NAPSNet Daily Report
friday, may 17, 2002

I. United States

II. People's Republic of China III. Japan IV. CanKor News Clipping

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I. United States

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1. DPRK World Cup Defectors

Agence France-Presse ("PLAN FOR INVASION OF NORTH KOREAN "BOAT PEOPLE" DURING WORLD CUP," 05/17/02) reported that hundreds of DPRK defectors hiding in the PRC will try to reach the ROK on boats during the World Cup, German human rights activist Nobert Vollertsen said. The boat people-style campaign will be the latest attempt by Vollertsen, a doctor who was thrown out of North Korea last year. Vollertsen and his backers have staged many publicity coups, including helping DPRK families to enter embassies and consulates in the PRC to seek asylum and the right to go to the ROK. "We will create boat people actions in international waters in front of the North Korean, South Korean and Chinese coasts," Vollertsen said on Friday. "During the four weeks of the World Cup, we will create little boats which will come from different sea ports in China, say Dandong, Dalian and Shanghai," he told AFP. The DPRK defectors will then be moved to larger boats in international waters to travel to the ROK, he said. He said up to 1,500 asylum seekers could try to enter the ROK during the World Cup, which runs from May 31 to June 30 in South Korea and Japan. Vollertsen said aid groups backing the plan would pay PRC human smugglers who bring people into the ROK illegally. But the amount paid would depend how much they can raise for the operation. "It sounds quite crazy, but sometimes we have to use strange ways in order to cope with a strange regime like North Korea," he said. Vollertsen said the heightened security and the risks involved in helping DPRK defectors take refuge in foreign diplomatic missions in PRC meant that route could no longer be used. Vollertsen said embassies would no longer be a target of the campaign "but we will create a lot more tension during the World Cup with international boat people."

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2. PRC Protest US Sanctions

Reuters ("CHINA PROTESTS US SANCTIONS OVER IRAN ARMS AID," 05/17/02) reported that the PRC protested on Friday over US sanctions imposed on PRC firms and business people the US accuses of aiding Iran's weapons program, saying it had stuck by its international non-proliferation commitments. "China expresses its opposition and dissatisfaction with the United States' unreasonable sanctions," the PRC Foreign Ministry said in a statement. The US imposed sanctions on Thursday against eight PRC, two Moldovan and two Armenian entities accused of aiding what it says is an effort by Iran to build weapons of mass destruction. The PRC denies the accusations, saying either the technology is for civilian use or the exporters are beyond its control, and wants the US to lift all sanctions on PRC entities, especially over cooperation in the space industry. "The Chinese government consistently advocates comprehensively banning and utterly destroying all weapons of mass destruction and is opposed to the proliferation of these kinds of weapons," the Foreign Ministry said. The US named the Chinese entities as Liyang Yunlong, also known as Liyang Chemical Equipment Company; Zibo Chemical Equipment Plant, also known as Chemet Global Ltd; China National Machinery and Electric Equipment Import and Export Company; Wha Cheong Tai; China Shipbuilding Trading Company; The China Precision Machinery Import/Export Corporation; the China National Aero-Technology Import And Export Corporation; and Q.C. Chen.

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3. Japan Anti-terror War

Agence France-Presse ("JAPAN EXTENDS NON-COMBATANT SUPPORT FOR US WAR ON TERROR," 05/17/02) reported that Japan extended its non-combatant operations in support of the US-led anti-terror war in Afghanistan until November 19. "As the US continues to wage the war in Afghanistan, we have decided to extend our mission for the next six months," said a spokesman for the Japanese Defense Agency on Friday. Japan's operations are mainly to supply fuel to US and British vessels in the Arabian Sea to back the US military campaign, the spokesman said, adding Japan would maintain its task force of three destroyers and two supply ships involving 1,200 military personnel. The mission, which started in November, was originally slated to end in May and the six-month extension was approved by the cabinet of Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi earlier in the day.

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4. Japan-DPRK Humanitarian Aid

The New York Times (Howard W. French, "DIPLOMATIC PROBLEMS STALL JAPANESE FOOD AID TO NORTH KOREA," Tokyo, 05/09/02) and the Associated Press (Chisaki Watanabe, "JAPAN LINKS AID TO SETTLING ISSUES," Tokyo, 05/17/02) reported that Japan is withholding humanitarian assistance as it weighs diplomatic disputes including allegations that its citizens were abducted by DPRK spies, a Japanese official said Friday. The UN's World Food Program has issued an urgent appeal for 610,000 tons of rice to prevent North the DPRK from sinking deeper into famine. But Japan, which last gave aid to the DPRK in 2000, will not grant any more until it has carefully considered aspects of bilateral relations such as the kidnapping dispute, a Foreign Ministry official stated on condition of anonymity. "Japan is sitting on the rice the W.F.P. needs and is playing a game of chicken with North Korea over these issues," said Thomas McCarthy, an international agriculture and relief consultant who has often worked in North Korea. The chances are good for a deal, because North Korea badly needs the rice. I can't imagine a circumstance where North Korea can get the food anywhere else in time." 5. DPRK Refugees

The Associated Press (John Leicester, "TWO N. KOREANS ARRIVE IN S. KOREA," Beijing, 05/17/02) reported that the two DPRK defectors who left the PRC after taking refuge in the Canadian Embassy arrived in the ROK on Friday, but the fate of five others who were dragged out of a Japanese consulate by PRC guards remained unclear. ROK officials said the couple arrived in Seoul after a flight from Singapore. The two brought to 33 the number of DPRK defectors known to have been allowed out of tge ORC in the past two months after taking refuge in foreign diplomatic missions. "I can't find words to describe my happy feeling," said the man upon arrival at Incheon International Airport. His wife, beaming a smile, stood by.

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6. Russia-US Arms Reduction Treaty

The Associated Press (Tom Raum, "ADMINISTRATION WANTS BETTER ACCOUNTING OF RUSSIAN BATTLEFIELD NUCLEAR WEAPONS," Washington, 05/17/02) reported that US President George W. Bush may raise the issue of Russia's stockpile of short-range nuclear weapons when he meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin next week in Moscow. The arms-reduction treaty that the two presidents will sign sharply cuts each nation's arsenal of long-range warheads over the next decade, but does not address so-called tactical, or battlefield, weapons. The US intends to ask Russia for an accounting of these weapons and what they intend to do about them, but is not interested in engaging in formal negotiations, the official said. Russia has not said how many of these weapons it has, but estimates have ranged from 4,000 to 15,000. The US stockpile is classified, but a non-governmental expert assessment puts the figure at 1,600.

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7. Russia on NATO

The Associated Press ("PUTIN SAYS THAT RUSSIA IS NOT INTERESTED IN JOINING NATO," 05/17/02) reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized again Friday that Russia has no interest in joining NATO. Russia and NATO, agreed this week to put the Cold War behind them and set up a new council to jointly fight terrorism and other threats. NATO officials say the agreement will not affect the alliance's core mutual defense role and that safeguards are built in to ensure Russia will not be able to veto NATO decisions if relations sour. "Russia is going to participate in the decision-making process for issues such as the fight against terrorism, humanitarian operations," Putin said, according to Interfax news agency. Speaking from the Black Sea resort of Sochi after a meeting with Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma, Putin also encouraged Ukraine to broaden its own relations with NATO. Kuchma said last month that Ukraine wanted closer ties with NATO.

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8. Russia-US Missile Defense

The Associated Press (Barry Schweid, "BUSH WANTS MISSILE DEFENSE COOPERATION," 05/16/02) reported that US President George W. Bush intends to ask Russian President Vladimir Putin next week to cooperate with the US in joint projects to defend against missile attack. If the Russian leader accepts the offer, it would mean a turnabout in Putin's skepticism about missile defenses and would accelerate cooperation between the US and Russia on a number of fronts. According to a senior US official, Bush also will offer to share US technology with Russia, a move first proposed by President Reagan two decades ago as part of his space-defense dream. Bush's intention is to enshrine anti-missile cooperation in a document of strategic cooperation that will be issued when he meets Putin in Moscow. The move would be parallel to the treaty the two leaders have approved to slash US and Russian long-range nuclear weapons arsenals. Putin had opposed the US missile defense program as apt to reignite a dangerous arms race by encouraging potential aggressors to develop better nuclear weapons to overcome an anti-missile shield. Bush is proposing cooperation in so-called theater missile defenses - regional systems designed to guard against terror groups and so-called rogue regimes. #. PRC Response to US-Russia Nuclear Pact

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9. PRC's View of US-Russia Nuclear Pact

The Associated Press ("CHINA WELCOMES US-RUSSIA NUCLEAR PACT, CALLS FOR MORE CUTS," Beijing, 05/16/02) reported the PRC welcomed a pact between the US and Russia to slash their nuclear arsenals by two-thirds, but called for more reductions. PRC Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan laid out the PRC's position in a phone call Thursday night with US Secretary of State Colin Powell. Tang "expressed the hope that the two countries will continue their efforts to reduce their nuclear arsenals in this manner, so as to further advance the process of international nuclear disarmament."

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10. PRC-Russia "Business Bribery"

The New York Times (Barbara Crossette, "NEW YORK TIMES RUSSIA AND CHINA CALLED TOP BUSINESS BRIBERS," 05/17/02) reported that when more than 800 business experts in 15 emerging-market countries were asked recently to identify the most flagrant bribe-payers in richer nations seeking contracts, Russian and PRC companies emerged at the top of the list, according to a report this week from Transparency International, an independent anticorruption organization. Speaking at a news conference in Paris on Tuesday, Peter Eigen, chairman of the organization, said that in dealing with emerging-market countries, the Russians and Chinese were "using bribes on an exceptional and intolerable scale." Taiwan and the ROK were close behind, said the survey, conducted for Transparency International by the Gallup International Association. But perhaps more surprising, in the view of Transparency International, was the perception that anti-bribery laws in the United States and other industrial nations were apparently not deterring bribe-payers from multinational companies based in the West and Japan. In the survey, the names of 21 industrial countries were given to business and banking leaders in emerging-market nations for comment and ranking. On a scale of 1 to 10 - with 1 being the most prone to bribery and 10 the least - the United States got a score of 5.3, the same rating as Japan. The "cleanest" countries, though not perfect, were Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and Canada. Singapore, and most companies in Europe, were considered less corrupt than their American counterparts.

II. People's Republic of China

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1. DPRK-US Relations

China Daily ("CONDITIONS 'NOT RIPE' FOR US TALKS," Moscow, 05/15/02, P12) reported that the foreign minister of the DPRK was quoted as saying on May 14 that conditions were not yet ripe for resuming talks with the US. Paek Nam-sum, in an interview with Russia's ITAE-TASS news agency, also said the DPRK wanted to improve ties with Japan provided Japan was willing to invest and adopt an "objective and fair view" of the history of their relations, according to the report. In his TASS interview, Paek said the DPRK and Japan should have "sincere relations with each other."

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2. DPRK-PRC Relations

People's Daily (Zhao Jiaming, "KIM JONG-IL MEETS WITH CHINA DELEGATION," Pyongyang, 05/10/02, P3) reported that DPRK leader Kim Jong-il in Pyongyang on the afternoon of May 9 met with the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) delegation led by Jia Qinglin, member of Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee and Secretary of CPC Beijing Municipal Committee. During the meeting, Kim warmly welcomed the visit by the PRC delegation. He said, the relations between DPRK and the PRC having been developing well and he is pleased about that. Kim expressed his hope that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two parties and the two countries will continue being strengthened and developed. It will benefit not only the peoples of the PRC and the ROK, but also peace and stability of the region and the world at large to continuously strengthening good-neighboring friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the PRC and the DPRK, Jia said.

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3. ROK-PRC Relations

People's Daily (Zha Chunming & Wu Ruihu, "PLA NAVAL SHIPS CONCLUDE ROK VISIT," Inchon, 05/12/02, P3) reported that two warships of the navy of the PRC People's Liberation Army concluded the three-day visit to the ROK and returned to China on May 11. It said, this was the first visit by the Chinese navy to the ROK.

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4. PRC-US Relations

China Daily ("US CONGRESSIONAL ACTS CONDEMNED," 05/14/02, P2) reported that the PRC on May 13 strongly condemned US congressional acts which it said show strengthening US-Taiwan military cooperation. The Taiwan-related acts passed successively by the US House and Senate seriously violate PRC's sovereignty and constitute wanton interference in China's internal affairs, PRC National People's Congress (NPC) Foreign Affairs Committee said in a statement released on May 13. The US House of Representatives recently adopted the Fiscal Year 2003 Defense Authorization Act, which contains items strengthening US-Taiwan military cooperation, said the report. At the same time, the report said, the US Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2003 State Department Authorization Act, which details increasing arms sales to Taiwan, asking the US President to sell four Kidd-class destroyers to Taiwan. This is virtually an intention to establish a paramilitary alliance between the US and Taiwan, the PRC leaders said according to the report, leading US-Taiwan relations towards military alliance. If the act becomes law, the statement said, the consequences would be dangerous.

People's Liberation Army Daily ("US GUESTS," Beijing, 05/13/02, P4) reported that Xiong Guangkai, deputy chief of general staff of the PRC People's Liberation Army, on May 12 met a delegation from the National War College of the US National Defense University led by Dr. Cynthia Watson. The two sides exchanged views on relations between the PRC and the US armies and other issues of common concern, said the report. It said, the US delegation arrived in Beijing on May 11 for an eight-day visit to PRC.

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5. PRC-Japanese Relations

People's Daily ("FM SPOKESMAN ON JAPAN'S 'INVESTIGATION' INTO CONSULATE INCIDENT," Beijing, 05/15/02, P4) reported that the PRC rejects Japan's so-called "investigation report" on the consulate intrusion incident because it fails to match the facts in some key details and its conclusion is baseless, PRC Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said on May 14. Although the incident had become very clear, Kong said, the Japanese side still stuck to its investigation report that cannot offer an acceptable explanation and "we are very dissatisfied with that." PRC police officers instead of misinterpreting it. Meanwhile, Luo said, the PRC side attached great importance to the incident and voiced the earnest hope that the issue would be dealt with seriously and properly through cooperation between the departments of consular affairs of the two countries.

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6. Across-Taiwan Straits Relations

People's Daily ("FM SPOKESMAN ON TAIWAN'S FAILURE TO ENTER WHO," Beijing, 05/14/02, P4) reported that the PRC on May 13 reiterated that Taiwan has no qualifications to participate in the World Health Organization (WHO) after a WHO assembly rejected a proposal to invite Taiwan to the assembly as an observer. PRC Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan said at a press conference that the WHO is one of the UN's special organizations whose membership is open only to sovereign states, pointing out that Taiwan, as part of the PRC, is not qualified to participate in the WHO. He said the real reason that the Taiwan authorities persuades a few countries to raise the proposal year after year is to realize its attempt to have "two Chinas" or "one China, one Taiwan" in the WHO. "It has been proved that no matter how often the Taiwan authority tries to turn health issues into political ones, the proposal will be unpopular and doomed to failure," Kong said.

China Daily (Guo Nei, "ACTION CALLED FOR FROM TAIWAN AUTHORITIES," 05/11/02, P1) reported that Chinese mainland welcomes any practical and sincere proposal and action aimed at improving relations across the Taiwan Straits, an official with the Information Bureau of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China said on May 10. Commenting on a speech made by Chen Shui-bian, the leader of the Taiwan authorities, on may 9 ¨C in which he stated that "the opening of direct links is inevitable" ¨C the official said cross-Straits relations would not improve if he went back on his word. The official stressed that the key to alleviating the tension across the Straits lay in the Taiwan authorities' acceptance of the one-China principle. He reiterated that delegations of the Taiwan Democratic Progress Party (CPP) are welcome to visit the mainland, provided that the DPP accept the one-China principle and give up its "Taiwan independence" platform.

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7. PRC Satellite Launch

People's Daily (Liu Cheng & Qiao Zhaoyun, "CHINA SUCCESSFULLY LUANCHES TWO SATELLITES WITH ONE ROCKET," Taiyuan, 05/16/02, P1) reported that the PRC's Long March IV-B Carrier Rocket successfully launched a marine exploratory satellite and a meteorological satellite into space at around 09:50 on May 15. Launched from the satellite launch center based in Taiyuan, capital of north PRC's Shanxi Province, Haiyang-1 (Ocean-1) is the first marine-surveying satellite independently developed by the PRC, and the Fengyun-1D lead the way to comprehensive weather services and monitoring the global environment, said the report. It said, the launch was the 25th consecutive successful launch on the Long March rockets since October 1996. The successful launch of the two satellites shows that the PRC has basically set up a long-term satellite monitoring system, which would speed up the PRC's meteorological research and help promote national economic development, expert said according to the report.

III. Japan

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1. Japanese Logistical Support for US

The Asahi Shimbun ("LDP BACKS BROADER ANTI-TERROR SUPPORT," Tokyo, 05/17/02) reported that the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has endorsed an administration proposal to extend Japanese support for US-led anti-terrorist effort until Nov. 19, beyond the original deadline of May 19, party legislators said Thursday. There will be no change in the Japanese mission, which is limited to support activities such as supplying fuel and materials carried by the Maritime Self-Defense Forces vessels to US Navy vessels in the Indian Ocean.

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2. Japanese Security Legislation

The Asahi Shimbun ("SDF CAN ATTACK HIJACKED PLANE," Tokyo, 05/17/02) reported that Japan has the legal right to use weapons against hijacked civilian aircraft used in a terrorist attack, Defense Agency Director-General Gen Nakatani said Thursday. "In the event of an attack aimed at the government, Self-Defense Forces can legally use weapons against private jetliners and small aircraft boarded by terrorists," Nakatani said at a Lower House committee meeting. "We would take all possible measures within the boundaries of the law." Nakatani said the Self-Defense Forces Law allows for use of weapons when there are clear threats to the nation. At a Diet session last week, Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said he would not order hijacked planes to be shot down. "As prime minister, in that situation I probably could not give such an order," Koizumi told a Lower House committee.

The Japan Times ("FUKUDA GIVES EXAMPLES OF SDF-SPURRING THREATS," Tokyo, 05/17/02) reported that the Japanese government on Thursday offered general examples of foreign military threats that would spur the Self-Defense Forces (SDF) into action under new emergency defense legislation. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuo Fukuda told a Lower House special committee deliberating the government-submitted legislation that SDF troops could be deployed when, among other possible scenarios, "a number of battle ships and airplanes are assembled" in preparation to attack Japan. Fukuda also told the committee that under the proposed legislation, the government could put the SDF on standby when a nation is "calling up reserves, ordering key military personnel to stay at certain places, conducting an emergency mustering of troops or building up new camps" for the purpose of enhancing military capability in order to attack Japan. Under these circumstances, the SDF would be allowed to call up reserves and build up camps. "The types of possible attacks, time frames and situations vary, and it's hard for us make a generalization," Fukuda said, stressing that the examples were only a portion of the possible scenarios.

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3. Okinawa 30 Year Anniversary

Kyodo ("THREE-DAY OKINAWA PEACE MARCH EXPECTED TO DRAW 10,000," Naha, 05/17/02) reported that a three-day peace march started in Okinawa on Thursday, a day after the 30th anniversary of the prefecture's 1972 reversion to Japan, organizers said. About 1,500 people from across the country took to the streets on the first day of the May 15 Peace March. The march started from three places -- the Nago and Naha city government offices and the Henoko district in Nago, where an airport will be built to replace Futenma Marine Corps Air Station. The marchers later headed for the site in the southern part of Okinawa Island where the fiercest battle in the World War II campaign was fought, calling for the removal of US bases in the prefecture. After finishing at the Ginowan Park on Sunday afternoon, marchers will hold a protest rally against a package of three bills for emergency legislation governing Japan's response to a military attack, the organizers said. About 10,000 people from citizens' groups and labor organizations nationwide are expected to join the march during its three days.

IV. CanKor News Clipping

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1. CanKor Issue #84: DPRK Refugees

Thursday, 16 May 2002 With an increasing number of DPR Korean refugee-defectors descending upon Beijing to seek refuge in foreign embassies, it was only a matter of time before Canada's embassy would be targeted. So far this year, 312 North Koreans have defected to South Korea, already more than half the 583 who defected last year. The issues raised are complex, as illustrated in this week's Focus section. The repercussions may have more impact on the PRC's internal and external relations than on those of the DPRK. No wonder then that barbed wire and police reinforcements armed with truncheons now face would-be escapees, as Chinese authorities try to quell what has become a multinational embarrassment.

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