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Wednesday, October 26th, 2005


  1. PRC Energy Efficiency
  2. East Siberia Oil Pipeline
  3. PRC Windpower
  4. PRC - Japan Relations
  5. PRC Energy Security
  6. Energy Security - G20
  7. PRC-Australia Energy Cooperation
  8. Japan Energy Saving Technologies
  9. ROK-DPRK Relations
  10. RFE-Korean Gas Pipeline
  11. Sakhalin 2 Project
  12. Clean Coal Conference
  13. Japan - Germany Climate Policy Conference

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1. PRC Energy Efficiency

The Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Environmental Technologies Division (Jiang Lin, "TRENDS IN ENERGY EFFICIENCY INVESTMENTS IN CHINA AND THE US," June, 2005) released this report to address the inadequacy of energy conservation investments in PRC in a time of soaring energy consumption. The paper outlines scenarios for appropriate energy efficiency investments. The author concludes, "China needs to initiate institutional reforms that would combine China's own policy success and the world best practices to mobilize both the public and the private sector resources. The success of such efforts not only would affect China's own long term prospects, but also the global economy and environment."


Visit the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory China Energy Group website here.

2. East Siberia Oil Pipeline

On 6-7 September 2005, the Far Eastern Center of Strategic Research on Fuel-and-Energy Complex hosted the first Asian-Pacific Energy Forum (APEF-2005) in Vladivostok, Russia. The Forum gathered participants from Russia (Economic Research Institute FEB RAS, Thermal Physics Institute SB RAS, Far Eastern State Technical University, Pacific Oceanology Institute FEB RAS, Far Eastern Research & Design Institute of Coal, etc.), ROK (KEEI), Japan (ERINA), PRC (Heilongjiang University), DPRK (State Planning Committee). Moon Young-Seok, a researcher at Korea Energy Economics Institute (Moon Young-Seok, "EAST SIBERIA PACIFIC OCEAN OIL PIPELINE PROJECT FROM KOREAN PERSPECTIVE," September 6-8, 2005) released this presentation from the forum. The presentation describes the East Siberia Pacific Ocean oil pipeline (ESPO) project in detail and lays out three scenarios for the project's development. Implications for ROK based on these scenarios are discussed along with options for strategic planning.


3. PRC Windpower

The PRC is in a position to become the world leader in wind power, according to a Greenpeace report released October 17, 2005. "Wind Guandong, a study of wind power potential in the heavily industrialized Guandong province in southern China, says that by 2020 alone, the region could feasibly produce enough energy from wind turbines to meet the equivalent of Hong Kong's total current electricity supply. 'This report confirms that with political and industry will Guangdong's uptake of clean wind power could become a model for renewable energy development not only in China but for all of Asia,' said Robin Oakley, Greenpeace China's Energy spokesperson. 'This would be a gigantic step forward in reducing the threat of climate change and powering the sustainable growth of the region's economies.'" Download the report and read about Wind Guangdong at:

4. PRC - Japan Relations

In this article released by Japan Focus (J. Sean Curtin, "SEA OF CONFRONTATION: JAPAN-CHINA TERRITORIAL AND GAS DISPUTE INTENSIFIES, October 19, 2005) the author argues, "Japan and China appear headed for a showdown over natural gas exploration and drilling in the East China Sea." According to the article, with an increasingly volatile situation in the East China Sea and the recent visit of Japanese Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro to a controversial shrine, the status of talks between PRC and Japan is in jeopardy, and "prospects for a successful outcome to negotiations are not looking good."


5. PRC Energy Security

China Daily ("NEW LAW TO STRENGTHEN ENERGY SECURITY," October 22, 2005) reported that PRC expects to draft a law within two years that will ensure its energy security, a senior energy official said. The efforts were regarded as a major step to strengthen the country's energy-related legislative foundation and help sustain growth in the years to come. "We need a general law to ensure our energy security and we are buried in the efforts," said Xu Dingming, energy bureau head under the National Development and Reform Commission. Xu said "the meat of the law" is likely to include principles of energy saving, cleaner utilization and security, which have been repeatedly emphasized by PRC's highest leadership in drafting the country's blueprint for the next five years.


6. Energy Security - G20

Agence France Presse ("G20 COUNTRIES CALL FOR STABLE OIL PRICES, ENERGY SUPPLY," October 16, 2005, Xianghe, China) reported that the Group of 20 most industrialized and largest developing countries called Sunday for stable oil prices and a stable supply of energy at the close of their two-day meeting here. "We are concerned that long-lasting high and volatile oil prices could increase inflationary pressures, slow down growth, and cause instability in the global economy," they said in a joint statement. In addition to seeking improved production and refining capacities, the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors also called for more transparency in the oil market to improve market efficiency.


7. PRC-Australia Energy Cooperation

Xinhua News Agency ("AUSTRALIA EXPECTS MORE COOPERATION IN ENERGY WITH S.CHINA PROVINCE," October 20, 2005, Guangzhou) reported that Australia is willing to expand cooperation with south PRC's Guangdong Province in the field of energy, said Australian Governor-General Michael Jeffery. In his meeting with Zhang Dejiang, secretary of the Guangdong provincial committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), Jeffery said Australia has conducted sound cooperation with Guangdong in the project of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) since 2002 and the project is expected to be completed and go into production in April, 2006.


8. Japan Energy Saving Technologies

Agence France Presse ("JAPAN TO HELP APEC COUNTRIES CUT ENERGY USE," October 19, 2005, Tokyo) reported that Japan plans to offer its energy-saving technologies to other Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) countries under a joint effort to cap growing energy demand, a newspaper said Wednesday. Tokyo is expected to announce the plan when APEC energy ministers begin talks in South Korea on Wednesday ahead of their summit in mid-November, the Nihon Keizai Shimbun said.


9. ROK-DPRK Relations

Agence France Presse ("SOUTH KOREA INVITES APEC COUNTRIES TO HELP DEVELOP NORTH KOREA RESOURCES," October 20,2005) reported that ROK… invited Pacific Rim nations to take part in inter-Korean projects to develop mines in DPRK even as tensions over Pyongyang's nuclear weapons program continue. The proposal was made at a meeting of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum on energy and mining in this southeastern resort, a senior ROK official said.


10. RFE-Korean Gas Pipeline

Yonhap News Agency ("RUSSIAN OIL COMPANY OFFICIAL SAYS POLITICS IMPEDE KOREAN GAS PIPELINE PROJECT," October 22, 2005, Seoul) reported that DPRK has yet to approve a project to link it and ROK to gas supplies from Russia because of political circumstances, an executive of the company pursuing the project said. "Obviously, economically, it will be the most efficient way for delivering gas to the Republic of Korea," Aleksandr Medvedev, deputy chairman of Gazprom, told Yonhap. "But in order (for) this option (to be) chosen, there should be political preconditions for it. Probably it will be too optimistic to tell today if North Korea and the Republic of Korea are prepared to find the network," he said.


11. Sakhalin 2 Project

Kyodo News International ("SAKHALIN 2 PROJECT OPERATOR CONFIDENT OF PROFITABILITY, October 21, 2005) reported that the president of Sakhalin Energy Investment Co. indicated Friday the firm is confident of securing profitability in connection with its Sakhalin 2 oil and natural gas development project off the island of Sakhalin in Russia's Far East. Though development costs have run up, oil price hikes are expected to push up profit, Ian Craig said in an interview with Kyodo News. Craig admitted the total project costs have doubled from the original estimate to some $ 20 billion due to severer-than-expected climatic conditions on Sakhalin and steel price hikes.


12. Clean Coal Conference

On November 21-22, 2005, the US Department of Energy will host the 2005 Clean Coal and Power Conference in Washington, D.C. This conference will convene the world's government and industry experts "to discuss the latest technology advancements and their prospects for meeting the economic and environmental demands of the 21st century." The conference will address the question, "Will the rapidly advancing technologies of clean coal and advanced power systems live up to their promise?"
View the conference website and register at:

13. Japan - Germany Climate Policy Conference

"Climate Policy 2005 and Beyond: Japanese-German Impulses" will be held on 1 November 2005 in Tokyo as part of the events taking place during the Germany year in Japan 2005/2006. This conference, commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) is co-organized by the Wuppertal Insititute for Climate, Environment and Energy (WI) and the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). At the symposium, the latest reports on the German experiences with ecological tax reform and emissions trading in Germany will be shared. Conference participants include representatives from the business sector, local governments and NGOs in Germany and Japan. Based on the presentations that focus on innovative methods of implementing green house gas reduction, panelists will discuss the future possibility of cooperation between Germany and Japan in the field of climate policies.
View the conference website and register at:

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