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Nautilus Weekly April 18 - 22, 2005

Hayes Says China Substituting For American Power

Peter Hayes, Nautilus Institute Executive Director, was quoted on Radio Australia saying "The reality is that the [US] State Department and other agencies … are rather desperately looking for ways to deal with the situation because if they don't, then the United States stands to lose substantial face and China in particular will begin to substitute for American strategic power in the region."

Korea: Fears That Pyongyang Is Set To Produce Nuclear Weapons

Hayes Discusses Possible US Responses to DPRK Reactor Shutdown

Peter Hayes was also interviewed in the International Herald Tribune on the DPRK reactor shutdown saying that "those in US politics might be discussing bombing North Korea's nuclear facilities or, more likely, implementing 'a unilateral aerial and/or naval interdiction' on North Korea. 'The realistic response would be for President Bush to engage Kim Jong Il in a 'presidential' manner which would be meaningful in North Korean political culture by sending a high-level emissary to Pyongyang to discuss resolution of the issues, always in the context of the six party talks of course.'"

Seoul Frowns On Inviting Security Council To Talks

NAPSNet Top Story: Steps At Reactor In North Korea Worry The U.S.

AESNet Top Story: Asian Energy Security Workshop Web Site

Nautilus Associate David von Hippel stated that the 2005 webpage for the annual Asian Energy Security Workshop Beijing, China, from May 13-16, 2005, is now publicly available. "This year, the focus of the workshop is on regional cooperation to improve energy efficiency," he stated. For a discussion of the overall energy security analysis methods used in the AES project, see the article "Energy Security Analysis: A New Framework", prepared by David Von Hippel for the reCOMMEND newsletter. The paper offers a new definition of Energy Security and describes an analytical framework designed to help compare the energy security characteristics of different scenarios. The results of an application of the framework to a case study of Japan are also briefly summarized.

See the website

Energy Security Analysis: A New Framework

The Controversies of South Korean Society on the Issue of Human Rights in North Korea

Bohyuk Suh, an expert advisor at the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, writes: "The North Korean human rights issue should not be the only issue to be viewed, but rather, the general situation in and outside of Korea, and the task of settling for peace on the Korean peninsular, should be viewed together as a whole."

Read the article

U.S. Tries New Tack in Pursuing Interests, Stability in East Asia

Bruce Klingner, an Asia analyst at Eurasia Group, an independent research and consulting firm that provides global political risk analysis, writes: "Pyongyang will calibrate its strategy to take advantage of the divisive political landscape and seek to further isolate the US from South Korea and Japan from South Korea...Such efforts collectively undermine US objectives to present a unified negotiating position to Pyongyang as well as any future attempts to garner international support for stronger measures."

Read the article.

Discussion of "The EU Stretches Its Foreign Policy Wings Over Korea"

Nautilus had published a discussion on the essay "The EU Stretches its Foreign Policy Wings Over Korea" by Dr. Soyoung Kwon, post-doctorate fellow at the Asia-Pacific Research Centre of Stanford University, and Glyn Ford, member of the Korean Peninsula Delegation in the European Parliament, which appeared as Policy Forum Online 05-31A: April 12th, 2005. This report includes comments by Dr. Kay Möller, Senior Research Associate at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs in Berlin, Germany.

Read the discussion.

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. DPRK Datasets
. Knowledge Management in a Social Enterprise
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. A New Foreign Policy Paradigm: Perspectives on the Role of South Korea as a Balancer
. The Controversies of South Korean Society on the Issue of Human Rights in North Korea
. U.S. Tries New Tack in Pursuing Interests, Stability in East Asia
. "Military-First Politics" And Building A "Powerful And Prosperous Nation" In North Korea
. The EU Stretches its Foreign Policy Wings Over Korea
. Discussion of “The EU Stretches its Foreign Policy Wings Over Korea”
. What is the Goal of the U.S. Policy toward North Korea: Nonproliferation or Regime Change?
. World Food Programme Press Conference on the DPRK
. No Longer the 'Lone' Superpower: Coming to Terms with China
. The Folly of Forcing Regime Change
. Discussion of The Folly of Forcing Regime Change
. The North Korean Crisis
The Structure of North Korea’s Political Economy
. Allow Two Nukes for North Korea
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