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Wednesday, September 27, 2006


  1. Russian Energy Trading
  2. China Energy Strategy
  3. South Korean Energy Procurement
  4. Japanese Energy Security
  5. Nuclear Power
  6. Japanese Satellites
  7. Climate Change
  8. Pandemic Diseases
  9. Nanontechnology

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1. Russian Energy Trading

Russia has ordered a detailed environmental order of Royal Dutch Shell's Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project, and has threatened to sue the company for "hundreds of millions" of dollars. Japan has warned that the failure to restart the project could hurt bilateral relations.

Russia steps up pressure on Shell over Sakhalin-2

Japan Warns Russia Delays to Energy Project Could Hurt Ties

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar criticized Russia for using its energy supplies as "leverage" in diplomacy with other countries.

The Geopolitics of Energy.pdf

2. China Energy Strategy

Xinhua reports that China is developing a white paper on its energy policy to inform overseas researchers more about its approaches to procuring energy. The National Development and Reform Committee announced plans to raise energy prices, with a portion of the additional proceeds being devoted to financing renewable energy development. Premier Wen Jiabao said that China's energy strategy was focused on continuing to supply 90% of its energy need through domestic supplies through increased conservation and development.

China compiling white paper on energy policies

China's energy focused on renewable sources

China capable of meeting 90 percent of its own energy needs

In a speech in Shanghai, Mark Wang, director of the Center for Transportation Research at the U.S. Argonne National Lab, said that China needs to import advanced technology to help with energy conservation. The U.S. and China held an energy policy dialogue, focusing on definitions of energy security and petroleum reserves.

China needs advanced tech to help conserve energy

United States, China Seek to Foster Reliable, Affordable Energy

3. South Korean Energy Procurement

South Korea will buy 200 tons of uranium over five years starting in 2010 to avoid a shortage of reactor fuel.
South Korea to buy 1000 tons of Australian uranium

South Korea to buy 1000 tons of Australian uranium

According to APEC's Energy Demand and Supply Outlook 2006, South Korea's energy demand is expected to grow annually at 2.0 percent between now and 2030, with changes in industry structure and improvements in efficiency accounting for the slowdown in growth rate. Initiatives to strengthen inter-regional cooperation will also help diversify Korea's supply sources.

Korea's Energy Outlook

4. Japanese Energy Security

Dr. Ken Koyama of Japan's Institute of Energy Economics presents Japan's new national strategy for energy security.

Japan's New National Energy Strategy

5. Nuclear Power

In the introduction to her new book, Helen Caldicott argues that nuclear power is not the answer to global climate change, but instead countries should invest in new, non-polluting technologies.

Nuclear Power Is Not the Answer

6. Japanese Satellites

Japan launched two satellites; one is an intelligence gathering satellite that will monitor North Korea, while the other will study the sun's magnetic field.

Latest spy satellite goes into space without a hitch

Japan launches satellite to monitor sun's magnetic field

7. Climate Change

A study by NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies found that the global temperature is now the highest in the latest inter-glacial period, which began around 12,000 years ago.

Global temperature highest in millenia

The June/July edition of the Australasian Emissions Trading Forum Review examines the market dynamics of carbon emissions trading.

Australasian Emissions Trading Forum Review

8. Pandemic Diseases

Bill Bowtell of Australia's Lowy Institute writes that the emergence of extreme drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis, combined with the global HIV pandemic, could spell disaster if more urgent measures aren't taken to combat the spread of AIDS.

Killer catching a ride on HIV

9. Nanontechnology

Demos released a report on a study of how scientists can engage the public in developing strategies for governance of nanotechnologies.

Governing at the Nanoscale

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