January 28, 2000


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1. US-DPRK Talks

The latest round of US-DPRK talks in Berlin continued this week, with no reports of progress. The DPRK earlier threatened to end its moratorium on missile tests in response to the US test of an anti-ballistic missile system.
"DPRK-US Talks, Daily Report, January 26"
"PRC on DPRK Missile Threat, Daily Report, January 25"
"DPRK-US Talks, Daily Report, January 25"
"US-DPRK Talks, Daily Report, January 24 (US)"
"DPRK Missile Tests, Daily Report, January 24"
"DPRK-US Talks, Daily Report, January 24 (ROK)"





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2. US-PRC Military Talks

PRC Lieutenant General Xiong Guangkai visited Washington this week, agreeing with US officials to resume regular military exchanges that were suspended following the NATO bombing of the PRC Embassy in Yugoslavia. US Defense Secretary William Cohen agreed to visit Beijing later this year.
"US-PRC Military Talks, Daily Report, January 28"
"US-PRC Military Talks, Daily Report, January 27"
"US-PRC Military Talks, Daily Report, January 26"
"PRC-US Military Exchange, Daily Report, January 26"
"US-PRC Military Exchanges, Daily Report, January 25"
"US-PRC Military Exchanges, Daily Report, January 24"


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3. DPRK Nationals in PRC

The ROK government sought to develop a dialogue with the PRC on the issue of DPRK Nationals crossing over into PRC territory. The UN protested to Russia for deporting 7 DPRK nationals to the PRC, who were then subsequently deported to the DPRK.
"ROK-PRC Relations, Daily Report, January 28"
"DPRK Nationals in PRC, Daily Report, January 26"
"UN Protests to Russia on DPRK Defectors' Issue, Daily Report, January 25"
"DPRK Nationals in PRC, Daily Report, January 24"


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4. Nanjing Massacre Rally

The PRC protested to the Japanese government over a rally in Osaka by Japanese groups that claim that the 1937 massacre of civilians in Nanjing by Japanese troops never happened.
"Japanese Atrocities in World War II, Daily Report, January 26 (US)"
"Japanese Atrocities in World War II, Daily Report, January 26 (PRC)"


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5. PRC-South Asia Relations

Following Pakistan Chief Executive Pervez Musharraf visit to Beijing last week, PRC Parliament president Li Peng and Premier Zhu Rongji expressed the importance of PRC-Pakistan friendship. PRC Ambassador to India Zhou Gang called for stronger ties between India and China to check US hegemony.
"Nuclear and Security Policies, South Asia Nuclear Dialogue"
"Pakistan-China Relations, South Asia Nuclear Dialogue"
"India-China Relations, South Asia Nuclear Dialogue"



Taiwan Straits


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6. US Military Sales to Taiwan

During talks with US officials, PRC military officials called on the US to halt all arms sales to Taiwan. US analysts debated the need for such sales and the military balance in the Taiwan Straits.
"Cross-Straits Military Balance, NPP Flash"
"The Chinese Armed Forces in the 21st Century"
"US Military Sales to Taiwan, Daily Report, January 28"
"US Arms Sales to Taiwan, Daily Report, January 24"


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7. Taiwan Elections

The PRC warned Taiwan presidential candidates against declaring independence if elected. Analysts said that the Taiwan election could mark the end of the Kuomintang's dominance over Taiwanese politics.
"Cross-Straits Relations, Daily Report, January 28"
"Taiwan Elections, Daily Report, January 27"
"Cross-Straits Relations, Daily Report, January 26 (US)"
"Across-Taiwan Straits Relations, Daily Report, January 26 (PRC)"
"Cross Strait Relations, Daily Report, January 25"





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8. Japanese-Russian Relations

Both Japan and Russia agreed on the need to hold a summit meeting this year to discuss a peace treaty between the two countries. Japan also indicated its willingness to work with the new administration of acting president Vladimir Putin.
"Japanese-Russian Relations, Daily Report, January 28"
"RF-Japan Peace Treaty, Daily Report January 26"





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9. Russian National Security Concept

Analysts discussed the new National Security Concept recently approved by acting Russian President Vladimir Putin. The concept lowered the threshold under which Russia would consider the use of nuclear weapons.
"National Security Concept of the Russian Federation"
"Russian Nuclear Strategy, NPP Flash"
"RF National Security Concept, Daily Report, January 26"



United States


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10. Missile Defense Test

Last week's failed missile defense test led to a new round of debate among analysts on whether US President Bill Clinton should make a decision this year on whether to deploy a national missile defense system. The PRC reiterated its opposition to US missile defense.
"US Missile Defense Test, NPP Flash"
"Analyses of US Missile Defense, NPP Flash"
"Space-Based Weapons, Daily Report, January 28"
"PRC View of US Missile Defense, Daily Report, January 27"




The NAPSNet Week in Review aims to serve as a forum for dialogue and exchange among peace and security specialists. We invite you to reply to today's report, and we welcome commentary or papers for distribution to the network.

Produced by the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development in partnership with:
International Policy Studies Institute Seoul, Republic of Korea
The Center for Global Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Center for American Studies,
Fudan University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Timothy L. Savage:
Berkeley, California, United States

Gee Gee Wong:
Berkeley, California, United States

Kim Hee-sun:
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Hiroyasu Akutsu:
Tokyo, Japan

Peter Razvin:
Moscow, Russian Federation

Chunsi Wu:
Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Dingli Shen:
Shanghai, People's Republic of China

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