- Report of the Task Force on US-Korea Policy
Center for International Policy and Center for East Asian Studies at U. of Chicago, 2003.
- Report on US-DPRK Policy Options
Republican National Committee, 2003.
- Master Plan to Deal with North Korea
Michael O'Hanlon, Brookings Institution, 2003.
- Report on US policy Toward a Unified Korea
Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2002.
- Analysis of US interests and Long-term Goals on the Korean Peninsula
Leon Sigal, Northeast Asia Cooperative Security Project, 2003.
- Testing the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime
Charles Pritchard, Brookings Institution, 2003.
- Outline of US Policy and the DPRK Nuclear Challenge
Asia-Pacific Research Center at Stanford, 2003.
- Legacy of Missed Opportunities
Mitchell Reiss, Director of Policy Planning, State Dept., Remarks to the Heritage Foundation, March 12, 2004.
- Report to former President Clinton on US Policy toward North Korea
Former Defense Secretary William Perry, 1999.
- Report Critical of Clinton's DPRK Policy
Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage, 1999.
- Report on the Future of ROK-DPRK Relations
Pacific Council, 2001.
- Representative Curt Weldon's DPRK Trip
Congressional Record, June 4, 2003.
- Report on US-DPRK Diplomacy
Council of Foreign Relations, 2003.
- Interview with Undersecretary John Bolton on US policy toward DPRK
Arms Control Today, 2003.
- Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage's Comments on US Policy toward DPRK
Kyodo News, 2003.
- US Aid Programs to North Korea
Congressional Research Service, 2003.
- US Relations with Interests in DPRK
Congressional Research Service, 2003.
- DPRK-US Joint Communique
State Department, October 12, 2000.