Recent Paper Archives
Russia and the North Korean Knot
Nuclear Posture Review and North Korea
Interdiction: Legality, Effectiveness and the Way Forward
The Domestic and International Politics of Spent Nuclear Fuel in South Korea: Are We Approaching Meltdown?
Why the Sunshine Policy Made Sense
The Stability of North Korea and a Long-term Strategy for Transformation
Northeast Asia - A Major Global Challenge for the New Decade
China-North Korea Relations
North Korea: It's the Economy, Stupid
Activating a North Korea Policy
We Need Both Hatoyama's Decision and Obama's Patience
Peace Talks, Sanctions and Nuclear Negotiations: What the North is Really Saying
US Maritime Security Priorities in East Asia
Transformative Technology for a Sustainable Future
Lessons Learned From the North Korean Nuclear Crises
Hard Currency and Socialism: The Ban on Foreign Exchange in North Korea
The Path Not Taken, the Way Still Open: Denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia
Extended Nuclear Deterrence: Global Abolition and Korea
Symbolism of the New North Korean Currency: Heralding a Change of Power in North Korea?
North Korea: A Date in Pyongyang - but What Real Hope?
Currency Reform and Orthodox Socialism in North Korea
North Korea Contingency Planning and U.S.-ROK Cooperation
Shades Of Red: China's Debate Over North Korea
North Korea Inside Out: The Case for Economic Engagement
North Koreas Second Nuclear Test: Implications of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1874
Japan's Challenges and Dilemmas over Nuclear Disarmament
China Civil Society Report: Public Interest Litigation in China
A Smart Alliance in the Age of Complexity
Hatoyama Government and Japan's Defense Guidelines
Japan between Alliance and Community
Regional Multilateralism in Asia and the Korean Question
Unbearable Legacies: The Politics of Environmental Degradation in North Korea
Civil Society Reaction to the "Green Dam" Internet Filter Software
The Way to Denuclearize North Korea
Understanding New Opportunities to Enhance Human Security in the DPRK
No Rush to Talk With North Korea
Extended Deterrence: Cutting Edge of the Debate on Nuclear Policy
The Significance of Clinton's Visit to North Korea
Clinton's Mission to Pyongyang
How Light Water Reactors Figure into Negotiations with North Korea
Why is North Korea so Aggressive?
UN Sanctions Unlikely to Make North Korean Back Down
The Sulawesi Sea Situation: Stage for Tension or Storm in a Teacup?
Too Much Importance Attached to 'Ship of Fools'
North Korea Entering a New Phase: 'We Are Not Interested in the U.S. Anymore'
Sending Another 'Jimmy Carter' to N. Korea
Pyongyang Strikes Back
What's Driving Pyongyang?
Solving the Cooperation Model between Foundations and Grassroots NGO
Pyongyang Turns Back the Clock
North Korea and the Importance of Arms Control
North Korea: Getting Back to Talks
Mongolia and the International Community
Full Text of UN Resolution 1874
UNSC Anti-North Korea Resolution a Recipe for Conflict?
Moving From a North Korean Nuclear Problem to the Problem of North Korea
Why Punishing North Korea Won't Work... and What Will
Ramifications of the North Korean Nuclear Test
Winning, not Playing the Nuclear Game with North Korea
CTBTO's Initial Findings on the DPRK's Announced Nuclear Test
North Korea's Nuclear Test of International Resolve
Flood Across the Border
China Civil Society Report: Charitable Donation in China
The New Korean Cold War and the Possibility of Thaw
A New U.S. Policy toward Korea
The ICNND and Japanese Civil Society
Calling the Bluff or Showing Respect? Short Term Propaganda Victories and Long Term Strategic Objectives
North Korea: Unilateral and Multilateral Economic Sanctions and U.S. Department of Treasury Actions 1955-April 2009
Old Ideas and New Diplomats: a Fresh Beginning in Northeast Asia?
Sanctions Will Have No Effect on North Korea
The North Korean Long-Range Missile Test-Launch of April, 2009: Results and Implications
Japan's MSDF Somalia Dispatch: Targeting Pirates or Pirating a Constitutional Reinterpretation?
Do Not Let the Rocket Launch Block North Korean Denuclearazition
Taboo in Japan: Can Japan Think Strategically about North Korea?
Reading North Korea Right
Examining North Korea's Satellite Launch Vehicle
Not an Impeccable Argument
DPRK Trip Report February 24-28th, 2009
The Role of the Military in the Fall of the Ceausescu Regime and The Possible Relevance for a Post-Kim Jong-il Transition in North Korea
Can We Reach a Nuclear Deal with North Korea?
North Korea Watches Washington
Tempting the Dragon
EU: On the Bench in Pyongyang
Reinforcing American Extended Deterrence for Japan: An Essential Step for Nuclear Disarmament
What Obama Should Offer North Korea
The Chinese Economic Stimulus Package and its Impact on Environmental Protection Organizations
Living With a Nuclear North Korea
How Far Will the Seoul-Pyongyang Aggravation Go?
A New US Diplomatic Strategy toward North
The Somalia Multilateral Anti- Piracy Approach: Some Caveats
The DPRK-US Nuclear Game in the Obama Era
Ending Somalian Piracy
No More Victims to the Devil of America's Own Creating
Obama Will Be Challenged by North Korea
A DPRK 'Shangri-la' Powered by Solar Electricity
Assistance to North Korea
North Korea: 20 Years of Solitude
Obama's Options on North Korea
S. Korea Should Cooperate with U.S. on N.K.
Five Characteristics of the Development of Chinese Non-Profit Organization
The Lee Myung-bak Government's Policy Toward the DPRK after Barack Obama's Inauguration
Pyongyang University of Science & Technology (PUST)
The Daejeon Green Growth Forum
Challenges in Alliance Management between Washington and Seoul
Opportunities for the Assessment of Civil Organizations in China
Big Brother is Watching: China's Intentions in the DPRK
Telecommunications in North Korea: Has Orascom Made the Connection?
Chinese Civil Society Impacts on Urban Migration
China's Economic Reforms Pushed by Civil Society
Obama and North Korea: The Road Ahead
Bush=Obama=Lee Myungbak? Eccentric Syllogism!
The North Korean Conundrum
Setting a New Course with North Korea
Neo-Cons in Pyongyang
Japan Needs to Talk About What It Will Do for Itself
Setting a New Course with North Korea
Japan-India Joint Declaration on Security Cooperation
Deterioration of Inter-Korean Relationship
Moral Realism Boomerang: Eight Months into the Lee Administration's North Korean Policy
An Overview of Social Work with the Disabled in China
The Question President Bush Needs to Answer
Has the Next Great Leader of North Korea Been Announced?
The Facts and Fables of a Unified Korea
Delisting North Korea
The North Korean Economy: Leverage and Policy Analysis
After Kim Jong-il
Dealing with North Korea under Uncertain Leadership
Nothing Succeeds Like Succession?
Kim Jong-il on Spotlight
The Future of Political Leadership in North Korea
The Way We Should Deal with North Korea
Preparing for Regime Change in North Korea: The Need for International Cooperation
Australia and the DPRK: The Sixty Years of Relationship
The Maritime Self-Defence Force Mission in the Indian Ocean: Afghanistan, NATO and Japan's Political Impasse
Denuclearization of the DPRKA Role for the United Nations?
Visiting the Kaesong Industrial Complex
China Civil Society Report: Mass Incidents in China
President Lee Myongbak's Learning Curve
How A Mock Trial Could Turn Victory into Defeat on North Koreas Nuclear Arms
Vietnam's Model for North Korea
Russia's 'Power Politics' and North Korea
Rocks of Contention: Dokdo/Liancourt/Takeshima
Lee Outflanked
Japan's Nuclear Future: Policy Debate, Prospects, and U.S. Interests
The South China Sea Hydra
Chinese Civil Society After the 512 Earthquake
Olympic Security Collaboration
Simpleminded or Farsighted? - The US' handling of North Korea
Securing the Sulu Sea
Denuclearization and Peace Regime on the Korean Peninsula are Possible
Caution Against Overestimating Pyongyang's Move
North Korea: Presidential Action on State Sponsor of Terrorism (SST) and the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA)
North Korea's Nuclear Declaration: What to Expect
North Korean Denuclearization: Beyond Phase II Disablement
Wenchuan as Eco-City
We Have No Plan
Koreas Not Eye-to-Eye on Vision 3000
Unsustainable Inequities: Saving the Japan-U.S. Alliance from Drift
Put the Proliferation Security Initiative Under the UN
North Korea on the Precipice of Famine
An Outbreak of 'Warm Spring': The Hu-Fukuda Summit Assessed
The Right Path With N. Korea
Update on the Six-Party Talks
Nuclear Matters in North Korea
Will Australia help North Korea?
North Korea Trip Report
Report of Visit to the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea (DPRK)
Middle Powers and Korean Normalization: An Australian Perspective Revisited
U.S.-ROK Civil Society Ties: Dynamics and Prospects in a Post-Alliance World
Socialist Neo-Conservatism in North Korea? A Return to Old Principles in the 2008 New Year Joint Editorial
North Korean Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States
A Security and Peace Mechanism for Northeast Asia: The Economic Dimension
Lee Myung-bak and the Future of Sino-South Korean Relations
Pragmatism and North Korea Policy
Dark Horse
(Maybe) Denuclearizing North Korea
President Lee Myung-bak's North Korea Policy: Denuclearization or Disengagement?
The New York Philharmonic in North Korea. A New Page in US-DPRK Relations?
North Korea Extends Its Freedom Overture
The Philippines' Spratly "Bungle": Blessing In Disguise?
North Korea Now: Will the Clock Be Turned Back?
Inter-Korean Relations in the Absence of a U.S.-ROK Alliance
The North Korean Ballistic Missile Program
The Search for a Common Strategic Vision: Charting the Future of the US-ROK Security Partnership
A Maritime Security Regime for Northeast Asia: Part II
Presidential Elections and the Future of Russian-Korean Relations
Hardliners Target Détente with North Korea
Seoul Needs Sound Policy, Not Soundbites
U.S. Hypocrisy in the Strait of Hormuz?
East Timor: the Crisis Beyond the Coup Attempt
North Korea-Russia Relations: A Strained Friendship
An 'Early Summer': Sino-Japanese Cooperation in the East China Sea
Sino-Indian Relations: The Four Disconnects
North Korea: Terrorism List Removal?
A New Policy Toward N. Korea Can Serve Japan
The Next Nuclear Agreement with North Korea: Prospects and Pitfalls
Japan as a Plutonium Superpower
Looking Back and Looking Forward: North Korea, Northeast Asia and the ROK-U.S. Alliance
The Hard Part Starts for Seoul's New Man
Keeping an Eye on an Unruly Neighbor
Emerging Regional Security Architecture in Northeast Asia
North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Latest Developments
Inspector O Faces the Music
North Korea Meets Keynes: Demand and Supply in Our Style Socialism
The US-China Port Visit Spat: Opening a Pandora's Box?
Japan Needs a New Approach to North Korean Abductions
The 2007 Inter-Korean Summit and Its Implications for Northeast Asia
Why Ichiro Ozawa is America's True Hope and Why Shinzo Abe Never Was
Economic Consequences of ROK-U.S. Separation
The Re-Emergence of an
Australian Nuclear Weapons Option?
Strengthening Security Cooperation with Australia: A New Security Means for Japan
Economic Implications of Summit Agreement
Mongolia Matters
North Korean Refugees in China and Human Rights Issues
Kim Jong Il confronts Bush - and wins. A New Page in North-South Korean Relations
A Framework for Peace and Security in Korea and Northeast Asia
What Korean Unification Means to China
Targeting Chongryun?
Second-Phase Actions for the Implementation of the September 2005 Joint Statement
Environmental Security: Agenda Item for the Inter-Korean Summit
North Korea's External Economic Relations
Kim Jong-il's Calculation
Summit Spirit on the Korean Peninsula
Disaster Management and Institutional Change in the DPRK: Trends in the Songun Era
North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Dismantlement or Disarmament
A Russian View on Inter Korean Summit
The Proposed South Korea-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (KORUS FTA)
The Second South-North Summit: Prospects for Intensifying Inter-Korean Cooperation
A Maritime Security Regime for Northeast Asia?
The Inter-Korean Summit: One Good Turn Deserves Another
How Realistic Is a Nuclear-Armed Japan?
Seoul's Impetuous Summit Initiative
The Kaesong North-South Korean Industrial Complex
The Second Inter-Korean Summit: Four Arguments Against and Why They Could Be Wrong
A Unified Approach: Articulating a Coordinated U.S.-ROK Strategy in 2008
No Justice, No Peace
Turnabout is Fair Play
US Missile Defense In Northeast Asia and the Rule of Law in Japan
Ain't No Sunshine When He's Gone? The Future of Engagement after the ROK Presidential Election
Missile Defence Response to the July 5, 2006 North Korean Missile Test
Not Going Nuclear: Japan's Response to North Korea's Nuclear Test
On North Korea, Hippocrates Not Hypocrisy
The Prospects for Institutionalizing the Six-Party Talks
Japan and India as Partners for the Peace and Stability of Asia
Process of Denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula and the Challenges
Resolving the North Korean Nuclear Problem: Status Quo vs. Transformative Approach
Democracy and Peace in Korea Twenty Years After June 1987
The North Korean Economy: Overview and Policy Analysis
Behind the Blacklisting of Banco Delta Asia
Anticipating Six Party Energy Negotiations
Fueling DPRK Energy Futures and Energy Security
Lessons from the BDA Issue
The New Nuclear Arms Race
Prime Minister Abe's Visit to the United States
Yokohama and Seoul: Dealing With Crimes of State in Japan and South Korea
Open Minds, Open Futures: How will Asia-Pacific Communities respond to Global Insecurity?
The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea: Conventional or Hybrid Military Threat?
Transforming the U.S. Relationship with China
Gold Digging: Getting to the Bottom of the Treasury Department's Economic Campaign Against North Korea
Famine in North Korea: Markets, Aid and Reform
A Framework for Peace and Security in Korea and Northeast Asia
Economic Perspectives on Future Directions for Engagement With the DPRK in a Post-Test World
North Korea's Strategic Decisions After the February 13 Agreement
Holier Than Thou Politics of Comfort Women Apology
BDA: Hill's Tactical Miscalculation
Protecting the Human Rights of Comfort Women
What Price Denuclearization?
Comfort Women: It's Time for the Truth (in the Ordinary, Everyday Sense of the Word)
So Far, So Fast
North Korea's Nuclear Weapons Program to 2015: Three Scenarios
North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: Implications for the Nuclear Ambitions of Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan
Enhancing U.S. Engagement with North Korea
Tug Of War With Shorter Rope
North Korea's Alleged Large-Scale Enrichment Plant
It's About Time!
Can the New Nuclear Deal with North Korea Succeed?
The Beijing Deal is not the Agreed Framework
Initial Actions for the Implementation of the Joint Statement
U.N. Sanctions on North Korea and U.S. Korea Relations
First Technical Steps for North Korean Denuclearization
Kim Jong Il's Nuclear Ambitions
The Forgotten Victims of the North Korean Crisis
Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation at a Crossroads
A Proposed Korea - U.S. Free Trade Agreement and Kaesong Industrial Complex
Classical Socialism in North Korea and its Transformation
Succession - A Dictator's Dilemma
Paek the Opaque: Another Old North Korean Bites the Dust
DPRK Pursuing Factory Modernization Through Foreign Joint Ventures, Cooperatives
Hopes of Economic Build-Up Spread Following DPRK Nuclear Test
North Korea Turns Back the Clock
Inspector O Gets a Thermos
Inspector O And The Case Of The Missing Tea Thermos
Dead Talks Walking; North Korea and Removing the Bomb
Co-operation in the Malacca and Singapore Straits: A Glass Half-Full
Going Nuclear; Why Now And Now What?
The Democratic Party's Victory in the U.S. Midterm Elections and the North Korean Nuclear Issue
What do the US Mid-Terms Elections Really Mean for East Asia?
The Political Economy of Sanctions Against North Korea
The Okinawan Election and Resistance to Japan's Military First Politics
Report on North Korean Nuclear Program
Cuba 1962 and North Korea Now
Global Nuclear Future: A Japanese Perspective
The Plight of North Koreans in China and Beyond
Maritime Interdiction of North Korean WMD Trade: Who Will Do What?
Time to End the Korean War: The Korean Nuclear Crisis in the Era of Unification
The Taoist Enlightenment on Mt. Huashan: How American Eagle and North Korean Tortoise Can Get Along
A New Tack for China after North Korea's Nuclear Test?
North Korea has the Bomb. Now What?
North Korea: Economic Sanctions and U.S. Treasury Department Actions, 1995-September, 2006
Full Text of United Nations Security Council Measure 1718
The Time of Reckoning: U.S. Vital
Interests on the Korean Peninsula and Response to the Escalation of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis
Dr. Strangelove in Pyongyang
Text of North Korea's Nuclear Test Announcement
Make Lemonade Out of Lemons: Invite North Korea to Join Japan/East Sea Survey
The Stalker State: North Korean Proliferation and the End of American Nuclear Hegemony
PRC Scholar Analyzes Implications of a DPRK Nuclear Test
Overcoming the Yasukuni Issue is Good for Both China and Japan
North Korean Trade with China as Reported in Chinese Customs Statistics
Wabbit in Free Fall
Are North Korea and China Drifting Apart after the Missile Test?
Foreign Policy as a 'Fight': Abe and the Future of East Asian Relations
Missiles and Sanctions: Has a Watershed Been Reached in the Korean Nuclear Crisis?
Burma and Its Neighbours: The Geopolitics of Gas
Visualizing a North Korean 'Bold Switchover'
North Korea's Missile Launches and Six-Party Talks
Misunderstandings on the Transfer of Wartime Operational Control
DPRK's Reform and Sino-DPRK Economic Cooperation
After North Korea's Missile Launch: Are the Nuclear Talks Dead?
South Korean Civil Society's Response to the N.K. Missile Tests Follows Predictable Ideological Divides
North Korea's Missile Launches and South Korea's Response
The Economic Implications of a North Korean Nuclear Breakout
Gaeseong Industrial Complex in Steady Progress Despite a Series of Negative Incidents
Strange Tempests Follow Missile Tests
What North Korea's Missile Test Means
North Korea Focusing On Technological Development To Revive Economy
Embrace Tiger, Retreat to Mountain, Test Nuke
DPRK Trip Report
DPRK Foreign Ministry Statement Denounces UNSC Resolution Over DPRK Missile Launch
China's Army Yawns at Pyongyang's Missiles
The Illusion of Operational Readiness of National Missile Defense
Kim Jong Il vs George W. Bush: American National Security in the Balance
Stop Hyperventilating, Start Talking
North Korea's Missile Tests: Malign Neglect Meets Brinkmanship
North Korean Fireworks?
North Korea Stands to Lose with Missile Launch
Political Fences & Bad Neighbors
The Self-Reliant National Defense of South Korea and the Future of the U.S.-ROK Alliance
Will North Korea Launch a Long-range Missile?
KORUS FTA: A Pragmatic and Strategic View
North Korea's Military-First Policy: A Curse or a Blessing?
Can Economic Theory Demystify North Korea?
Japan as a Base for the Defense of the US homeland
The Proliferation Security Initiative in Perspective
The U.S.-China-Taiwan Triangle: Towards Equilibrium
Making Progress While Marking Time
Making Progress While Marking Time
Japanese Discovery of Democracy
Japan and Korea: Between A Legal Rock and a Hard Place
An Instinct for the Capillaries
US Financial Allegations – What They Mean
US Misses-Mines-for-Nukes Opportunity
Shifting Terrain: The Domestic Politics of the
U.S. Military Presence in Asia
Mongolia at 800: Toward Enhanced U.S. and International Support
Transforming an Asymmetric Cold War Alliance
China Begins Oil Route Experiment in Mekong
South Korea-U.S. Alliance Under the Roh Government
Pyongyang's 'Unification' Market of Today
The MSDF Indian Ocean Deployment – Blue Water Militarization in a ‘Normal Country’
Interest Revived in the Sinuiju Special Administrative Region
China Goes West
CNS Special Report on North Korean Ballistic Missile Capabilities
Only Continued Pressure, Combined With Inducements, Can Bring End to North Korean Nuclear Program
Trilateral Congregation – Condi Rice’s attempts in ‘Containing’ China?
KTU/SU Summary Status Report
Strategic Flexibility of U.S. Forces in Korea
Is China the Nemesis in a New Cold War?
Linking Europe and Northeast Asia
Kim Jong Il’s Southern Tour
China's Nuclear Forces
Sanctions on Pyongyang Will Backfire
When in Doubt, Blame South Korea: The Politics of Food Aid to North Korea
U.S. Assistance to North Korea: Fact Sheet
The East Timor Truth Commission Report Shines
China and North Korea: Comrades Forever?
China's 'Abandonment' of NK a U.S. Neo-Con Fantasy
Taking Care of Business
Eurasia Burning: A Dark Day for Mongolian Democracy
Eurasia Burning: A Dark Day for Mongolian Democracy
North East Asia's Undercurrents of Conflict
The "Sopranos State"? North Korean Involvement in Criminal Activity and Implications for International Security
Risks and Hopes for N.E. Asia Peace
Looking for Mr. X: North Korea’s Successor
China Raises its Stake in North Korea
Pan-Korean Nationalism, Anti-Great Power-ism and U.S.-South Korean Relations
A Better Korea Strategy
Bring the Proliferation Security Initiative Into the UN
International Aid for North Korea: Sustainable Effects or a Waste of Resources?
US Double-Dealing Attitude and Japan’s Privilege
Technical Summary of DPRK Nuclear Program
Discussion of Made in Which Korea?
Aid Strengthens Kim's Regime
The Cabal is Alive and Well
Made in Which Korea?
The United States and South Korea: Can This Alliance Last?
The North Korean Criminal State, its Ties to Organized Crime, and the Possibility of WMD Proliferation
Stabilized Democracy in Mongolia in 2005
Land of the Rising Khan: Moving the US Forward on a Mongolia Action Plan
North Korea’s State Ration System
South Korea's Blueprint for Economic Cooperation with the DPRK
DPRK Markets: A Defector's Perspective
The North Korean Plutonium Stock Mid-2005
Why Seoul Helps the North
Meeting the North's Demands
You Say Okjeryok, I Say Deterrent; No Wonder We Don't Agree
North Korean Markets and the Reactivation of the Public Distribution System: Dialogue between a Pessimist and an Optimist
Discussion of Light Water Reactors at the Six Party Talks by Georgy Bullychev
Hide and Seek with Kim Jong Il
Discussion of Light Water Reactors at the Six Party Talks by Chaim Braun
South Korean President Battles Lame Duck Status
Light Water Reactors at the Six Party Talks: The Barrier that Makes the Water Flow
Rising Stakes in North Korea
DPRK 2004 Nutrition Assessment Report of Survey Results
The Process in Place
Food Aid to North Korea or How to Ride a Trojan Horse to Death
Opening the Debate on U.S.-China Nuclear Relations
Thinking the Unthinkable: Japanese Nuclear Power and Proliferation in East Asia
New Security Challenges and Opportunities in East Asia: Views from the Next Generation
Address by President Roh Moo-hyun on the 60th Anniversary of National Liberation
The Collision Between Nuclear Sovereignty and Nonproliferation
North Korea’s Strategic Intentions
Closing the Nuclear Loopholes
North Korea Six Party Talks: The Bad News May Actually Be the Good News
A Northeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (NEA-NWFZ)
Multilateral Dialogue to Resolve the North Korean Nuclear Issue
Bush Policy Backfiring in Asia
Rising Stakes in North Korea
Why the Six Party Talks Should Succeed
A North Korean Visitor to the White House
South Korea’s Power Play at the Six-Party Talks
Drifting into the Six Party Talks?
Building Multi-Party Capacity for a WMD-Free Korean Peninsula
Reframing the US-DPRK Conflict
One Korea?
Getting Around Pyongyang's Hard-Liners
The Kims' Obsession: Archives Show Their Quest To Preserve the Regime
Korea's Slow-Motion Reunification
Should Nukes Bloom in Asia?
Finger on the Button
Foreign Assistance to North Korea
Dealing With the North Korean Nuclear Threat
Interview with Christopher Hill
Same Bed, Different Nightmares: Diverging U.S. and South Korean Views of North Korea
Anticipating a North Korean Nuclear Test: What’s to Be Done to Avert a Further Crisis
Speech at the Conference "Prospects for U.S. Policy toward the Korean Peninsula in the Second Bush Administration"
Report on U.S. Assistance Provided Inside North Korea
Report on U.S. Humanitarian Assistance to North Koreans
North Korea: Can the Iron Fist Accept the Invisible Hand?
U.S. Can't Act Alone in North
'We Have Never Asked' for DPRK-US Talks Separate From 6-Way Talks
The South-South Conflict and Korean Residents in Japan
DPRK Trip Report
President Bush’s Press Conference: Missing the Point!
Defense Intelligence Agency Says North Korea has Nuclear Armed Missiles
What Should US Do About North Korea?
A New Foreign Policy Paradigm: Perspectives on the Role of South Korea as a Balancer
The Controversies of South Korean Society on the Issue of Human Rights in North Korea
U.S. Tries New Tack in Pursuing Interests, Stability in East Asia
"Military-First Politics" And Building A "Powerful And Prosperous Nation" In North Korea
The EU Stretches its Foreign Policy Wings Over Korea
Discussion of “The EU Stretches its Foreign Policy Wings Over Korea”
What is the Goal of the U.S. Policy toward North Korea: Nonproliferation or Regime Change?
World Food Programme Press Conference on the DPRK
No Longer the 'Lone' Superpower: Coming to Terms with China
The Folly of Forcing Regime Change
Discussion of The Folly of Forcing Regime Change
The North Korean Crisis
The Structure of North Korea’s Political Economy
Allow Two Nukes for North Korea
Restore US Nukes to South Korea
The North Korea Nuclear Issue and Inter-Korean Relations
What’s Next for the 109th Congress?
Reading North Korean Ruins
Pyongyang Raises the Stakes
Discussion of Pyongyang Raises the Stakes
The Six-Party Failure
Caught in the Muddle-Round Two of Bush vs. North Korea
DPRK 'Manufactured' Nuclear Weapons, To 'Suspend' 6-Way Talks for 'Indefinite Period'
North Korea's Tactics
Not So Fast
Failure or success or of a hybrid system?
China's Worsening North Korean Headache
Chinese Cell Phone Breaches North Korean Hermit Kingdom
Boycott or Business?
Waiting Game
Democracy and National Security in South Korea
Minding the Gap: Improving U.S.ROK Relations
Korea: Forgotten Nuclear Threats
Fiddling While Pyongyang Reprocesses
2004 Was a Difficult Year. Will 2005 Be Any Better?
Welcome to Capitalism, North Korean Comrades
Who Will Stop Nuclear Next Use
North Korea: 2005 Outlook
How the South Views its Brother from Another Planet
Runaway Ally Joins the Axis of Evil
Will the South's Uranium Enrichment Test Affect the North Korean Nuclear Issue?
The Student Movement in South Korea
South Korea-U.S. Economic Relations
Another Engagement Strategy For North Korea (August 16, 2004 )
U.S. Troop Withdrawals and Self-Reliant Defense (August 5, 2004 )
Eighth US Army Chronology 1973
Moody's Parallel Universe on North Korea's Nukes (August 12, 2004 )
FOIA Report: Eighth US Army Chronology 1974
Unlikely Partners in the Quest for Juche: Humanitarian Aid Agencies in North Korea
"Project Status Report: July 2004"
US Economic Diplomacy Toward North Korea (July 29, 2004 )
Excerpt from “Dealing With North Korea’s Nuclear Programs"
Options For Rehabilitation of Energy System & Energy Security & Energy Planning in DPR of Korea
Global Dislocations, Network Solutions
North Korea's Military Stretegy
China’s Role in the Course of North Korea Transition
(July 13, 2004 )
Designing Public Capital Mobilization Strategies for DPRK
(July 8, 2004 )
"Conference Diplomacy", All Over Again (July 6, 2004 )
DPRK Uranium Exports: Much Ado About Something (May 25, 2004)
Six-Party Talks: Round 3 (July 1, 2004 )
Lessons From The Agreed Framework (June 24, 2004 )
DPRK Negotiation Strategy