toward DPRK |
GILMAN, Benjamin A. (US) |
Special Report |
US-DPRK Relations |
1999 |
Oct. 22 |
US-DPRK Will End Up in Shotgun Marriage |
KIM, Myong Chol, Center for Korean-American Peace (DPRK) |
PFO #99-07G |
DPRK Nuclear |
1999 |
Nov. 2 |
Discussion of Feffer and Lee |
Cheong Wooksik and Suk Lee (ROK, ROK) |
PFO #99-07H |
DPRK General |
1999 |
Nov. 9 |
The Perry Report: Scenario for a Collision Course? |
LEE, Hwal-Woong, Korea 2000 (ROK) |
PFO #99-07I |
US-DPRK Relations |
1999 |
Nov. 16 |
Early Indicators: ROK Long Range Missile Capabilities |
Peter Hayes |
Special Report |
Asian Security |
A) Current Recipients 7th Air Force American Embassy, Seoul Asia Foundation BBC News C.K. Park Catholic University of Korea Center for International Studies (YCIS) Christian Institute for the Study of Justice and Development Christian Science Monitor College of Commerce and Law College of Social Science, Seoul National Univ Crocus Group Limited Daewoo Economic Research Institute Department of German Language and Literature, Seoul National Department of International Relations Department of North Koreanology Department of Political Science and Foreign Affairs Dongguk University E.U. Research Center (2) East-West Center Edelman Public Relations Worldwide Embassy of Canada Ewha Womans University (2) Far Eastern Economic Review Forum of Democratic Leaders in the Asia-Pacific French Embassy in Korea Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Graduate Institute of Peace Studies (2) Graduate School of International Studies, Korea University (3) Graduate School of International Studies, Yonsei University Graduate School of Political Science and Foreign Policy Green Korea United Hallym University (2) Hankyoreh Daily Newspaper (5) Hanyang University Ilmin International Relations Institute Institute for Far Eastern Studies Institute for Foreign Affairs and National Security, Foreign Ministry (2) Institute for Peace Studies International Relations Investment Policy Division, Economic Cooperation Bureau, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) Joongang Ilbo (3) KEDO Kim Dae Jung Peace Foundation (4) Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (8) Korea Development Institute Korea Electric Power Corporation Korea Graduate News Korea Institute for Defense Analyses (KIDA) (4) Korea Institute for National Unification (KINU) (11) Korea Institute of National Affairs Korea Nuclear Fuel Co. Korea Resources Corporation Korea Rural Economic Institute(KREI) Korea University (15) Korean Buddhist Sharing Movement (2) Kyonggi Small Business Foundation (KSBF) Kyung Hee University Law Offices of Lee & Ko London Telegraph newspaper Ministry of Finance and Economy Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Unification (3) Ministry of Finance and Economy Munwha Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) National Assembly (3) National Congress for New Politics (NCNP) North Korean Economy Studies Center Office of Environment, Science & Technology (EST) Overseas Research Dept., Paeksuk Research Foundation Participatory Autonomy Forum for 21C Policy Planning Directorate S.R.S. corporation Sejong Institute (2) Seoul National Organization Seoul National Univ. (7) Solidarity for World Peace & Human Rights Sungshin Women's University Technology Center for Nuclear Control The Academy of Korean Studies The Chosun Ilbo (2) The Daily Sports The Dong-A Ilbo The Hankook ILbo The national coalition of NGOs for Inter-Korea Agricultural Development and Cooperation Unification Research Institute (2) US Forces-Korea (2) Yonsei University (6) You Me Patent & Law Firm |
B) Organizations to Target Korea Herald Korea Times Kyung-hyang Shinmun Maeil Kyungje Shinmun Pacific Asia Society Pusan Ilbo Research Inst. For International Affairs Seoul Forum for International Affairs Seoul Shinmun |
A) Current recipients: ABB Inc. Adirondack Enterprises Albuquerque Journal American Asian Research Enterprises American Embassy Tokyo American Embassy, Seoul American Enterprise Institute American Friends Service Committee (2) American University Amigos Internacionales APEC Study Center Argonne National Laboratory Arizona State University Army War College Asahi Shimbun (2) Asia / Pacific Research Center, Stanford Univ. Asia Center, Harvard University Asia Foundation Asia Pacific Center Asia Pacific Center for Justice and Peace Asia Pacific Center for Security Studies (2) Asia Society (4) Asia/Pacific Research Center Asian Affairs (2) Asian and Pacific Subcommittee Asian Studies Detachment Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (3) Aspen Institute Atlantic Council (7) AWC Barr Rosenberg Investment Management Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory BDM International Boston College Bravo International Brigham Young University Brookings Institute (2) Brown University Bryn Mawr College Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs (2) Bureau of Export Administration Bureau of Labor Statistics California Export Finance Office Canadian Embassy Washington Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (2) Catholic Relief Services CBS News Center for Asia Pacific Strategic Development Center for Asia-Pacific Policy Center for Biodiversity Research, ERRI Center for Defense Information Center for Energy & Environmental Studies (2) Center for Energy and Environmental Policy (2) Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland Center for International Security and Arms Control Center for International Security and Strategic Studies Center for International Strategy, Tech., and Policy Center for International Studies Center for International Trade and Security Center for Japanese Studies, University of Hawaii Center for Korean Legal Studies Center for Korean Research/East Asian Institute Center for Korean Studies, U. C. Berkeley Center for Naval Analyses (4) Center for Nonproliferation Center for Nonproliferation Studies (3) Center for Northeast Asia Policy Studies Center for Public Integrity Center for Science and International Affairs Center for Strategic & International Studies (6) Center for US-Japan Studies and Cooperation Center for War, Peace, and the News Media Center Harbor Rigging Center of Excellence in Disaster Management & Humanitarian Assistance Center of Non-Proliferation of Montery Institute of International Studies Century Foundation CGSC (4) China Business Intelligence Chinese Mission to the United Nations Chosun Ilbo Christian Association for Medical Mission Christian Science Monitor (2) CIDCM CIESIN/Columbia University City University of New York CMI Inc. CMO Division, DOTD CNA Corporation (2) Coates & Frey, Attorneys at Law Columbia Law School (2) Columbia University (12) Columbian Fathers' Justice and Peace Office Command and General Staff College COMSEVENTHFLT Congressional Research Svc/Library of Congress Consulate General of the Republic of Korea (4) Consulate General of the Russian Federation Cooperative Monitoring Center Cornell University (2) Council of Foreign Relations (9) Cox News Dartmouth College (2) David Lipscomb University Department of Defense (4) Department of Energy (4) Department of Joint and Multinational Operations, US Army Department of Labor Department of Political Science, State University of New Department of State Dept of Econ and Geog, US Air Force Academy Dept. of Geography, UC Berkeley Dept. of Social Sciences--U.S. Military Academy DIVARTY S-2 Dominica College Dong-A ILBO Daily Newspaper Dow Jones DPRK Mission to the UN (2) Dragon Hill Lodge Drexel University DRL/LEA Duke Engineering & Services, Inc EAP/K Korea Desk Earthstewards East Asia World Bank, East Asia and Pacific Region East Asian Institute (2) East-West Center (6) East-West Research Institute Eaton Corporation, ACD Eighth United States Army Elliot School of Int'l Affairs (2) Elliott Group Embassy of Australia Embassy of Korea (5) Enron International Environmental Change and Security Project (2) Eugene Bell Foundation Export-Import Bank of Japan Fairbank Center for East Asian Research Federal Research Division Federal Reserve Board Federation of American Scientists (4) Feinstein International Famine Center Fletcher School (4) Ford Foundation Forum for International Policy (2) Free Congress Foundation free-lance journalist George Washington University (10) Georgetown Economic Services Georgetown University (9) Georgia College and State University Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia State University Global Aviation Associates, Ltd. Global Peace and Conflict Studies Government Dept. Graduate School of Int'l. Relations and Pacific Studies (2) Graduate School of Journalism Graduate School of Public and International Affairs Grant's Asia Observer Hankook Ilbo- Korea Times Harriman Institute Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges Harvard Law School Harvard Radcliffe Korean Association Harvard University (9) HATV Productions Hebrew University Henry L. Stimson Center (5) HHC, 3rd BN, Special Warfare Center and School HHC, 8th MP BDE Historical Evaluation & Research Organization Honeywell Defense Avionics Systems (2) Honolulu Advertiser Hoover Institution House International Relations Committee (3) HQ US Air Force HQ USAF/CVAS HQ, U.S. Pacific Command Hudson Institute Hunter College (2) IEA International Centre for Gas Technology Information IGCC, Illinois State University Indian University INIS Institute for Conflict Analysis and Resolution Institute for East Asian Studies, U. C. Berkeley (3) Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis Institute for Global Security Studies Institute for International Economics Institute for National Strategic Studies, National Defense University Institute for Resource and Security Studies Institute for Social & Environmental Transition: ISET Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security Ministry of Foreign Afairs Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation (IGCC) Integrated Interiors Int'l Inc InterAction Intercap Investments Inc. Intercultural Institute of California / Korean Center, Inc. International Commemorations Committee International Council on Korean Studies International Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies International Peace Council International Policy and Analysis Division International Policy Studies Institute International Relations Committee International Technology and Trade Associates (ITTA) (2) Iowa State University IREX ITTA, Inc (4) J.H. Yang & Co., Inc. Jacob's Intelligence Battalion James Madison University Japan America Society Japan Policy Research Institute Japan Society of Northern California (2) JFK School of Government, Harvard University (5) Jimmy Carter Center Johannsen Group John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation (3) John Merck Fund Johns Hopkins University Journal of Commerce Kim Dae-jung Peace Foundation for the Asia-Pacific Region Korea Economic Institute of America (2) Korea Electric Power Corporation (2) Korea Exposure & Education Program Korea Society (5) Korea Times Los Angeles/FM Seoul Radio Korea Times New York Korea Trade Center Korean Air Korean -American Chamber of Commerce SF Korean American Peace Institute. Korean American Sharing Movement (2) Korean Americans For Global Action Korean Americans for Progressive Action Korean Community Center of the East Bay Korean Consulate General in Hawaii Korean Consulate General in LA Korean Information Center Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO) (5) Korean Youth & Student Union (2) Korean-American Bar Association of Southern Cal (2) KQED KWR International, Inc. Laboratory for Sustainable Development Training and Research Land Information Warfare Activity, INSCOM Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (5) Levinson Foundation Lewis and Clark College Library of Congress Lockheed Martin Los Angeles Times (3) Los Angeles Times Washington Bureau Mail Stop C-2 Management Strategies, Inc. Mansfield Center for Pacific Affairs Maryknoll Fathers Justice and Peace Office Massachusetts Institute of Technology (3) MBC-TV NEW YORK McElroy and Associates Mennonite Central Committee Mercy Corps International (5) Metro Services Michael Cho Productions MID, 2/1 SFG (A) MIM Monash University Monterey Institute of International Studies (7) MP-CMS, Inc. NAC International National Association of Korean Americans (NAKA) National Bureau of Asian Research National Committee on American Foreign Policy National Committee on United States - China Relations (3) National Defense University (2) National Guard (2) National Security Council National Security News Service National Security Studies and Systems Group of SAIC National Security Studies Program - CSUSB National War College Nautilus Institute Navy NBR Net-Gain Concepts New York Times (2) New Yorker NewsHour with Jim Lehrer NN-47 Non-Proliferation Nonproliferation Policy Education Center (NPEC) Nonproliferation, Arms Control and International Security Northwestern University Nuclear Control Institute Numark Associates, Inc. NYU School of Law Oak Ridge National Laboratory Ocean Law & Policy Institute Office of Korean Affairs (2) Office of Senator Jeff Bingaman Office of the Special Advisor to the Commander-in-Chief Office of U.S. Rep. Tony P. Hall Oh & Hassig Pacific Rim Consulting OPNAV, US Navy Oregon Joint Professional School of Business (3) Oriental Economist Report Pacific Air Forces, Directorate of Intelligence Pacific Basin Studies Program Pacific Council on International Policy Pacific Forum/CSIS Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (2) Pacific Rim Enterprise Center Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton, & Garrison Peace Resource Ctr. of San Diego/ Pac. Campaign for Disarm't & Pennsylvania State University People PERC EAST International Piper Pacific International Planet Properties Ploughshares Fund Polyconomics Portland State University (2) Princeton University (13) Program for Nonproliferation Studies Program on Conflict Resolution Program on Peace and International Cooperation Programme for Promoting Nuclear Radin Consulting Associates LLC Radio Free Asia (4) Rand Corporation (5) Rand Graduate School Raytheon Corporation (2) Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific (2) Relations Committee Republic of Korea Mission to the United Nations Reuters Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Rockefeller Foundation ROK-US Combined Forces Command Rose Foundation Routledge Rutgers University (3) Sagye Times SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) (6) San Francisco Chronicle (2) Sandia National Laboratories (5) School of International Affairs School of International and Public Affairs (2) School of International Relations School of Journalism School of Public Affairs School of Social Sciences Scowcroft Group Seagoing Associates Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Shepherd College Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton (2) Sigur Center for Asian Studies, GWU Smith Richardson Foundation Social Science Research Council SOCKOR South Puget Sound Community College Stanford University (4) Stanley Foundation Stanton Group State Department -- Consulate Gen. Sapporo State Department, EAPK State University of NY at Stony Brook Stony Brook University, Dept. of Political Science Strategic Studies Institute Stratfor Systems Subcommittee on Asia & the Pacific, House International SUNY Buffalo Syracuse University SYSTRAN Software, Inc. TCR Tech Res Cntr Technology Analysis International Technology Development Division Texas A&M Time Magazine Tufts University Twentieth Century Fund/Century Foundation U. S. Consulate General Hong Kong U.S. 7th Fleet U.S. Army War College U.S. Asia Commercial Development Corp. U.S. Department of Commerce U.S. Department of Defense U.S. Department of Defense PADUSD (ES) U.S. Department of Energy (2) U.S. Department of State (4) U.S. Embassy, Seoul (4) U.S. Naval Reserves U.S. Navy (6) U.S. News and World Report U.S. Pacific Command UCLA (3) UNC/CFC/USFK CINC's Initiatives Group UNC-Chapel Hill, Public Policy Curriculum UNDP (United Nations Development Programme) (5) UNICEF Union College Union of Concerned Scientists United Methodist Church United Nations United Nations Association of the USA United Nations Command (2) United States Forces Korea United States Govt United States Information Agency United States Institute of Peace (2) United States Marine Corps United States Senate (2) Univ. of California, Santa Barbara Univ. of Maryland at College Park Univ. of S. Carolina University of California Education Abroad Program University of California, Berkeley (12) University of California, San Diego (2) University of California-Irvine University of Cincinnati University of Connecticut University of Georgia (4) University of Hawaii (8) University of Illinois at Chicago University of Maryland (3) University of Michigan University of Minnesota - Morris (2) University of North Dakota University of Notre Dame University of Pennsylvania (6) University of Phoenix University of Pittsburgh University of Redlands University of San Diego School of Law University of Southern California (3) University of Texas (5) University of Tsukuba/University of Nebraska University of Washington Law School University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh US Air Force (7) US Air Force International Affairs US Army (23) US Army Command & General Staff College (3) US Army Reserve US Army Special Operations Command US Army Special Warfare Center US Army War College US Army War College/Center for Strategic Leadership US Army, Student Officer Detachment US Army/University of Kansas US Coast Guard US Congress US Embassy Tokyo US Forces Korea US General Accounting Office US Government US Information Agency US Institute for Peace (USIP) US Marine Corps (2) US Military US National Center for APEC USACGSC USAF/XOOX USAJFKSWCS USC USF US-Korea Society (2) USMTF Vanderbilt University Vector Data Systems Vello Oinas International Trade W. Alton Jones Foundation, Inc. (2) Washington and Lee University Washington Times Wellesley College William Jewell College Winston Foundation Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control Women's Division Woodrow Wilson Center (2) Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University (2) World Affairs Council (3) World Bank (3) World Vision International WorldLink Yomiuri Shimbin (4) York at Buffalo |
B) Organizations to Target Keck Center for International and Strategic Studies, Claremont McKenna College Commonwealth Club of California Discovery Institute Human Rights Watch/California National Center for APEC Pacific Basin Institute James A. Baker III Inst. for Public Policy, Rice University |
A) Current Recipients ACSA/Asahi Network Asian Department, MFA Beijing Middle Investment Consulting & Advisory Co. Center for American Studies Fudan University (2) Center for Analysis & Measurement, Fudan University China Defense Science and Technology Information Center (2) China Institute of International Studies Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (7) Commission on Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND) (3) Cuban Embassy of Beijing Department of American Studies Department of Arms Control and Disarmament Research Development Embassy of Norway, Beijing Embassy of Peru in China Embassy of Poland in Beijing Far Eastern Economic Review Inst. of Applied Physics. & Computer Math Institute of American Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (9) Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics (2) Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (2) Intl. Federation of Red Cross & Red Crescent Soc.'s Program on Arms Control and Disarmament (2) Research Institute of Environmental Law Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (2) Shanghai Institute for International Studies (3) South-North (Tian Heng) Institute for Sustainable The Chinese University of Hong Kong UNDP/Tumen Secretariat United Nations, World Food Programme Washington Post |
B) Organizations to Target Academy of Military Sciences Asia Institute Beijing Ribao Beijing University Beijing Wanbao Central People's Broadcasting China Academy of Engineering Physics China Center for International Studies China Central TV China Daily China Economic Weekly China Institute of Contemporary International Relations China Institute of International Strategic Studies China School of Journalism Chinese People's Institute for Foreign Affairs Economic Daily Foreign Affairs Academy Foundation for International Strategic Studies Gongren Ribao Guangming Ribao Hanzhou University Huazhong University Jiefang Ribao Lanzhou University People's University of China Radio Beijing Renmin Ribao Shanghai Wenhui Ribao Sichuan University Ministry of National Defense Xiamen University Xinhua News Agency Xin Min Ribao |
A) Current Recipients American Friends Service Committee Asahi Shimbun (3) Asian Business Magazine Association for a Peaceful Okinawa Australian Broadcasting Corporation Cambodia Daily Center for Global Communications (GLOCOM) (3) Center for Knowledge Exchange & Creation Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry Chicago Tribune Choson Simbo Company Fukuoka University Gensuikin Hokurikugakuin Junior College Institute of Statistical Mathematics International Christian University (2) International Office International Peace Research Institute Meigaku (PRIME) International University of Japan (2) Japan Center for International Exchange Japan Institute for International Affairs (2) Japan Press Service JMSDF, Tsukuba Univ Kansai Univ Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance Kobe Gakuin University (2) Kyodo News Service Kyoto Seika University L&H Japan Los Angeles Times, Tokyo Bureau Matsushita Institute MIT/University of Tokyo Molex Co., Far East North National Defense Academy National Institute for Defense Studies (2) New York Times (2) Newsweek NHK-Japan Broadcasting Corp. Nissho Iwai Corporation Nomura Research Institute Office of Akiko Yamanaka, MP Office of the Prime Minister Osaka University (3) Pacific Campaign for Disarmament and Security Pacific Economic Cooperation Council Peace Research Institute Radiopress Inc. Research Institute for Peace and Security Sasakawa Peace Foundation School of International Public Policy Security Affairs Office Socioeconomic Research Center The Christian Science Monitor Tottori Research Center |
B) Organization to Target Aoyama Gakuin University Asia-Pacific Association of Japan Association for Promotion of International Cooperation Defense Academy Defense Agency Diamond Weekly Foundation for Advanced Information and Research Hiroshima Univ. Institute for International Policy Studies International Center for the Study of East Asian Development Japan Forum on International Relations Japan Times Jiji Tsushin-sha Mainichi Shimbun Meiji Gakuin Univ. Ministry of Foreign Affairs National Institute for Research Advancement Nihon Keizai Okayama Univ. Sankei Shimbun Sekai Journal Seijo University Seikei Univ., Center for Asian and Pacific Studies Shizuoka Univ. Sophia Univ., Inst. For Int'l Relations Tokyo Shimbun Tokyo Univ. Tsukuba Univ. United Nations Univ. Wakeda Univ. |
A) Current Recipients Chinese Association for Korean Studies Cross-strait Interflow Prospect Foundation Embassy of Costa Rica Fu & Associates Institute of China Studies National Chengchi University (4) National Taiwan University NCCU.Institute of Diplmacy South African Embassy in Taipei Taiwan Institute of Economic Research Taiwan Power Company Tamkang University (4) |
B) Organizations to Target Academica Sinica, Inst. Of European and American Studies Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies Institute for National Policy Research |
A) Current Recipients Atomic Energy Control Board British High Commission, Ottawa Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Canadian Consortium on Asian Pacific Security (CANCAPS) (2) Canadian Red Cross Society Canadian Security & Intelligence Service Center for International and Strategic Studies Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (6) Department of National Defence (Canada) Dept. of East Asian Studies, University of Toronto End the Arms Race Institute of International Relations (2) Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies (3) Korean Consulate General in Toronto Lakehead University M&E Education Services Pacific Campaign for Disarmament & Security (PCDS) Research and Safeguards Division Research Group in International Security (McGill University Senate of Canada Simon Fraser University Toronto Star Universite du Quebec a Montreal University of British Columbia (5) University of Melbourne &/ British Columbia University of Toronto (2) University of Victoria (4) Vancouver Economic Development Commission York University (5) |
B) Organizations to Target Canadian Orgs to Target Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada Canadian Council for International Cooperation Canadian Council for International Peace and Security Canadian Institute of International Affairs Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies The Canadian Press Globe and Mail Toronto Star The Province Universite de Montreal, Centre d'etudes de l'Asie de l'Est Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Communication Research |
Source: NASPNet Data Base, Nautilus Institute, November 1999.
Peter Hayes
December 19, 1993
In this memo, I list twenty three myths about about the nuclear standoff with North Korea that can be observed today in US media reporting, editorials, and oped analyses. Future versions of this note will expand on and track the evolution of these myths. Readers are invited to inform the author of other myths that have appeared in the public discourse about this dispute.
Much of the current coverage of the standoff in US mainstream press is based on leaks from bureaucratic forces contending for position or turf. With significant exceptions, most reporters are way behind the curve of actual US policy and the state of play of negotiations between Pyongyang and Washington. Mainstream print and electronic media regularly cite conservative pundits who favor either the rollback of the North Korean regime, or its containment based primarily on US military power.
In addition to tainted sources, North Korea's refusal to admit foreign journalists to cover events in North Korea or to even interview its own leadership is partly responsible for the high level of ignorance and prejudice to be found in American news coverage of the standoff.
The combination of these predominant myths with the ignorance of reporters about North Korea ensures that the US media primarily frame public opinion rather than inform it. The real news is missed--the fact that the US is talking with its archenemy; the terms of the pending deal with Pyongyang; and whether there should be a deal at all with North Korea.
As with all myths, they contain elements of truth. Often, it's what's left unsaid rather than what is spelled out that's crucial to undermining an effective public debate.
1. North Korea is the "single most dangerous problem in the world" (C. Krauthammer, "North Korea's Coming Bomb, It's Clinton's crisis, and he's not ready to lead," Washington Post, November 5, 1993, p. A27.)
2. North Korea's only goal is to get nuclear weapons.
3. North Korea has nuclear weapons now.
4. North Korea getting nuclear weapons would inevitably lead to South Korea and Japan following suit.
5. North Korea with nuclear weapons could spoil the security architecture of a Pacific Community built on diplomacy and economic interdependence rather than militarized alliances held over from the period of Cold War militant containment.
6. North Korea with nuclear weapons could severely damage the NPT extension/review conference in 1995.
7. North Korea will collapse soon ("implode").
variant: North Korea soon will collapse economically.
8. North Korea cannot change.
variant: North Korea's economic problems are all self-imposed due to its command-and-control economy and centralised, personalised polity.
9. North Korea can be starved into submission.
10. North Korea is politically and socially unstable.
11. North Korea can be bludgeoned into submission.
12. North Korea is poised to invade South Korea at a moment's notice and intends to do so continuously.
13. North Korea's leadership is (variously described) as erratic, irrational, crazy etc.
14. North Korea's leadership only understand the language of force.
15. North Korea has no legitimate security concerns to address with the United States.
16. North Korea's leader, Kim Jong Il, is insecure. The succession is incomplete.
1. The US is using only carrots, no sticks.
variant: US sanctions for the last 40 years have not affected North Korea.
2. Talking to North Korea is a concession by the US.
3. The US has done nothing to slow the North Korean nuclear program.
4. The US can unilaterally impose sanctions against North Korea to effect.
5. The US has given away the store already.
6. The US has sold out its closest ally in Northeast Asia, South Korea.
variant: The US can act unilaterally and ignore what South Korea or Japan views or response.
7. The US response to North Korean first use of nuclear weapons would be to use nuclear weapons to annihilate North Korea.
End of Attachments.