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Tuesday, April 21, 2004



Asia Energy Security 2004 Workshop

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1. The LEAP Software Tool and the Far East

The Nautilus Institute (Victor Kalashnikov, Alexander Ognev, and Ruslan Gulidov, "THE APPLICATION OF THE LEAP SOFTWARE TOOL THE TO ENERGY SECTOR ANALYSIS IN THE FAR EAST," November 1st, 2004) released this study examining the application of the LEAP Program (Long-range Energy Alternative Planning) to the energy sector in the Russian Far-East written for the Forth East Asian Energy Futures Project (EAEF) workshop convened by Nautilus Institute in November 2003 in Vancouver, Canada. This presentation features details on the current status of the Russian energy sector, noting key changes, as well as an examination of the potential for future development and energy efficiency.

Read the full report.

2. ROK on Power Grid Interconnection

The Nautilus Institute (David von Hippel and Jim Williams, "ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES FOR REGIONAL POWER SYSTEMS IN NORTHEAST ASIA," October 1st, 2003) released a presentation presented to the Nautilus Institute's 3rd Workshop on Grid Interconnection in Vladivostok, Russia on September 31, 2003. "This paper provides a generic overview of the potential environmental benefits and impacts of grid interconnections in a number of areas, including air pollution, water pollution, solid and hazardous wastes, land use, biodiversity and wildlife, and human health. The final two sections of the paper summarize institutional issues associated with the environmental performance and regulation of grid interconnections, and offer ideas as to 'next steps' in the collaborative assessment of the possible environmental, economic, and technical performance of a grid interconnection."

Read the report.

3. Nautilus Institute Asian Energy Security 2004 Workshop

Nautilus Institute ("ASIAN ENERGY SECURITY WORKSHOP 2004," 4/21/04) released the new web site for its 2004 EAEF workshop to be held in Beijing from May 12th to 14th, 2004. This event is co-hosted by the Energy and Environmental Technology Center (EETC) of Tsinghua University. The main focus of the workshop is collaborative research, involving groups from each of the countries of Northeast Asia (including, the DPRK, the ROK, the Russian Far East, China, Japan, and Mongolia) on different paths to addressing energy security issues in the region. The emphasis will be on both national and regional approaches to energy security concerns. Examples of the regional issues to be discussed and worked on by the collaborating groups at the workshop and in follow-on work include the relative benefits to each nation and to the region as a whole of international gas pipeline and power grid networks, of increased imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG), and of development and adoption of measures for gas and electric energy efficiency improvement.

Asian Energy Security Workshop.

4. North Korean Nuclear Program and International Nonproliferation Regimes

Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute for International Studies (Daniel A. Pinkston, "BARGAINING FAILURE AND THE NORTH KOREAN NUCLEAR PROGRAM'S IMPACT ON INTERNATIONAL NONPROLIFERATION REGIMES," February 26, 2003) reported that "if diplomacy fails to bring North Korea back into the NPT as a good standing member, we should expect it to impact the nuclear nonproliferation regime in the following areas: membership rules; monitoring and verification; and centralization of authority. Since signatories of the NPT should be more sensitive about members defecting from the regime, the IAEA will likely require more stringent membership rules for signatories to remain in good standing, particularly for nontransparent states suspected of embracing nuclear ambitions."


Read the full report.

5. New Jersey Challenges California as Solar Capital of U.S.

Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) ("NEW JERSEY CHALLENGES CALIFORNIA AS SOLAR CAPITAL OF U.S.," Washington DC, 3/23/04) reported that New Jersey's initiatives that could help it overtake California as the nation's leading solar market. Last week, New Jersey finalized the nation's best renewable energy portfolio standard (RPS) for solar power, which calls for 90 megawatts of solar by 2008. "New Jersey is positioning itself to become the clean energy capital of the United States," said Glenn Hamer, SEIA's Executive Director, who attended an event at the state capital in Trenton today to discuss the solar boom in New Jersey. Recognizing New Jersey's abundant, idle rooftops as a prime location to generate new power for the state, they have put in place a set of incentives that will help clean the state's air while generating jobs for their constituents. The state is also developing a strong "net metering" law that will make it easy for solar users to connect to the grid and provide their excess electricity into the system. "As New Jersey adopts these forward-thinking policies, Governor Schwarzenegger has promised to maintain California's pro-solar leadership," Hamer added. "Let's hope this bi-coastal battle of the titans shows other states and the federal government how to enhance our energy security while creating jobs here in America."


Read the full report.

6. World Oil Transit Chokepoints

US Department of Energy ("WORLD OIL TRANSIT CHOKEPOINTS," April 6th, 2004) reported this report on major world oil transit "chokepoints." Also included are maps and links to other related web sites. The DOE reports that, "Over 35 million barrels per day (bbl/d) pass through the relatively narrow shipping lanes and pipelines discussed below. These routes are known as chokepoints due to their potential for closure. Disruption of oil flows through any of these export routes could have a significant impact on world oil prices."


National Defense University Press (John H. Noer with David Gregory "CHOKEPOINTS: MARITIME ECONOMIC CONCERNS IN SOUTHEAST ASIA," Washington D.C., December 1996) argues that the United States should encourage other nations to share in the costs of protecting SLOCs in general. The SE Asian SLOCs in particular and should foster international consensus in both regional and global forums to keep SLOCs open because the economics of world trade require it. Protecting shipping for economic reasons should become as important a national priority as protecting it for military reasons. The book is not available online but a summery of the argument can be found at: http://www.ndu.edu/inss/strforum/SF_98/forum98.html

You can get more information on Noer's book by contacting: maerzg@ndu.edu.

7. DOE Launches New Web-Site for the EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse

US Department of Energy ("ENERGYIDEAS CLEARINGHOUSE") released a new web-site for its EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse. The EnergyIdeas Clearinghouse has been the most comprehensive, technical resource that Pacific Northwest business, industry, government and utilities use to implement energy technologies and practices. EnergyIdeas is operated and managed by the Washington State University Extension Energy Program in Olympia, Washington. Funding is provided by the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance. Our telephone hotline serves Northwest energy professionals with tailored, reliable, and unbiased information on products, programs, and technologies. Our EnergyIdeas.org website was launched in 1998 to expand our reach and put useful information into the hands of everyone who can significantly reduce energy use.


Read the report.

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