Week In Review
December 7, 2001


China Japan Russian Federation Nuclear Issues Afghanistan War and Implications Pakistan India Kashmir
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1. DPRK-US Relations

The DPRK accused the US of increasing tensions on the Korean peninsula and said that it would resist what it called the US's hostile policy. The DPRK warned the US it would build up its military to counter what it said was the US "strong-arm policy" against the DPRK.
"ROK-DPRK-US Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, ROK)
"DPRK-US Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, PRC)
"DPRK-US Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, US)
"DPRK Arms Build-Up" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 4, US)
"DPRK-US Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, US)
"DPRK Missile Development" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, ROK)


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2. US Defense Dept. Report

The US Department of Defense submitted a report to the US Congress that marked the DPRK as the third "most threatening nation" in the world in terms of proliferating weapons of mass destruction.
"US Defense Dept. Report" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, ROK)


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3. DPRK-KEDO Accord

A US-led international consortium which includes Japan, the ROK and the European Union signed an agreement with the DPRK on December 3 guaranteeing the quality of two nuclear reactors being built in the DPRK.
"DPRK-KEDO Accord" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 4, ROK)
"DPRK Nuclear Energy" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, US)
"DPRK Nuclear Inspection" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, ROK)
"KEDO DPRK Visit" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, ROK)
"KEDO DPRK Visit" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, ROK)


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4. ROK Role in Afghanistan

The ROK National Assembly passed a bill that allows for the dispatching of ROK non-combat troops to Afghanistan. The bill cleared the way for the immediate deployment of medical, navy and air force units.
"ROK Role in Afghanistan" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 7, US)


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5. ROK Anti-terror Envoy

The ROK Foreign Ministry said that the ROK will install a new ambassador post to represent the ROK in international terrorism-related conferences and coordinate anti-terrorism efforts with foreign countries as soon as possible.
"ROK Anti-terror Envoy" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, ROK)


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6. Inter-Korean Relations

ROK Unification Minister Hong Soon-young yesterday voiced his suspicion that DPRK hard-liners, including the military, are attempting to curb inter-Korean rapprochement efforts. Hong claimed that the hard-liners exploited an ROK anti-terrorism alert as an excuse for their attempt.
"Inter-Korean Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, ROK)


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7. Inter-Korean Law Revision

The ROK government plans to revise regulations related to inter-Korean trade, economic cooperation projects, shipment operations, and socio-cultural projects.
"Inter-Korean Law Revision" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, ROK)


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8. Kim Dae-jung Nobel Peace Keynote Speech

In a keynote address at the Nobel Peace Prize Centennial Symposium, ROK President Kim Dae-jung said on December 6 that he would promote his "sunshine" policy toward the DPRK with patience, despite recent setbacks in inter-Korean relations.
"ROK Policy toward DPRK" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 7, ROK)
"ROK President on World Peace" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, ROK)


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9. DPRK-Russia Relations

DPRK Chairman Kim Jong-il received new Russian ambassador Andrei Karlov in Pyongyang on Wednesday. The two sides exchanged a warm and friendly conversation, but declined from divulging the contents of the talks and the meeting place
"DPRK-Russia Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, ROK)
"Russia Envoy DPRK Visit" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, ROK)


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10. PRC Position on Korean Peninsula

PRC Ambassador to the ROK Li Bin reaffirmed on December 6 the PRC's pledge to play a "constructive" role in promoting peace and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula.
"PRC Position on Korean Peninsula" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 7, ROK)


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11. ROK-PRC Talks

The ROK Defense Ministry said Thursday that ROK Defense Minister Kim Dong-shin will visit the PRC and Vietnam from December 13-21 to promote military cooperation and exchange.
"ROK-PRC Talks" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 7, ROK)
"ROK's Role in Afghanistan" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 7, ROK)


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12. ROK-Britain Relations

Prime Minister Tony Blair expressed support for ROK President Kim Dae-Jung's policy of rapprochement with the DPRK. An ROK embassy spokesperson said that the talks between Kim and Blair focused on international diplomacy, the security situation in Northeast Asia and the Korean peninsula in particular, and trade.
"ROK-UK Talks" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, ROK)
"ROK-Britain Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 4, US)


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13. DPRK Humanitarian Aid

The DPRK welcomed the UN appeal for US$258 million in food aid and said it hoped the world would continue the donations.
"DPRK-UN Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, PRC)
"DPRK Humanitarian Aid" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, US)


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14. Aid to DPRK

Senior advisor of Korean Peninsula division at the World Bank Bradley O. Babson said that international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund should take a more active role in financially assisting the DPRK.
"Aid to DPRK" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 7, ROK)





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1. Taiwan Legislative Elections

Taiwan's pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) gained control of parliament from the Nationalist Party for the first time.
"Taiwan Legislative Elections" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, US)
"PRC-Taiwan Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, US)


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2. Cross-Straits Relations

The PRC ruled out any possibility of entering cross-Straits talks with Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration. Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian said on 12/03/01 after Taiwan's parliament election that he was still willing to hold dialogue with the PRC.
"Cross-Straits Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, PRC)
"Cross-Straits Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, US)
"Deutsche Presse-Agentur" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 4, US)


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3. Taiwan-US Relations

Taiwan's top PRC policy planner will fly to Washington next week for a three-day stay to brief US think tanks on the government's post-elections cross-strait policies.
"Taiwan-US Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, US)


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4. PRC View on Afghanistan

The PRC welcomed the Bonn agreement on a new Afghanistan government as a "good beginning" and urged all parties to work together to build peace and stability.
"PRC View on Afghanistan" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, ROK)


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5. PRC View of Anti-Terrorism

The PRC said that it opposes an expansion of the US-led war on terrorism to include attacks on Iraq without "concrete evidence" of Iraq's involvement in terrorism. Top U.S. envoy on counter-terrorism General Francis X. Taylor stated that the PRC have agreed to "actively consider" the US request to open a law-enforcement liaison office in Beijing.
"PRC Anti-Terrorism" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, US)
"PRC-US Counter-terrorism" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, ROK)
"PRC-US Anti-Terror Talks" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 4, US)


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6. PRC-Russia Anti-Terrorism

The PRC and Russia pledged total mutual support and cooperation in fighting terrorism. Both sides emphasized the leading role of the UN in the fight against terrorism and agreed that all nations should join the fight based on the UN charter and other international laws.
"PRC-Russian Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, PRC)
"PRC-Russia Anti-Terrorism" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, US)


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7. PRC View of US NMD Test

PRC Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Qiyue on Tuesday criticized the US for its latest test of its proposed missile defense system.
"PRC View of US NMD Test" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, PRC)
"PRC View of US Missile Defense" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 4, US)


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8. PRC-US Relations

PRC Vice-Foreign Minister Wang Guangya held arms control and non-proliferation consultations with his US counterpart John Bolton in Washington on November 30, and met with US Secretary of State Colin Powell afterwards.
"PRC-US Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, PRC)


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9. PRC-US Military Relations

Military exchanges between the US and the PRC are poised to resume, following a suspension caused by the spy plane crisis in April.
"PRC-US Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, US)


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10. PRC View of Israel-Palestine Relations

The PRC government shied away from characterizing the suicide bombings in Israel over the weekend as terrorism, instead criticizing the Palestinians and the Israelis equally for the use of violence and calling for renewed peace talks.
"PRC View of Israel-Palestine Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, US)





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1. Japanese View of Afghan Reconstruction

Japanese Foreign Minister Makiko Tanaka welcomed the Bonn agreement and its establishment of a provisional authority in Afghanistan. Japan Platform will hold a three-day conference for non-governmental organizations in Tokyo next week to discuss ways to provide assistance to Afghanistan.
"Japanese View of Afghan Reconstruction" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, Japan)


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2. Japan's Role in Afghanistan Reconstruction

Legislation to upgrade Japan's support for UN peacekeeping operations became law after being passed by the upper house of parliament. Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi left for Brussels for a summit with Belgian Prime Minister Guy Verhofstadt and European Commission President Romano that is expected to focus on the reconstruction of Afghanistan
"Japan's Role in Afghanistan Reconstruction" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 7, US)
"Japanese Logistic Support for US" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, Japan)


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3. Japanese Logistical Support for US

The Maritime Self-Defense Forces (MSDF) supply vessel Hamana refueled US Navy supply ships in the Arabian Sea on Sunday. The ship was originally on an intelligence-gathering mission. The Democratic Party of Japan on Tuesday reprimanded 28 of its members who failed to follow the party line and vote for the Self-Defense Forces deployment legislation.
"Japanese Logistical Support for US" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, Japan)
"Split in the Democratic Party of Japan" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, Japan)


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4. Japanese Public Opinion

According to a poll conducted by the Tokyo Shimbun on December 1 and 2, 79.5 percent of those surveyed backed Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi and his cabinet, while a mere 15.2 percent did not.
"Japanese Public Opinion" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, US)


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5. Japan-DPRK Relations

The chairman of the de facto head office of the Chogin credit unions Li Jong-ho was arrested on Wednesday on counts of questionable loans extended by the now-defunct Chogin Kinki Credit Union.
"Japan-DPRK Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 6, Japan)
"DPRK-Japanese Relations" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, US)
"DPRK Protests" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 3, ROK)



Russian Federation


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1. RF Trans-Siberian Transit Project Approved

A conference took place in Seoul of infrastructure related ministers of the Asia Pacific region. The East-West transportation corridor project with the Trans-Siberian Main Railway as its major link was discussed. The RF, PRC, ROK and Mongolia signed a memorandum of intentions providing for the creation of a special committee to develop the project.
"RF Trans-Siberian Transit Project Approved" (NAPSNet Daily Report, December 5, RF)



Nuclear Issues


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1. Pakistan Nuclear Safety

Physicists from an Italian Arms Control Center are visiting Pakistan to prepare a report on the status of nuclear security.
"Pakistan Nuclear Safety" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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2. Related News and Analysis

According to U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, the United States government has no knowledge whether or not Al-Qaeda has been able to acquire plans or material to make nuclear weapons. Le Monde, France, published an article that discussed "mininukes," referring to the work of the Nautilus Institute's disarmament specialist Hans Kristensen.
"Related News and Analysis" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)



Afghanistan War and Implications


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1. Afghanistan: Current Situation

The Coalition spokesman Kenneth Keith has rejected calls by humanitarian agencies for the investigation of the killing of war prisoners in a fort near Marzar-e-Sharif. A misguided bombing by the U.S. air force killed three U.S. soldiers and might have injured Hamid Karzai, the newly elected head of the interim Afghan cabinet.
"Coalition rejects probe into Mazar massacre" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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2. Afghanistan: Bonn Accord

The meeting of the delegates of the Afghan factions ended in a signed agreement to set up an interim cabinet as a first step towards establishing a representative government in Kabul. The newly appointed head of the interim cabinet Hamid Karzai has declared amnesty for all surrendering Taliban.
"Afghans sign power-sharing agreement: Karzai to head 30-member interim body" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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3. Humanitarian Crisis

Mary Robinson, the United Nations High Commissioner for human rights, has asked the United States and Britain to investigate the massacre of Taliban prisoners at Qala-i-Jangi. World Food Program's spokesperson Lindsey Davies has expressed concern about the well being of 238,000 people living in Kandahar. The United Kingdom based charity organization, Save the Children, has warned that babies and infants of Afghan families stranded in sub-zero temperatures in northern Afghanistan are dying because of a serious shortage of food and other essentials.

"UN rights chief seeks inquiry into POWs massacre" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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4. Pakistan

According to a report in The News, Pakistan, Professor Abdur Rab Rasool Sayyaf, a Northern Alliance leader will escort a large number of Pakistanis detained in Afghanistan back to Pakistan. President General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan has welcomed the Bonn agreement.
"Sayyaf due in Peshawar along with held Pakistanis" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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5. Russia

Russia's envoy in Kabul Alexander Oblov issued a statement indicating that the Russian embassy in Kabul is now functioning. The Russian foreign ministry, however, has not issued an announcement declaring the embassy open.
"Russian envoy says Kabul embassy functioning" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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6. United States

The United States has reportedly been pressuring the Russians to break off their close relationship with the Northern Alliance. George J. Tenet, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, met with Pakistan's President Pervez Musharraf in Islamabad and asked for Pakistan's help in locating Osama bin Laden
"US pressures Russia to break ties with Alliance" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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7. Regional Developments

The Asia Times published an interview with an unnamed Saudi who is "very close to Saudi scholars, (and) some members of the Saudi royal family." Another report in the Asia Times looks at the effects of the war in Afghnistan on Kuwait.
"Saudi Arabia: Papering over the cracks" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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8. General Assessments

Richard Perle argued that Iraq should be the next phase in the U.S. war against terrorism. Pepe Escober describes the situation in Afghanistan.
"Next stop, Iraq" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)





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1. Pakistan: Domestic Situation

The Pakistani government has initiated a campaign to control Islamic militants and their institutions. The influx of the Taliban fighters has caused concern in Pakistan. Groups of established politicians along with some non-governmental organizations have launched a new political party in Pakistan.
"Govt's first challenge to religious militants" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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2. Iran-Pakistan Relations

Pakistan and Iran have been moving towards closer bilateral relations. Dr Maqbool Ahmad Bhatty argues that a strong relationship between Pakistan and Iran would provide political stability in Asia.
"Pak-Iran differences on Afghanistan over: Karzai" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)


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3. US-Pakistan Relations

According to a report in the News, Pakistan, the United States is pressuring the People's Republic of China to stop supporting Pakistan's missile development program. The U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld has stated that military-to-military linkages between Pakistan and the U.S. should be maintained.
"US will ask China to stop missile cooperation with Pakistan" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)





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1. India: Domestic Situation

The Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) has declared that it is "more interested in building a grand temple in Ayodhya than worrying about the stability of the government." The Indian government has indicated that it will oppose attempts at any new constructions at the site.
"Government can go, temple is more important: RSS" (SANDNet Weekly Update, Vol. 2 #51)





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The NAPSNet Week in Review aims to serve as a forum for dialogue and exchange among peace and security specialists. We invite you to reply to today's report, and we welcome commentary or papers for distribution to the network.

Produced by the Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development in partnership with:
International Policy Studies Institute Seoul, Republic of Korea
The Center for Global Communications, Tokyo, Japan
Center for American Studies,
Fudan University, Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Brandon Yu, Security Program Officer:
Berkeley, California, United States

Hans Kristensen, Security Program Officer:
Berkeley, California, United States

Timothy L. Savage, Security Program Officer:
Berkeley, California, United States

Zulfiqar Ahmad, Security Program Office:
Berkeley, California, United States

Kim Hee-sun:
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Hiroyasu Akutsu:
Tokyo, Japan

Peter Razvin:
Moscow, Russian Federation

Chunsi Wu:
Shanghai, People's Republic of China

Dingli Shen:
Shanghai, People's Republic of China

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