July 7, 2000

Korean Peninsula

China Japan Missile Defense
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Korean Peninsula


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1. Inter-Korean Talks

The ROK government said that it is pushing for a meeting between ROK Foreign Minister Lee Joung-binn and DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam-sun on the sidelines of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Regional Forum, which opens July 25 in Bangkok.
"Inter-Korean Talks" (Daily Report, July 7, ROK)


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2. Reunion of Separated Families

The ROK Red Cross said that it was using a computer lottery to randomly select the 100 ROK Nationals who would be allowed to meet with their separated family members on August 15. The ROK Unification Ministry denied that the ROK and the DPRK had reached an agreement on resettlement of family members during the June summit.
"Separated Families" (Daily Report, July 6, ROK)
"Reunions of Separated Families" (Daily Report, July 5, US)
"Reunion of Separated Families" (Daily Report, July 5, ROK)
"ROK-DPRK Red Cross Talks" (Daily Report, July 5, ROK)


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3. DPRK Reactors

The DPRK reiterated its threat to restart its nuclear reactors if the US does not compensate it for the loss of electricity caused by delays in the construction of the light-water reactors.
"Implementation of Agreed Framework" (Daily Report, July 5, US)


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4. DPRK-Philippines Relations

Philippine and DPRK officials are scheduled to meet in Manila next week to discuss the establishment of diplomatic ties.
"DPRK-Philippines Relations" (Daily Report, July 7, US)


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5. ROK-US Missile Talks

Robert Einhorn, US assistant secretary of state for nonproliferation, will visit the ROK next week to discuss the ROK's attempt to build longer-range missiles.
"US-ROK Missile Talks" (Daily Report, July 7, US)


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6. US Troops in ROK

The US military command in the ROK issued a warning to US military personnel to be aware of possible anti-US activity. US Defense Secretary William Cohen reiterated that the US should maintain a troop presence in Korea even after unification. ROK Prime Minister Lee Han-dong called for the revisions of the ROK-US Status of Forces Agreement to make it more equal.
"US Troops in ROK" (Daily Report, July 6, US)
"US Troops in ROK" (Daily Report, July 5, US)
"ROK-US Relations" (Daily Report, July 5, PRC)





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7. US-PRC Talks

The PRC opened arms control talks with a US team led by John Holum, the US chief arms negotiator. US Defense Secretary William S. Cohen will depart on July 10 for his visit to the PRC.
"US-PRC Arms Talks" (Daily Report, July 7, US)
"US-PRC Talks" (Daily Report, July 6, US)


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8. Alleged PRC Proliferation Activities

The PRC, to counter allegations that it has stolen US nuclear technology, published a list of internet sites where information on nuclear weapons is readily available. The PRC denied that it had sold missile technology to Pakistan, and called on the US Senate to scrap the "China Non-Proliferation Act."
"Allegations of PRC Nuclear Espionage" (Daily Report, July 7, US)
"Alleged PRC Missile Sales to Pakistan" (Daily Report, July 5, US)
"Alleged PRC Missile Sales to Pakistan" (Daily Report, July 5, PRC)
"PRC-US Relations" (Daily Report, July 5, PRC)
"Pakistan Missile Development" (NPP Flash, V. 2, N. 23)


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9. US Policy toward Taiwan

Taiwan's new de facto ambassador to the US, Chen Chien-jen, said that his main task in Washington would be to prevent the US government from drifting to far in favor of the PRC. Taiwanese analysts expressed concern about President Chen Shui-bian's willingness to bow to US pressure on PRC relations.
"US Policy toward Taiwan" (Daily Report, July 6, US)
"Cross-Straits Relations" (Daily Report, July 6, US)


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10. Cross-Straits Relations

Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian accused the PRC of building up its military for an invasion of Taiwan. Tang Shubei, vice- director of the Taiwan Affairs Office under the State Council, said that the PRC hopes to improve economic relations with Taiwan under the one-China principle. The People's Liberation Army Daily said that the only way for Taiwan to gain true security is to reunify with the PRC.
"PRC Threat to Taiwan" (Daily Report, July 5, US)
"The Taiwan Issue" (Daily Report, July 5, PRC)





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11. G-8 Summit

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will not attend the Group of 8 (G-8) foreign ministers meeting in Okinawa due to the Middle East peace talks. She has asked Deputy Secretary Strobe Talbott to take her place.
"G-8 Meeting in Okinawa" (Daily Report, July 7, US)


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12. US Troops in Okinawa

Lieutenant General Earl B. Hailston, regional coordinator for US military forces in Okinawa, apologized for an incident in which a US marine allegedly molested a 14-year old girl. The US military was considering re-imposing a curfew on US military personnel in Okinawa.
"US Troops in Okinawa" (Daily Report, July 7, US)
"US Troops in Okinawa" (Daily Report, July 5, US)



Missile Defense


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13. US Missile Defense Test

The US Defense Department announced that it would stage a test of its proposed National Missile Defense system on Friday evening, July 7.
"US Missile Defense Test" (Daily Report, July 6, US)
"US Missile Defense Test" (NPP Flash, V. 2, N. 23)


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14. PRC Views of Missile Defense

PRC Prime Minister Zhu Rongji said that the PRC opposed US Theater Missile Defense (TMD), saying that it would put Taiwan in the US sphere of protection. US officials and analysts disagreed on whether US missile defense would encourage the PRC to expand its nuclear arsenal, or whether the PRC would do so regardless.
"PRC Views of Missile Defense" (Daily Report, July 7, US)
"International Reactions to Missile Defense" (Daily Report, July 7, US)
"PRC View of US Missile Defense" (Daily Report, July 6, US)
"PRC Nuclear Arsenal" (NPP Flash, V. 2, N. 23)


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15. Russian Response to Missile Defense

Russian President Vladimir Putin met PRC President Jiang Zemin and reaffirmed their mutual opposition to US missile defense plans. General Vladimir Yakovlev, head of Russia's strategic rocket forces, said that Russia might respond by increasing the number of warheads on its Topol-M missile, or by reviving a program to build mid-range ballistic missiles.
"PRC-Russian Talks" (Daily Report, July 6, US)
"PRC-Russian-Central Asian Meeting" (Daily Report, July 5, PRC)
"Russian Response to Missile Defense" (NPP Flash, V. 2, N. 23)




The NAPSNet Week in Review aims to serve as a forum for dialogue and exchange among peace and security specialists. We invite you to reply to today's report, and we welcome commentary or papers for distribution to the network.

Produced by the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development in partnership with:
International Policy Studies Institute Seoul, Republic of Korea
The Center for Global Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Center for American Studies,
Fudan University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Timothy L. Savage:
Berkeley, California, United States

Gee Gee Wong:
Berkeley, California, United States

Kim Hee-sun:
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Hiroyasu Akutsu:
Tokyo, Japan

Peter Razvin:
Moscow, Russian Federation

Chunsi Wu:
Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Dingli Shen:
Shanghai, People's Republic of China

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