Issue Brief:
- Analysis Reliability of US Intelligence on DPRK Nuke Program
Steve LaMontagne, Council for a Livable World, February 2004.
- Analysis of DPRK Strategic Intentions (Nautilus Conference Presentation)
John Steinbruner, School of Public Affairs at U. of Maryland, 2003.
- US Nuclear Weapons and Korean Security
Willis Stanley, National Institute for Public Policy, 2003.
- CIA Estimate of North Korean Nuclear Capability
Prepared for Congress, 2002.
- DPRK Negotiating Tactics and Nuclear Strategy
Peter Hayes, Nautilus Institute for Security & Sustainability, 2003.
- Report Detailing Uranium Enrichment Technology (FOIA )
Prepared for US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1979.
- Unclassified Accounts on Plutonium Reprocessing (FOIA)
US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1979. (FOIA)
- North Korean Nuclear Weapons to Arsenal
Congressional Research Service, 2004.
- WMD Trade between Pakistan and DPRK
Congressional Research Service, 2003.
Reference Materials
- IAEA Report to the DPRK
Government on Uranium Prospecting - 1987 Mission (FOIA)
- IAEA Report to the DPRK Government on Uranium Prospecting - 1990 Mission (FOIA)
The International Atomic Energy Agency
- End User Export Document to DPRK
E Merck
- Plutonium Production in North Korea
David Albright & Holly Higgins, Institute for Science and International Security, 2000.
- Implications for US Policy in Northeast Asia
Former Defense Secretary William Perry's, Brookings Institution, 2003.
- Senate Testimony on Visit to Yongbyon
Siegfried Hecker, Senior Fellow, Los Alamos National Laboratory, January 21, 2004.
- Report from the Delegation's Visit to DPRK
Former Ambassador Charles "Jack" Pritchard, CNAPS Brookings & Asia Society, January 15, 2004.
- Pacific Powderkeg: American Nuclear Dilemmas in Korea
Peter Hayes, Nautilus Institute for Security & Sustainability, 1991.
- Tactical Nuclear Weapons Responsibility: Ordnance Versus Field Artillery (FOIA)
Lieutenant Colonel Joseph Fields, US Army War College, March 8, 1990.
- The North Korean Nuclear Problem: Issues for U.S. Policy (FOIA)
Defense Nuclear Agency, Prepared for OSD/ISA, 1992.
- Withdrawal of US Nuclear Weapons from Korean Peninsula (FOIA)
U.S. Pacific Command (CINCPAC), 1992.
- North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program
Congressional Research Service, 2003.