Steve Mills, Director of International Program, Sierra Club
Michelle Leighton, Director of International Programs, Natural Heritage Institute
Ka Hsaw Wa, EarthRights International
Dr. Owens Wiwa, Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP)
Erick Brownstein, Africa Rainforest Campaign, Rainforest Action Network
Shannon Wright, Energy Campaign, Rainforest Action Network
Pnine Levermore, Bay Area Council for Jewish Rescue
Lois Bookman, Bay Area Council for Jewish Rescue
Rose Glickman, Bay Area Council for Jewish Rescue
Ted Smith, Silicon Valley Toxics Coalition, International Campaign for Responsible Technology
Leslie Byster, SVTC
Steve Rickard, Amnesty International Washington
Alice Hunsberger, Foundation Relations, Amnesty International New York
Helen L. Vukasin, Hudson Valley Environmental and Human Rights Coalition
Tyler Giannini, EarthRights International
Patrick McCully, International Rivers Network
Steve Kretzmann, Oil Campaign, Project Underground
Lyuba Zarsky, Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development
Gerald LeMelle, Amnesty International Atlanta
Julianne Cartwright-Traylor, Human Rights Advocates, Amnesty International
Katie Redford, EarthRights International
Anne Rolfes, Ogoni Refugees, Project Underground
Owen J. Lynch, Law and Communities Program, Center for International Environmental Law
Michelle Perrault, Sierra Club
Yuriko Hayami, Sierra Club, Rainforest Action Network
Jessica Parsley, Business and Environment Program, Business for Social Responsibility
Debbie O’Brien, Business and Human Rights Program, Business for Social Responsibility
Durwood Zaelke, Center for International Environmental Law
Martin Wagner, International Program, EarthJustice Legal Defense Fund
Danny Kennedy, Project Underground
Beverly C. Edmonds, Human Rights Advocates
Bella Sewall, Center for International Environmental Law
David Grabel, Bay Area Action
Peter Maisa, Student Environmental Action Society
Muriel Freihoffer, Resource Renewal Institute
Nicole Kehoe, Earth Rescue
Michelle Passero, Natural Heritage Institute
Catherine Fox, Sierra Club
Drew Ferguson
Sarah Clusen, Sierra Club
Keith Ferguson
Peter Micck
Ted Amut
Danielle Kraaijvanger, Resource Renewal Institute
Ted Dunham, Resource Renewal Institute
David Hsu
Eric Esler, Center for International Environmental Law
Pam Wellner, Free Burma
Faith Doherty, NGO based in Thailand
Rick Herz
Josh Schre
Josh Karliner, TRAC
Usa Dreier, Environmental Defense Fund
Lindsey Shaviq
Jake Waddell
Janette Girod
Taly Jorish
Helena Brykarz, Goldman Fund
Braden Penhoet, Center for International Environmental Law
B.J. Bergman, Sierra Magazine
Neil Popovich, EarthJustice Legal Defense Fund
Representative, Sierra Club Foundation